Rain World character concept: The Rotten

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Hello! This video is a presentation on a character concept I made named the Rotten for Rain world.
I am very new to video making so my editing skills and stuff are very poor, srry about that!

The illustrations of the character are all done by me.
The backrounds and sound effects are taken from rain world.

*Songs used*
All by James primate

*Extra details*
(I recommend watchig the video first before taking a look at these )

If you grapple onto a small creature you can automatically eat it. You can only eat a big creature without going full rotten if they are already dead.

If you grapple in the middle of the screen your tentacle will extend in that direction and will grapple onto the first thing it touches, so be careful where you click!

It is possible to get damaged if you grapple from too far away, however its very hard to and it doesnt remove a lot of stability.

You can eat some plants, but they grant very little stability.

Yellow stability can replace draining red stamina.

if you have max stability your yellow stamina wont drain.

You will keep any spears that pierce you throughout the campaign.

If you grapple items they will stick onto you, they will unstick when you hibernate. ( this allows for the student passage. )

Scavengers will automatically grab pearls that are attached to you (be careful if you have a colored one ) , this counts as giving it to them ( this allows for the chieftain passage )

Damage is calculated normally when you are in your rotten formation, and you cant get caught in somethings jaw

When you are in the rotten formation you only consume things when intentionally clicking on them.

If you grapple a mask or moons cloak you will wear them like any other slugcat would.

Your karma cant decrease mid cycle nor can it increase mid cycle, the only way to change your karma without hibernating is with the karma flowers.

You can grapple onto poles

On controller you can choose a direction with the joystick, and spacebar will be pressing down the joystick for a few seconds. You wouldn’t be able to choose specifically where you will grapple, but its much easier to react when necessary. Also, the charge you can do in your rotten and head formation would be done by double tapping.

You automatically go through pipes when clicking on them.

If you get brought into a creatures den you can hop out of it as long as you have your head.

The only two ways to instantly die with full stability are from the rot and pits. ( but there are many scenarios you would pretty much insta die like with a group of miros birds, or getting your body carried away. )

The karma marker when you eat a karma flower is remarked whenever you hibernate to the current center of the bar.

The character would be unavailable for co-op

The character can be chosen for expedition mode, they would have a slight multiplier in their points ( because this character would practically count as an extra burden, could be around 80% or more ) the only adaptions for the character is that you cant get spear pinning missions, ( also doomed would make your stability more vulnerable ) everything else could be implemented.

( Actually you cant get the martyr, mother and friend passages as well )

If i were to make a mission for the character, it would be called, “final trip” and the only requirement is to get the wanderer achievement. ( good luck lol )

I can imagine this character having some cool challenges, but i haven’t played any from the actual game so idk.

Hunter long legs can be encountered in this campaign.

The unlock for the character would be in a secret area of the scrapyard. ( maybe a secret shortcut )

Idk how the stats would translate for this character really well, but i imagine the rotten being very loud and easy to spot with quite a-lot of weight.
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*Fun facts*

Originally, the rotten was planned to be an alternative version of hunter, but i decided to make it a separate character since it was getting very different from hunter.

I was very indecisive over the rottens color scheme, at one point i considered making them purple! I eventually settled for green because it contrasted with hunter and also fit the gross aesthetic.

The original name for the character was “the host” i eventually changed it to the rotten since it made more sense with how the character works and is overall more appealing in my eyes

The characters eyes were at one point going to be normal eyes, but i thought the cross eyes were cooler. I also considered having one eye crossed and the other normal.

The eyes and the stability system is loosely inspired by the mod spookcat by Garrakx and Cappin ( idk if they still use those names ) ( apparently theres this old wip teaser for the mod that has spookcat with the same color scheme as the one i used for the rotten sjhdhgsghghd, , , i swear its a coincidence jsodjdkd )

The way the rotten is very disfigured but still somehow alive may be inspired by the fnaf fazbear frights story “the man from room 1280”

The symbol shown in the extinction ending mixes bits from the korean word for extinction “소멸”
The same is true for the strength ending “힘”

The name strength was chosen as a reference to the tarot card of the same name, the card means overcoming a great challenge ( a suiting name ), the eight circles that are drawn on the symbol are a nod to it being the eighth tarot card ( if you count the fool as zero ) ( THIS IS NOT A JOJO REFERENCE I HATE THAT ORANGUTANG )

I hate coconuts, weird after taste 2/10

The slugpup in the extinction ending is gourmand’s ( maybe not the most “fun” fact )


Artificer realising she has lower karma than a shambling corpse


Out of all the rot themed slugcats, i like this one the most because its closer to an actual instance of the rot, shaped like a scug, and not the other way around. The extinction ending was definitely spooky, it really showed the Rot taking over to consume everything, which is very fitting.


