Updated BEIDOU GUIDE: Best DPS Builds, Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Constellations, Tips | Genshin 2.4

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Beidou is a strong 4-star character that brings amazing off-field Electro DMG. This updated guide shows you Beidou’s best build, including best weapons, best artifacts, team comps, and gameplay tips. We also review Beidou’s talents, passives, and constellations. To find out how to build Beidou and if she’s worth your free Lantern Rite Liyue character, keep on watching. #GenshinImpact #Genshin #Beidou

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Kit, Talents, Playstyles
4:39 - Talent Priority
5:01 - Constellations
6:20 - Stat Priorities
7:36 - Best Artifacts
10:13 - Best Weapons
13:23 - Team Comps

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BG Music: Late Night Radio by Kevin Macleod

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1. Note on Sucrose: Forgot to mention, mb, but aside from VV shred and swirling, Sucrose is a great driver for Beidou taser teams! (optional, but she can also wear Thrilling Tales to buff ATK)

2. Note on Bennett's burst: After casting Bennett's burst and switching to Beidou, don't instantly use her Burst. The circle buff doesn't apply right away, so you have to wait for a second or so before using Beidou's burst to acquire and snapshot the ATK buff. Tested it out myself and this is the case. (Thanks to commenter "Paras Singh" for this very helpful tip!) EDIT: At first I thought it was a bug, since I compared this to Xiangling who gets the Bennett buff even if you do a burst quickswap. But then I realized that Xiangling snapshots at the end of the burst animation (which takes +1 second), so there's time for Bennett's ATK buff to tick (every 1 second) and apply on her, whereas with Beidou, she snapshots immediately when you activate her burst.

3. Note on the Rainslasher: It locks Beidou only on an Electrocharge comp, and even then can be outmatched by the Prototype Archaic, which has the benefit of making Beidou usable for various team types. If you can go for the Archaic, it's a safer investment.

4. Note on 4pc TF and NO sets: They’re difficult to work with on Beidou. The Thundering Fury full set is trickier to work with as it means Beidou has to be the one proccing the reaction, and the result is only that her Skill gets a lower cooldown, which means you can deal Skill DMG and generate Energy particles more frequently. But that requires a very specific team to make it work, and it still isn’t as optimal as other builds. The 4pc Noblesse set technically can work for more support utility, but the long Burst cooldown hurts the 4pc effect’s uptime a lot!

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Advanced tip for new beidou players: If you're running her with Bennett then don't switch to her and immedietly use her q, she needs to stay in his circle for a bit before she gets the buff


I love how you mentioned healer ningguang as a teammate for the people that cannot separate them


Man, this Lantern Rite is great. I wish they allow us to pick a free Mondstadt 4* Star soon. P/s: To know you have done a perfect counter, your screen darkens for a short time. Took me a very long time for someone to tell me this when I first got Beidou last year.


Beidou was my first 4*, abusing the flaming grass perfect counter carried me through pretty much all of the monstat and liyue overworld. She has been feeling like the liability on my team recently so maybe its time to give her some love.


You literally saved me, I got my first Beidou yesterday and was desperately searching for updated guides just minutes ago. I love her so much so thank you Sevy !


Beidou is such a great character. She's the reason I 3-starred Floor 12 chamber 2 with Fischl (since I don't have good Cyro units yet), not to mention her full counter is so damn satisfying. Great video, Sevy!


You should've mentioned Sucrose too as her driver. Beidou, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Fischl team is one of her strongest team comp and one of the best team comp in the game.


Something we want from beido now is new skin, because she's already perfect.


I love how you do really detailed and high quality guides even for 4* that aren't THE meta (Benny/xq/xiangling) - even tho it seems recently Beidou's star is on the rise. A great guide as always 💕


She's one of my most favorite characters in this game and I usually pair her with Yoimiya because seeing those fireworks is amazingly satisfying xD unfortunately I have amazing artifacts on her but they lack energy recharge qwq


thank you for giving tips for low ar players specifically, way too often i see guides that only talk about "best in slot" artifacts and weapons but with yours i feel like i learned something i can actually use in /my/ game💕


I really liked playing Beidou. She was my first main and really carried me through the early game.


I like to use the Inazuma craftable sword on her, (Katsuragikiri Nagamasa) makes her counter more powerful, give a lot of ER and helps even further with energy regeneration after using the skill, just be aware to not use counter before burst as it will take 3 energy away from you and you will have to wait 2 sec before can ult but if you use it correctly, like ult, swap to other mates, do your thing, come back and do one counter, pick the particles, swap out, do your thing again and you can have her ult back on cool down all the time. not to mention that this sword looks killer on her!


Thankfully, I've maxed out Beidou and mastered her shield. She's the only character I've completed.


i love to see beidou getting the praise she deserves >:) she was the first character i pulled in the game and over a year later i still main her and she's triple crowned. i know she doesn't have as much of a place in spiral abyss meta but she WILL carry you through open world no matter what you're fighting !!!


surprised at how little sucrose was mentioned, considering shes a key part of beidous strongest comp. shes got fast autos, can double swirl with VV, her animations are really fast so she can proc beidou burst a lot, and she does a lot of swirl damage.


Her, Noelle and Barbara really carried me through the game until I got my first five star (Shenhe). She remains my ultimate Genshin crush to this day, even though benched her soon after I got her namecard. But now in late game where I just want to revisit old and forgotten characters, it's time to properly give her the quality she deserves.


I do think sinking resin to 4p emblem is worth it, considering how many characters benefit from it (so it is a swappable set) and 2 piece shim dropped from the same domain can be slapped on most characters


Beidou Main dps here. My most fun comp with her, though nice, is pairing her with Kazuha Xiangling and C6 Bennett. with that set up you can a ton of buffs for her electro damage plus 70-80% pyro damage increase with a well built kazuha and c6 xiangling and bennett pyro buffs. and tons of resist shred for pyro and electro. lots of bonus overload damage and able to do 25-30k normals and 30-40k damage with her burst + xianglings about the same with pyronado.
