The Priory of the Orange Tree | #BooktubesffAwards Nominee Review

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Today I review the Fantasy Nominee #ThePrioryOfTheOrangeTree. Let me know if you have read it what you thought of it :)

Intro & Outro acknowledgements:
Cookie by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
Guitar by Vectors Market from the Noun Project
Music written & performed by K & M Gray

My Twitter: @kittygbooks
My Instagram: @kittygbooks
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The cover is great. That’s the only reason I bought it lol. Looks nice on my shelf. Haven’t read it lol. Someday maybe


Sabran and Ead were my favorite characters to follow! I loved their characterization and development.


The book felt to me like Samantha Shannon went through a checklist of fantasy tropes and did everything she could to throw as many in there as possible. Dragons...Dark Lord...mystical artifact...chosen one....warring pages....etc etc. She built an interesting world, but half of it takes place in the "Privy Chamber" (A privy, mind you, is another name for a toilet). The male characters are treated like buffoons, The "dragons" really served no purpose (and only got about 30 pages of screen time). There was a good story there, but it needed to be seriously tightened up and heavily edited (lots of passive voice in the writing).


Sadly not a book I personally find very interesting or a must read for me. But I did enjoy your review of it.


Thank you for your honest review! This book has been on my list. :)


I really need to get back to this book. I read a lot of last summer while at our community, but it being such a long book I have taken a huge break from it reading. I might bring it on my vacation.


I really enjoyed this one. I loved Ead. I agree that the audiobook is the way to go. I actually hope there will be more from this world.


I really want to pick this book up. I have seen it everywhere and I do like that it is a stand-alone.


My review for this novel will be posted on my blog tomorrow as part of the Women's History Month celebration!


I'm often curious about audio books especially concerning fantasy or even sci-fi. I would love to have the time to read more fantasy novels, and think audio would be the way to go on some. (I've listened to audio books on non fantasy/sci-fi genres though.) But, I'm a little afraid of following and getting all the names of characters and places that one would find in fantasy books. I say this because names can be often confusing & non relatable as we are not accustomed to them in the real world, and it helps that I visually see them printed on pages in order to keep track of them. Also, being able to flip back and forth between pages to remind myself of what had transpired before is helpful - something that is hard to do with an audio book. There are often maps and timeline or character glossaries that are found in fantasy books too. You don’t really get to visually look at them in audio format. Curious as to what your thoughts are? BTW, I do have The Priory of the Orange Tree in book format, and have yet to read it. Thanks for the review!


Waiting until the semester is over to finish this one but after 100pgs I'm enjoying it so far


Hello Kitty (I always wanted to say that)
when will you finish the Malazan Book of the Fallen, last two books? Love your channel. I have that door stopper of a book, but I have only heard bad things about it.


I managed to endure the stilted language up to page 12. Then I had to lay the book down to protect both of us from harm...


You lost me at the “Dark Lord is returning and only the Chosen One can stop them” trope. Was the trope played straight or did the author try to subvert it?


Like ur book review video!! One question which is ur favourite book in Robin Hobb books series? Happy reading to u!! 📖💙
