The Gregorian Calendar | JRE & Neil deGrasse Tyson

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The explanation of why we needed a new calendar and how it was though out and who actually did it

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just for context, Joe asked him when is his birthday.


A lot of people don’t know that the Gregorian calendar, because it was decreed by the Catholic Church in the midst of the Protestant Reformation, was very controversial. Protestant England didn’t adopt it for almost 200 years.


The Iranian calendar is the most accurate. It can say the exact time, even seconds, going to the new year. Not like Gregory calendar that you have to wait until 00:00 which shows its limited in every place on earth.


For perfect calendar, you have to divide hrs of day woth days of the year. Divide both time tellers in the same calendar. Old calendars where either lunar or solar.
A circle represents a yr. A circle is 360 degrees. You have to fit 365 days within 360. Doesn't fit. So you have to remember moon cycles every 28 days. So 12x30 . 360. That's why we have to devide by 12. Technically 30 days. 12 months like Egyptian but off 5 days. Aztec already had it. You fit 5days left over with 2 from Feb making 7 days with 31. March is real New yr. Spring. That's why Feb is short. Technically 5.25 days for spring to arrive. 4 quarters is 1.00 one extra day. Aztec math adds up in long count no leap yr. That's your calendar. Aztec had the 52 yr round calendar and the 5, 200 long count. Round. The same 52 weeks a yr. Devide that by 365 = 7 seven days a week. .


Jews, Muslims, and atheists are seething rn


The Gregorian Calendar was invented to keep Easter in sync with the formula for determining its date as set down by the council of Nicaea in 325 AD

The first Sunday after the first full moon after March 20 (which was the first day of Spring at the time)


The Gregorian calendar is not the most accurate. In fact the Revised Julian is more accurate. But the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar is most accurate.


According to the Gregorian calendar Jesus was crucified on April 8, Hmm, thats the same day the total eclipse is coming.


Most of the comments in this section are pure cope. Listen as a christian on the protestant side of the line I don't love the Catholic church nor its history and in fact disagree with it allot. But I can't be so naive or prideful as to discredit their calender as the most accurate calendar devised by man.


September should be the 7th, October should be the 8th and December should be the 10th month. Prove me wrong.


The Gregorian calendar is a fixed copy using all the Aztec sun Stone/ Maya calendar measurements. You see, every other religion/ civilization had a lunar calendar. Which was not precise, until the roman Catholic invading aztecs. Finding aztec sun stone, found out to have a precise calendar. You need to divide days or the year with hrs of the day. No old calendar involved clock just days. So a 13 month calendar or any other calendar than 12 months can work. So technically a circle is 360° degrees. A year is 360 days. But it takes 5.25 days for spring to arrive. Not new years. 365 doesn't fit in a even pie. Aztec sun stone had maya calendar in it. Also sacred calendar. 13x20x20=5200
Or the 52 year round calendar. Which is now the 52 weeks a year we have. So you divide, 365÷24=15 you cant have a 24 month calendar 15 days because moon cycles every 28 days. Now you divide 24 in half. 12. 365÷12=30. Tou get your 12 months 30 days. Making 360 but still have 5 days left over. You add them to other months including the 2 days of feb. Making seven months with 31 days. I believe we have to start new year in spring like the aztec/ mayans. Now 360 from jan is xmas, when roman would celebrate saturn mid dec. No other religion had a sacred calendar but sacrificed and had pegan worship. Now 365÷52=7
7 days a week, 52 weeks a yr, 365 days a yr. A copy. Aztec calendar was already divided like a clock. 4 season a yr. All seasons in one yr and not winter two time a yr. Each season 3 months or 3 hr on the clock. Now Egyptians had 3 seasons. 4 months each. 12 months a yr. 30 days each month. Making 360 days plus 5 sun worship days for sun to arrive in spring. Same deal. The. Roman copied them and so forth. But the aztec sun stone was and is the true precise calendar. The Gregorian is fixed and off. I learned this myself. I found out to make a prexise calendar toi have to divide hr of day qoth days of yr. Its like i rediscovered how the Gregorian was made. Using all the aztec sun stone measurements. Remember it was 12 ft tall. 24 k lbs 3.6 meters across. Saceed geometry and all. How we spin the sun in a yr qoth the true 20 zodiacs. Not the 12 made up zodiacs


Yes, the sidereal and tropical years differ. No, that is not the difference between the Julian and Gregorian leap year cycle.


How does the earth go around the sun if it’s inside the firmament with us? Maybe he had to say that.


so in other words today's true date is pretty much lost


It’s totally false, proves how thick Tyson is, the original calendar should be 28 days, not 30, 31 29. It’s a trick to put us all out of sync.

You can tell the date because it goes by the moon and the sea. The change is always 28 days.

You have people like Tyson supposed to be a credible source in the science community and yet he doesn’t know this, or is he trying to confuse you?


The most accurate calendar ever devised is Milankovic calendar(Revised Julian calendar) made by serbian mathematician Milutin Milanković...


This video is bonafide proof that Jesus is a pagan sungod


the most accurate Calendar was invented way before the Gregorian Calendar.
Persian Calendar Introduced in 2nd millennium BCE . It has an error of less than 1 sec/year (1 day in 110, 000 years) which is insane considering when it was introduced.


The Gregorian was a slight modification of the Julian - a pagan solar calendar by Julius Caesar.


I thought lunar calendar was more accurate and have none of this leap day bs
