Would Jesus Be a Jehovah's Witness?

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Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be the most accurate and pure of all the Christian based religions. In fact, they teach that Jesus personally chose them in 1919 as his true organization. These are teachings that keep many JWs firmly trapped in the Watchtower organization. We need to put these claims to the test! To do this, we will run a hypothetical experiment of seeing if Jesus would be able to be a JW if he was transported to modern times.

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This was really great!! They always apply the Pharisees and other bad examples to Christendom, when in reality it apply fully to this man made religion!


Jesus would have been the quickest disfellowshiping in the organisations history


Knocked it out of the Park on this one! Loved it ❤


You Hit the Nail . . Right on the Head !! 😏
( with this video, Justin ! ). 😉👍


Wonderful discourse Justin, proving that Jesus would never be a Jehovahs Witness, their love is conditional .


As a former Witness who (later on) rekindled my faith in God through Christ and the scriptures but without any organized, hierarchical, authoritative religion, I deeply appreciate this video.

Jesus would eventually, and inevitably, clash with the governing body and authority structure pyramid underneath them one way or the other. His perfect mercy, compassion, love, grace and understanding that superseded formalistic rules, regulations, protocols, and punishments created by man-made religious institutions and their policies would lead to him being casted out as a heretic and vilified.

I believe most organized religions today and their leaders would not tolerate any non-conformist whose love of neighbor and love of God is unrestrained by their rules and traditions and expectations. Even more so if the individual does not fear their authority and punishment.

Many of us have family and friends who are still inside the Watchtower organization. Some may leave, only time will tell, but realistically many never will. For those of us who have managed to wake up and escape, it's liberating and relieving to have our own individual autonomy again.

Those who maintain their faith and spirituality in whichever way works for them, I respect. Those who become atheist, I respect. Those who become agnostic, I respect. Each individual has the right to choose what works best for them personally. What matters most is that we all get to *decide for ourselves* what pathways and perspectives we will adopt, even if they are different or opposite to one another.

Again, thank you for all that you do, Justin!


Spot on ! I will use this line of reasoning in the future


It’s because of my love for Jehovah and Jesus and what they conveyed that I left that organisation.


You are absolutely correct! Jesus would never, could never be a Witness! I left nearly two years ago because I learned of their blatant hypocrisy. The handling of CSA absolutely infuriated me, and I know it does Jesus as well. Yes, I do believe in Jesus, but not their “Jesus”.


Interesting and important consideration indeed Justin!!👍


On point, thank you for this insightful video! ❤


You have articulated exactly what I havd been questioning for the longest time. The woman who touched Jesus' outer garment in desperation for a cure, has been my go-to example of Jesus' stance. Thank you for including all those other excellent examples. I agree with the comment above - you knocked it out of the park with this one". I think I will have to resurrect my note taking skills and re-listen to it. ❤❤❤❤


Brother... you hit it out of the park with this video! Great video man! During my waking up process it was these scriptures that clearly exposed the organization to being false. Almost every time I go over these scriptures you mentioned, it brings a tear to my eye. The scriptures clearly show what kind of love true followers of God and Christ should embrace and live by. What's wonderful about the scriptures is that it also clearly exposes the organization along with all other deceivers. I also love Jesus' answer when asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus clearly showed that our neighbor was anyone and everyone, and not just those of our own, etc. Thank you so much, Justin, for all the work you put into these videos to help people wake up! I appreciate you my brother!


Great video! You have such excellent reasoning!


Being a Born in JW I felt something was missing in the WT organization…..”LOVE”…🤔😔🙁


It is a shame that every JW, elder, pioner, wife, husband, child, teenager, ministerial servant, C.O. etc could not listen to this. Anyone with a truth orientated heart, would simply walk away and never go back to a Kindom Hall again. I, 🙏 at least some will stumble by means of Gods spirit upon this.


I hope and pray the governing body watch and listen to this!!


Thanks for this video! Always insightful how you articulate the facts from the scriptures and putting meaning to how watchtower has misrepresented Christ.


This was such a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing biblical truths; truths that sets us free. I plan to revisit this video again to refresh my memory of what true love really is. God bless you in every way.


I just love my new freedom. This morning, I woke up more grateful than usual and was blasting gospel music 🎶 you know that would've gotten me in big trouble with the elders😂
