The Biblical God YHWH Was Well-endowed

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The Biblical God YHWH Was Well-endowed | Francesca Stavrakopoulou PhD

Thank you for editing this short @atheologica

The scholarship of theology and religion teaches us that the God of the Bible was without a body, only revealing himself in the Old Testament in words mysteriously uttered through his prophets, and in the New Testament in the body of Christ. The portrayal of God as corporeal and masculine is seen as merely metaphorical, figurative, or poetic. But, in this revelatory study, Francesca Stavrakopoulou presents a vividly corporeal image of God: a human-shaped deity who walks and talks and weeps and laughs, who eats, sleeps, feels, and breathes, and who is undeniably male.

Francesca Stavrakopoulou ( born 3 October 1975) is a British biblical scholar and broadcaster. She is currently Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Religion at the University of Exeter. The main focus of her research is on the Hebrew Bible, and on Israelite and Judahite history and religion.

#God #Israel #MythVision #DerekLambert #Atheist #Shorts
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She has a PhD in this field, and is a professor. She knows her stuff. She not only reads it in the original language, but also in its original context and cultural lens. People that only study the Bible, but not other ancient religions, won't see the parallels the same way.

It's comical yet sad that so many came here to correct her when they don't have a smidge of the knowledge on this subject that she has. People are so scared to question the validity of their beliefs that they will argue without even giving it some real study or thought. Of course, people double down and have all the confirmation bias there is.

I am so grateful to not be Christian anymore. It messes with one's logic, and they would rather believe a book that has a talking snake in it is God's word over considering the possibility that the ancient Hebrew god, Yahweh, was just another god made up by people. It's sad because this is the same god that told people to wipe out entire villages, including children. It was totally accepted by Yahweh to take young virgin girls into captivity and "marry" (aka assault) them. Have your Yahweh. Yuck.


VIRILITY is a particularly masculine attribute. Regardless of how often or how commonly people misuse language (I don't care if everyone says it wrong), fertility is something that only women have. Women are fertile, and men are virile. You wouldn't call a seed fertile as well as the field it grows in, you would call the seed viable. Pollen and sperm have virility or a lack thereof. They completely lack this fertility you speak of. So do men.


"Behold, son of man, my glory!"

Sir, that is lewd.


The major lexica (BDB, _DCH, _ _HALOT, _ e.g.) consistently associate the term in Ezekiel 1:27 with מָתְנַיִם, most specifically with the translation “loins.” Among the meanings of the English term _loins_ is “the reproductive organs, ” as in the phrase “fruit of my loins.” The implications in the case of a male deity are obvious. Whether a scholarly consensus exists for such a reading at Ezekiel 1:27 is another matter, but there seems nothing crazy or incompetent about the notion. The ancient Mediterranean gods had bodies, with genitalia, whether in ancient Mesopotamia, Canaan, Egypt, Greece, or Rome——that includes ancient Israel.


omni potent taken to a whole new meaning


"You shall not make idols or set up carved images, or sacred pillars, or sculpted stones in your land so that you may worship them. I am the LORD your God."


The way these commenters are getting angry is silly. “This is blasphemy”😂😂 You don’t just get to talk about their god in a theological polytheistic sense without their public-school hall-monitor attitudes kicking in. “OUT OF BOUNDS” 😂😂


Someone made this observation:
Why did artists show Adam and Eve with belly buttons? 😳
No umbilical cord would have existed so another example, by extension, of creating "God" in OUR image.


Wow! She butchered the verse in Ezekiel 😮


When you don’t understand the Bible origins so you believe in the King James Version 😂😂😂😂


She is correct. Jesus was packing big... I mean bigggg. He was use to carrying large wood, hard and heavy things. Not just the cross 😮


No. The word in Hebrew used for the description of the Lord from the waist down in Ezekiel 1 is "אֵשׂ" which from the strongs exhaustive concordance means, "A primitive word; fire (literally or figuratively) -- burning, fiery, fire, flaming, hot." And is translated in English "of fire" in reference to the appearance that He had from the waist down. In Ezekiel 1, the only reference to wings is made when referring to the wings of the living creatures that were described in the beginning of the vision, that were distinct from the Lord, according to Ezekiel.


God came inside me and filled me with his love


I'm definitely not a god by her standards


Yet 1st and 2nd temple does not have any statues.


The real Yahweh prohibited the worship of graven images.


It says from the waist down he appeared as fire.


Yes. Thats the masculinity we need more in modern world ✊️✊️✊️


Actually, that is not accurate at all. Loins are not the genitals, first of all. Loins are either side of the back above the butt. Nice try, though. Anyone who wants the truth can look into Ezekiel themselves. Analyze the Hebrew. It is not referring to that part of the body being the only visible part at all. The text is describing the height on his body to which the fire appeared to be. More accurately translated to "waist". The same word appears later in Ezekiel, in chapter 48 and it talks about wading up to water to the knee and then the water getting deeper and wading up to his "loins" or waist. Look up the meaning and origin of "gird your loins". People back then we're actually living lives full of threat and danger. There are some very vulnerable organs back there. The "loin" guard did indeed cover the genitals but it was pulled all the way up to the middle of the back to protect one's actual LOINS from being vulnerable to attack. I am calling confirmation bias. It's such a stretch. 😆. I can't be arsed to watch the whole video. Does she actually have any other examples of the Abrahamic covenant God having been a fertility god? Or is this it? Sincerely.


Hmm I thought I posted the niv version

Ezekiel 1:27
New International Version
27 I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him.
