ULTIMATE BEIDOU GUIDE! Best Beidou Build - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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Beidou is insane and only got BETTER with new updates...
Download The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross now and benefit from their 3.5 year Anniv. Holy War Festival update! Available from August 1 to August 29, the update offers a great opportunity for anyone to start playing Grand Cross! Whether they are new to the game or have played it before.


edited by me and xxalanchangxx:

Thanks to Zajef77 for the Weapon Ranking:

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Initial Info [Intro] (0:00)
Abilities & Playstyle [Detailed] (1:37)
Artifact Stats [How Much ER? & ATK vs EM] (6:47)
Artifact Sets (10:12)
Best Weapons [ALL Weapons Ranked] (12:50)
Constellations [How Good is C2?] (17:30)
Best Teams [Important] (19:43)
Beidou Showcase [Abyss 12] (25:22)
Overall Thoughts (26:54)
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Beidou got a guide before Klee. This is truly one of THE moments of all time Mr. Yox.


I'm so glad the zy0nixx is teaching me how to beidou the enemies even though he himself cannot beidou the enemies. Truly spectacular and delectable.


The true endgame is getting full sets of emblem for every character that has a good burst.


as a c6 beidou main, this makes me happy


Beidou in Ayato hyperbloom saved my ass the other day so thank you for making this guide. I hope more ppl realize how strong she is and how fun she is to play!


Beidou+Fischl is like Xiangling+Bennett but electro.


OMG an updated guide for my first main in the game???

*Thank you so much Zy0x!* Absolutely love Beidou to this day. ⚡🏴‍☠️


I love Beidou with Cyno specially, he stays with her ult for the entire duration applying electro in the area and taking advantage of her buffs and debuffs very well, in addition to helping her recharge her ult thanks to the tf combo with his skill, love this duo


Note: when using Beidou with Bennett, you should keep her on field for 1 second before using her burst in Bennett's circle since she snapshots at the start of her burst activation animation instead of the end of her burst like Xiangling


Remember getting her as one of my first characters and now she's got a permanent place on my taser team with an R5 Akuoumaru.
Such a simple but fantastic character. 😩👌


Beidou is always underrated its so sad how she never gets payed her dues


I’ve mained Beidou since day 1 and always knew how strong she was. So glad you did a update guide to show how she’s one of the most broken units in the game and super underrated. Glad you also love a lot as well


I have a 69.9/221 Beidou on serpent spine and 2 att/2 tf that I’m extremely proud of. She’s the only character that has a complete set where every piece is really good, especially as a character that doesn’t ascend with crit


Minor correction: Serpent Spine loses a stack whenever you take damage, not when you get hit. An important distinction when shields, like the one she gives herself while parrying, are in play.

Against dual beasts in the Abyss, Beidou is a bit of a double win. Not only is it great for her burst's ability to hop back and forth, how hard those enemies can hit also means the DR she adds is very nice.


You know Zy0x is one step ahead. He probably saw Beidou in shop and thought "Ok, many players will probably buy her and potentially get her for the first time, so since they'll look for a good guide, I'll just make it." (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Oh my god Zyox. Not only did I know that you were already tall, humble, charismatic, funny, entertaining, and just... good overall, that you deserve this piece, but now, I really can see... you getting rewarded for once, when every other time you've been unlucky


As a Beidou main, the Raidou non-interaction STILL upsets me when I think about the synergy they used to/could have; Raiden's skill buffs both their bursts, whilst being decent off-field DPS, Raiden is a perfect solution to Beidou's energy issues allowing you to build her more offensively, Beidou's innate DR, C1, and C6 are great support features for while Raiden's using her burst, and once Raiden's burst is on CD, you can wait for CD/finish batterying Beidou using parries and NA's with her ascension passive and C4, with Raiden's skill on top of that, also both of them being electro means you get electro resonance buffs (I still think it needs a buff to add ER on top of extra particles, pyro has ATK, hydro has HP, cryo has CR, it only makes sense for electro to match them, especially for the synergy with Raiden; and with how dendro has a flat bonus as well as a situational buff, it's not too unreasonable to want flat ER and extra particles from the resonance), and with Beidou having an expensive burst that means Raiden gets more stacks for her resolve ESPECIALLY with her C1 making Beidou even more valuable in that regard

why'd ya have to nerf it hoyo? why? it wouldn't even be that OP compared to other stuff in the game :(

I love my girl, and I still really hope they add an artifact set for skill damage, cuz I primarily love her for satisfying counters, and I'd love to be able to swap back and forth between that set and EOSF based on when I'm using her


I really like Beidou, I even pulled for the Dehya's weapon to make sure that she has a decent Claymore and a little bit later I Got wolf's gravestone. What really pains me is the fact that I have her in C5 and on top of that, she is in level 80 without ascension, which means that her power will be even better. But even with a 60/120 ratio with emblem and 134 er she Carries me a lot, especially in this combat event on the Hardest Difficulty. She also is the reason why I really like Fischl/sucrose and Beidou as a team comp.


*Beidou, my beloved!!* I've been running a Noelle, Bennet, Beidou and Yanfei team for a long time just because it's always proven effective, as someone who doesn't spend a lot of money on the game, it's a 4 star team that will take you very far. Zhongli making a rerun is the tea I've been waiting for though, gonna save for him so I can slot him where Noelle is. I've found this team needs a geo shield support to keep from getting interrupted.


Beidou was one of the first characters I ever pulled. She was a staple on my main team as I leveled up initially and I love seeing all these teams that she can shine in!