This could reasonably be Artificer’s green slugpup that got killed by the leeches. Drowned and destroyed, left in the Garbage wastes, who knows what kind of rotten pipes the body could have gone into. Fits with the timeline!


the promised grounds area sounds really cool, like the slugcats finally found a place even safer from the rain and predators than the outer expanse tree where they could live peacefully, only for an unfortunate intruder to ruin their special place...

seriously though this is a cool concept and i would love to see it as a mod, even if it was just the new regions or the slugcat alone


It's just sad, the extinction ending- the slugcats finally migrated to what they thought was a safehaven, away from predators, rain, etc, but a massacre found its way inside, in the form of a decaying corpse. The ending art is really creepy as well, bravo 👏


Fun fact: The strength ending is the one that would actually be Cannon. In Extinction, The rotten kills every slugcat there, meaning other slugcats couldnt go there without dieing. Meanwhile, in Strength, The rot is freed from its corrupted vessel, and it can no longer do harm, Thus meaning the slugcats live on. Therefore, the Rotten Canonicly got their good ending.

I love it when characters get a happy ending that not only makes sence for the plot but also results in other characters getting their story

Edit: wasnt expecting to be hearted but ok


the idea of harder and more gimmicky campaigns unlocked by doing certain self imposed challenges is extremely interesting to me and would actually be really cool to see in a second dlc

the Hunter Long Legs vs the Cooler Hunter Long Legs


Reminds me a lot of my own character Rotcat, who's also infected by the rot. Only she survived her rot infection due to the sheer cold (from Saint's campaign) killing the parasite.
Poor Rotten tho. :(


"You can't really do anything other slugcats can..."
"Because this thing, is far from being a slugcat."


Overall, I absolutely love the concept, the only nitpick I could have is the unlock requirement being a little too hard


These are the kinds of slugcats I never knew I wanted to see, 10/10 would contain in a small plastic container with a humid environment :)


scug idea : The Chieftan
A slugcat who was adopted by Scavengers at a young age, and grew alongside them. They'd have the hairs on their back and the long eyes that a scavenger would have. Their ascension ending would just be your generic ascension ending, but their alternate ending would be making their way to the Outer Expanse, and bringing a slugpup that would spawn there (they'd be green coloured cause yes) and they would bring it to a new area, the Colony, which would essentially just be a scavenger village, with a merchant and a room filled with pearls on strings. (which also doubles as the Chieftan's spawnpoint.)

The abilities they'd have would be:
-Being unable to go below neutral reputation with Scavengers.
-Being able to take items from a scavenger without making the scavenger angry.
-Being able to slightly angle your spears
-1.5 Spear damage
-Being able to make scavengers follow you (essentially becoming your teammates for 1 or 2 cycles)
Their drawbacks would be:
-Permanent minimum reputation with Lizards.
-Hunter spawns.
-Unable to stab scavengers.
-Slightly lower rain timer. (0.7/0.8 rain multiplier)


anyway wanted to say that this is such a unique concept both mechanically and in story elements
the ascension ending feels really meaningful and heartbrealing in a bittersweet end compared to most normal ascension endings
i love the rotten they are my sick little blorbo


"Oh boy, a character similar to a friend's character I've seen before, let's see how-"

*_Around halfway later:_*

*"Oh my god it's almost the exact same, why do all my my friends predict everything indirectly."*


I think a while back someone actually made some code for a movement system in Rain World that was similar to the monster from Carrion. I can't remember who it was but I remember seeing the draft of it moving around and it was pretty close.


A little detail I really loved was how with each transition to the next part of the video, you got to see the Rotten’s body get more and more overtaken by the rot. I really love this concept and the way you draw them is just so pleasing to look at too. Great character concept and design!! <3


i love this concept! though i wonder if instead of getting more karma through echos it would be possible to get more karma the closer you get to pebbles, and once you get to the promised grounds you have the last choice of fully turn into a rot creature and get the bad ending or turn back, now with max karma and with a last chance of explore the world before ascending


Very interesting concept! It sounds very challenging and oh boy that extinction ending. The storyboard for the extinction ending made me jump.

I'd definitely try it out if it ever became a mod!


This scug seems pretty interesting, altho definitely super difficult. I think a good balance would be a constant vulture mask effect, where most creatures are afraid of the rotten. Most creatures already run from the rot, so I think they'd be discouraged by the general vibe the rotten gives off.

I'd also make it so the more the rotten eats during a cycle, the bigger it gets. The pros are that more creatures are afraid of it, it takes less damage, and certain creatures like vultures struggle to carry it at some point. The cons are that at a certain point it just... can't fit through pipes/small spaces. To counteract this, you can lose some mass at the cost of a bit of stability (maybe half a pip). A system like this could also foreshadow the extinction ending.
