Tennis String EXPLAINED! (what’s best)

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Tennis gear can be extremely confusing. Racquets, balls, strings? In this video, we are breaking down what strings we're recommending for you based on your level and playing style. Check out the breakdown and let us know what strings you're currently using, and if you think you might switch!
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Great video. Strings are such a rabbit hole of pros/cons of information and how the effect both the player and ball. I look forward to your next videos on string.


Thank you for the video. Each brand has so many choices so it is confusing but this video is a great start. I would be interested in a video discussing string tension, how often to restring, etc. Thank you Ian for helping the tennis community---you are awesome!!!


I’m a “3.5 ascending” and play poly/multi combo and that generates terrific spin/control. Thanks for the video.


I like the crispy crunch sound of synthetic gut at a higher tension at contact with the ball!! 😊


Very informative. I am a 3.5 doubles player with a one handed backhand so polyester is out for me. I have used synthetic gut for years. After watching the video, I would be interested in experimenting with a multifilament nylon string.


Started stringing my own rackets recently and loving the ability to test some of the different shaped poly's on a (relative!) whim. though not tried natural, multi's or any of the diadems yet. Its a rabbit hole for sure and its great to see the views and comparisons from the tacobell car park and the angry old man's lawn side by side! Sometimes a stray word or off the cuff remark coming from experience is worth more to me as a learner than anything else. Cheers fellas!


Really liked this video and would look forward to a video on string tensions. So many tennis players need to know more about the strings and how it can help their game.


Great piece. Looking forward to hearing more about tension and hybrids, including different vs same tension of mains and crosses. Thanks, Ian.


Thanks for the review, Guys! I'm 72 and have had elbow issues for decades. I use multifilament strings and have been very happy with them. As noted, they do wear out quickly, especially working with a ball machine, but that's a small price to pay for being able to play without risking injury.


Hi Ian. Great intro video on the basics. I often try various hybrid approaches and would love your comments on varying the tension between the crosses and mains whether in a hybrid set up or a single string set up. In hybrid set ups it seems most put a softer string in the crosses. Do you agree? It would be great to get comments on the hybrid set up when switching the strings between cross and main (e.g., poly in mains for spin with multi in crosses compared to multi in mains and poly in crosses). As always, I appreciate all your content and devotion to educating the tennis community. I have absolutely improved following much of your teaching and may have achieved a higher level of play if this content was available in the 70s when I was learning the game (even the 80s).


Thank you for another great video. I'm so confused! That helped some. With different racquets, strings, tensions, string age etc. it's impossible to wrap my brain around the subject.


Great video. It is very confusing and this is a great start to understand strings. I would be interested in a video discussing the pro/cons of different string tension, how often should you restring, etc.


Thanks for the video. I’m following your channel long time. It’s very helpful. I read your book as well. It’s very informative and well explained.

I played with syn gut, multi, poly… but I like hybrid setup. Syn gut lasted for very long time 2 to 3 months.. just played with damaged strings.. next switched to multi, I felt more comfort than syn gut but it got frayed in a month.. then switched to hybrid setup, poly in mains and multi in cross.. it very nice and like it till now… having more control compared to syn gut and multi but less comfort.. adding multi in cross gaves comfort .. I’ll go with hybrid setup in future as it worked best for me.


Excellent video. After having tennis elbow for a while I switched to a multifilament string and I've had no problems ever since.


Another great video, Ian. When I was first playing (40+ years ago), aside from gut, we only had synthetic gut (the best seemed to be from Prince).


Great video for newbies to strings! I'm no newbie so for my circumstances I have to settle on a Hybrid Setup - Gut on mains for comfort, more power (to compensate for small racquet head size and getting old), and touch / feel strung at 52lbs (pre stretched) and a stiff polyester (Round RPM Blast or Lux 4G) with a mid tension like 44lbs on the crosses for added control. When the poly dies you only need to change the cross as the gut last a hell of a lot longer and maintains its tension so it turns out not to be to expensive over the course of a year.


Thank you for this video. I had tennis elbow for a couple of years and I'm finally over it (though I still wear some protective gear. I think I will try some natural gut.


Great stuff Ian! I am a High School coach who is always trying to advise players on tension and string types. This helps a lot. I hope there is another video coming on tension, gauge and hybrid use. Love your stuff!


This was a great non specific video to learn about string types to match to player type thanks and it is always fun to see it happening at my home club


Thank you for the video and the information, please make another about string tension.
