What do I Need to Know About Workers Comp Settlement Mediation in Georgia

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Most of the time, settlement mediation is an effective and fair process to help get your Georgia work injury case settled.

As I discuss in this video, workers’ compensation cases in #Georgia do not have to #settle - the insurance company has the right to pay you TTD benefits until your doctor reports that you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) then they can pay you a check for your permanent partial disability (PPD) and your case will be over.

My experience, however, has been that foregoing settlement is usually not a good idea. The insurance company will try to cut you off sooner rather than later, and eventually the “uncertainty factor” about your future medical costs and future off-work status will disappear and your case will lose value.

From the insurance company’s side, settlement eliminates uncertainty about future lost wage and medical costs and allows them to close their books on your case.

So a very important element of the settlement mediation process has to do with timing - when do you as the injured worker get the most benefit from settling your case?

Prior to any settlement #mediation, ou and I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your case and we will discuss possible financial outcomes. A good mediator will cast a fresh pair of eyes on your case and will encourage both parties to compromise - and it helps greatly to have all of the decision makers in the same room at the same time.

If you are ready to settle, you will leave the mediation with an agreement for a lump sum payment to you, and the freedom to move on with your life. #georgiaworkerscompensationsettlement #settlementmediationgeorgiaworkerscompensation
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Jodi Brenner Ginsberg
Georgia Workers Compensation Attorney

Telephone: 770-351-0801
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Can you post something about being told to look for work and what will satisfy the judge?
