She Says He's Just A Friend

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She says he's just a friend. Often time we have a partner that has friends that we suspect like them. When we suspect our partner's friend likes them, or that our partner may have feelings for someone else, it will trigger our anxiety and cause us to behave in a way that will make the situation worse.
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Emotional infidelity is just the beginning; when your partner begins to pull away trust your ‘spidey-sense’.

And, of course, this will always lead to gaslighting. There’s nothing going on. Your imagining this.. etc...

Right up the moment you hear, ‘I need my space’. Cheaters always cheat.

Be thankful for the experience and let your ex partner become someone else’s problem.


Just a friend…… but perhaps she lowkey hopes it turns into something more with the “friend”


Okay guys, I just stayed up late editing an extra video to put out for you this weekend. Make sure ya like for me :)


This was my email, she does seem like a massive narcissist. theres no real missing information, she just went from 0 to 100, started talking about those guys even when i was telling her not to talk about that. I think i will just move on, since i met her ive lost a lot of attraction to her, honestly at this point i feel like ive dodged a bullet. just wanna say thanks for the email and the video response, its really helpful !


Yep heard it three weeks before she dumped me. They stop communicating as NORMAL, then you stop hearing about that friend because they feel guilty, as they get close to them and dropping you. My ex told me three years ago that opposite sexes can't be friends unless both are in seriously committed relationships, damn hippoctitical wh#!e. Just glad that lying, deceitful, hateful, piece of crap is gone from my life.


I'm calling BS..IF this just pops up out of nowhere then he's or she is not just a friend ...dump em ! Save urself the headache/heartache !


SPOILER ALERT: You're probably right, he's not just a friend.


Yea if their talking about this friend a lot, then you know it's time to end it !!!!


This friend turns out replacing u i kno i have been there three times.


Would it be considered a double standard if a guy said tells a girl to block a guy and she fights you and says he’s just a friend but if it was the other way around she would freak out and go crazy?


Some people get scared when the relationship gets deep so jump ship. Fickle people like the attention and novelty of someone new then regret it.


Craig I passed my ex today on the road we only live for streets apart so this is the second time we passed since we broke up almost 5 months ago but the first time I was so in shock to see her car I just stared at her for about three or four seconds at the red light the light changed I pulled away straight she turned left I knew I was about to run into her again I've been getting that gut feeling but I had a plan this time as soon as I saw her car coming down the road I picked up my phone held it in front of my face like I was on a video call and smiled as big as I possibly could showed every tooth I had and laughed and laughed and smiled As She Wrote by I did not acknowledge I even seen her but I could see out of the corner of my eye her head was turned I just looked at my phone laughing smiling talking to it like I was the happiest man in the world that's exactly what I'm supposed to do right put it in her head that I'm happy without her that I've moved on and I don't need her to be happy she started seeing somebody else and dumped me after 3 years of being together I want to play mind games with her I want her to suffer I want somebody else to destroy her hard no I don't love that person anymore it's not fair for somebody to love somebody that can cheat on them she didn't love me why does she deserve my love yeah I'm wasting my life on the whore, but I have my power back and I SAY IT'S OVER!


She seems to definitely have some avoidant characteristics.


Attraction isn't a choice Doing something about it is


Damn, I feel like there's no such thing as love with all women now if they are willing to do that type of shit and leave even if the guy was good to I don't talk to girls or be friends with them but my ex always be like "he works with me" "he is a friend" "he can help me with my family situation" I trust her even if I have trust issue and she end up saying she love another guy during the break up but 3 days before she told me I was going to be the father of our kids (future plan). I don't know if I can trust every female now it's like they don't know what love is imo


I hope she can give him a meaningful apology if not maybe she is narcissist??? anyway no healthy. I don't see nothing wrong when someone doesn't want to be with us anymore but the way the things are happening is weird. Exist a lot of good ways to finish a relationship, your last video with Margaret was very good, I hope I won't need to break with anybody soon; if I follow your instructions choosing a partner wisely maybe never but it's good to know a decent, correct and honest way to do it, if it is the case and it's not the end of the world :). We're here to be happy


I like the fact that I'm getting stronger every day to ignore her as I leave my work place by walking around our self checkout registers (since I work at a grocery store) and not even look at where she is working (which is at the customer service desk, right in front of the self checkouts). I'm walking out looking in front of me not looking there as if no one is there, even though she is.


Hi coach.. please I hope you can answer this question. I feel really sad. My ex reached out to me after 2 months of NC. We spoke for about 3 months... and at the end he said he is not sure about the future of us. He wants to keep in touch but he doesn't now what he wants. We are in LDR. Why? I am really sad because I dont know what to do anymore... 😯 crying...


She’s doesn’t need any more friends, why don’t you know about it


Craig funny that cause my ex gf male freind is called craig anyway he rung her 10 times in less than a minute and he said to her who am I she kept quite and then he said what after 5 mins then he asked why she was with me and not him she didn't answer once again he said I thought we was supposed to go for a coffee and his so called wife agreed with him he called me a freak and a prick but get this she texted him more and rung him more anyway I dumped her she is with him now
