How To Apply Conditional Formatting In Excel Charts || Conditional Format A Chart With Example

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How To Apply Conditional Formatting In Excel Charts || Conditional Format A Chart With Example

You might be knowing how to apply conditional formatting in an Excel spreadsheet,

But in this tutorial, we will be discussing how to apply conditional formatting in Excel charts

Here is the sample sales data by week wise. Let us consider this as an example now.

If I select the entire data range along with the headers and draw a chart, all the bars in the histogram will look in the same color as this.

Now, let us apply conditional formatting for this chart.

In order to do this, first we need to categorize the Sales date in column B into 5 categories as 0-100, 100-200, 200-300,300-400,400-500 from columns B to G. Let's put data in rows 4 and 5 like this to use these cells as references in formulas

So, we need to enter a formula in Cell C7 as shown here

when you press enter, this will show the result if it falls between the limits of rows 4 and 5 (i.e., 0 and 100) or else it will show blank.

Now copy this formula and fill into the entire range C7:G14.

Make a copy of the Original chart.

When the bar is selected, the chart's source data is highlighted as shown.

Now, you need to change the data by dragging and resizing like this from Column B to Columns C to G

You can observe that your graph is showing 5 colors as per the 5 buckets you have categorized (as shown in legend).

To adjust the X-axis labels to the center, right click on any bar and select format data series and put the series overlap value as 100%.

so friends, in this way you can apply conditional formatting to Excel Charts as well.

It is awesome right.

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