How To Set Up A Computer For Low Vision - The Blind Life

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In this video I give tips on setting up a new computer, running Windows 10, for people with low-vision.
We'll cover :
Making the Desktop easier to see
Enlarging fonts
Improving the contrast
Picking the best color theme
Much more

This is The Blind Life!
(formerly The Blind Spot)

It's where we discuss the good, the bad, and the often annoying aspects of living with low vision. Here you can find videos about assistive technology, helpful tips and tricks and the dos and don'ts of low vision etiquette. All shared with a positive attitude and lots of laughs.

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This is a very helpful video. Thanks Sam, it’s very clear that you know what you’re talking about with a lot of this technology. Your videos are always very helpful, thank you! Matt


Great video. And you are so right low vision is so varied. You have to customize your PC to your level of vision. I personally always change my mouse pointer to large and black. I also always use a screen reader. I do screen reader lessons on my channel.


I have ocular sarcoidosis which has caused me to become visually impaired. I have my laptop hook up to 32inch TV and have large print keyboard... I to find that darker colors cause my eyes to be less stress to focus on things. I have been in the process of setting up my computer to be able to navigate it for when my sight gets worse. This is so helpful. When I was looking for things to help my vision impairment years ago there wasn't much on the market.. I am so glad to have references points to work from. I have learned so much from your channel..❤️❤️❤️🤓😇🤓


I feel like I found some people that finally get it. My vision holds me back from enjoying things I love for years now. Since HD took over. I can barely enjoy recording music because I literally have to put my face against the screen until i get a headache


wow ty as a visually impaired person you're instruction was very helpful that was good looking thanks


I'm a mac guy and this was very helpful as I try to set up my father-in-law's windows computer. Thanks.


I do appreciate your efforts. Thanks for boosting my morale


Excellent info . I have bought my wife a HP 520 i3 all in one touch screen computer for Christmas . She has poor mobility and very poor eye sight due to diabities . We bought her A Samsung tablet last year and she really enjoys doing basic things Facebook, YouTube etc . So your video is great to enlarge things . On her tablet at times she uses a magnifying glass as only 10 inch screen on the tablet . The all n one is 22 inch which hopefully will improve her enjoyment . Hopefully it will be like a giant tablet lol . Your video's will be a great help in customising it for her . So Christmas day it will be switch on and go . She is happy with the tablet and says she doesn't want a computer . But i think when she uses it will change her mind . Cheers for sharing improvement . Cheers Dave


Really enjoyed watching this. Thank you so much!


Ty Sam, this was a great help/tip. Chears from Brazil


Thank you so much for the Video, Its really very useful, im a kind of person who always feel.difficulty to use my PC and because of that i prefer using my phone, honestly i never know such options exist. Thank you again


Thank you! This was extremely helpful to me!


Thanks for the video, however, l still have a Windows 7 computer as well. I use it to create teaching worksheets etc. But now l'm going blind and struggling to see or read on a white background. Thought l could change to voice activated.... But not sure how to do it because l can't see the grey text, even with a magnifying glass. Can you help with a video? Please


Microsoft Windows 7 high contrast themes have helped me quite a bit. Insert Microsoft Outlook works very well with high contrast theme. Unfortunately Google Chrome and others don't work that well. Do you know of any other high contrast themes that I can download for Windows 7 other than the inbuilt one's? Thank you for a great video


If you are technically blind like me I recomend install NVDA right away and capture2txt so you can play PC games too with the TTs option enable. I even do tutorial about strategic games using that.


Hey great video I just subscribed to your site I am 53 low vision mine was caused by Chloroquine.What is the best laptop for low vision


Hello, great video. I am interested in getting a laptop to ease eberything I do on my iphone. Is it possible to invert colors while on the web such as chrome (read a comment on a forum mentioning it is not an option to invert colors while using chrome)? I'd be grateful for any help!


Hello again blind spot. Thanks for making this video. It's really good. Unfortunately it does not really help me, but I'm going to save this in a private playlist to use it as a reference for others to refer to. Also have you done all planning on doing any screen magnification tutorials? I find it hard to teach people this skill. Specially if they are not using it alongside voice-over.


Whats the Play button in your task bar ?
i recognise zoomtext (wish it could help me but my sight dosnt work that way)

i use a combo of tricks and a nice old program (wish it had an update) to help with screen reading.. Yes i've used jaws but i've found it more anoying than useful.

Getting it to read what i want and only what i want :p

So i use an older program called ReadPlease and yes it's old. still works most of the time tho it's having problems with some clipboard formats.

it's basick function for me is this i hilight text on the screen and copy it (ctrl-C) RP will then read it. Well anything i send to the clipboard.

i am despretly seeking a replacement for this program it's way way no longer supported by it's auther and is soooo useful.

Before readplease i used to use the old text assist from crative labs. I dont think thats avalible anymore eather.

sometimes the simplest thing seems to be missing from assistive tech.

combine Read please with ABBY and it's screen capture and ocr and you realy have a good setup.

So do you know of any good clipbard readers specily if they dont barf when you copy text from a pdf.

it must auto play and be able to handle any clipsize (i can and have cliped a whole book)
Actuily i even do a simple delete all i've red and save to a new file that opens with RP so i can bookmark my spot :p


sir i am low vision person. i am preparing for civil service examinations. so i have to read more and more, suggest me which tab is better for me in apple or samsung.
