Julian or Gregorian Calendar?

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What's the difference between the Julian and Gregorian Calendars? Why do some Christians make the use of one calendar over another a dogmatic issue, and what does this have to do with the Jewish Passover?

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I am an Orthodox priest and I really appreciate how you presented that.


It would be great in the name of ecumenicalism if all Christians could agree on one calendar for Church celebrations with Easter tied to Passover as referred to in the Bible. Christmas and New Year could be celebrated in accord with the Western tradition and Easter tied to the Passover.


So September isnt the 7th month but the 9th, October isnt the 8th month but the 10th and December is the 12th when it should be the 10th.


Can you give an opinion on the book "The Word Appears in the Flesh: Volume 1, The Appearance and Work of God" by Christ of the Last Days. I am a Lutheran but have been a victim to the group on Social media that calls themselves "Church of the Almighty God" who preach/teach mostly based on this book and on revelation (the second coming) saying Jesus has already returned. They also have a so-called "God's management plan" that is divided into three ages which they call the Age of Law, (Old Testament) which God is known as Yahweh. The age of grace (New Testament, The Gospel) which God is known as Jesus Christ, and say we are living today in the "Age of Kingdom" which they say he will be known as the Almighty God. and that the "Almighty God" has already returned to Earth. I reject listening to Millennialism eschatology but this is truly a new eschatology that says Christ has already returned quoting Revelation 16:15, that's why we cannot know unless we become holy!. in addition, going further to say that when Jesus died for our sins he did not remove our sinful nature, therefore somehow we need to find the truth by listening to the almighty god that they speak about to hear the truth so he can rid them of their sinful nature to make them holy to enter the kingdom of God. What do you think? has Christ already returned ?and is His name changed to Almighty GOD?


I always wondered if the changing of the calendar by a pope wasn't in part fulfilment of Daniel 7:25

And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws;

I understand many consider the times referenced here to be in respect of feast or holy as the Sabbath being moved by papal authority to I wonder if it shouldn't also include the calendar?


Yom Kippur is the Jewish Celebration of Good Friday.


No the Sunday was the day the Christians met for worship since the NT times. The whole Pope hating thing is way OTT and there are a lot of protestant heresies out there
