HOW TO REINVENT YOURSELF | Mom Of 4 Over 30 | How I Lost 40 pounds by creating new habits

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Get my 6 month weightloss journey tracker (includes my favorite meals/ shopping list/ weekly workouts)
(THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!! It means the WORLD to me!!🥹🙏🏻🫶🏻)

My 6 month weight-loss journey video:

Happy Juice (boosts happy hormones, motivation, mood, energy & focus! The BEST gut/brain axis support!)
$10 off with this link!

Protein bars (built bars) 10% off with this link! (My favorite flavors are cookie dough puffs, brownie puff, animal cookie puff, birthday cake puff)

Protein powder links (clean simple eats) 10% off with my link! (Or code ASHLEYHUGHES)- favorite flavors are cake batter and brownie batter!

(I share pictures from All my videos here)

🔨Grand renovations/ remodels under $1,000


🖤Let’s be friends!🖤

#weightloss #weightlossjourney #reinventingyourselft
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Link to my 6 month journey tracker! Includes my favorite recipes/ grocery items / daily workouts / daily tracker for 6 months! 🏋🏼‍♀️🩷💪🏻🥗💦☀️🫧


You have no idea how much I needed this. Someone up there knows I needed to hear your words. So thank you! My son passed away 8 months ago due to a traumatic brain injury. He left two kids behind. I just hate life and don’t want to do anything. But I do want to push myself to get healthier, drop weight. Not just for me but to be here for my caning and grandkids. My son would want me to be happy, again, ty ❤


I am happy to see a reinventing self video from a MOMS point of view! All these other videos I was watching, single people living in the big city and I kept saying "Well im a sahm, I can't live this life style" but with it coming from another mom? WOW! Thank you!


Thank you for this video. I’m crying. I’m a stay at home mom of 3. Homeschool, help run our business from home. I’ve been feeling so down lately. Yelling at my kids because I’m so overwhelmed. I haven’t been taking care of myself. I want to wake up early before they wake so I can get a good workout in, eat better, being more mindful of myself daily. This helped me. Thank you


One of my favorite quotes from Tony Robbins “change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change”.


I lost my groove. I felt undesired, unwanted, stressed, depressed, frustrated... began to regret my 2 kids... work is too hectic, I have no monies, it's hard to save, I am studying and presently a bit behind... as i type this my bloood pressure has skyrocketed as of yesterday.

I feel like im just existing. I am sad. I am unhappy... I have this week, however, started working out, boosted my supplements, and I am still trying to condition my mind to be happy and make myself happy... but as a single parent with an active boy n girl child doing it all alone its hard to even SMILE.

I am trying to smile thru the little things, but it's not happening.

I will never give up trying. So happy I watched this❤


I’ve been dealing with depression and negative thoughts lately. YouTube suggested this video to me. I believe I saw this for a reason. Thank you.


I’m tearing up listening to your words as I hold my 6 month old for a contact nap. I’ve felt I’ve lost myself in PP and just relate so much to everything you’re saying about feeling so depressed about where I am. I have 6 months left of maternity leave and this is exactly what I need. Committing to 6 months of change. Thank you so much for posting this video and all your honesty


This made me cry. I honestly felt the same way... seeing the same number on the scale as when I was pregnant, but I wasn't pregnant anymore. In fact, my son was 7 years old at that point. I've already lost 40 pounds but I'm trying to lose 10-20 more. Thank you for the motivation.


I’m almost 62 and you have me crying! I so needed this video. New follower! Came from Mandy’s channel. I’ve lost 35 pounds but need to lose so much more.


Yes yes! I’m going to be 39 this year and I realized I’ve lost the past decade of my life to motherhood not lost like I’m sad about it but lost like I don’t know who I am anymore. But this is the air we find her again❤


This is the most relatable video I’ve ever seen. I’m currently on this same journey and everything you said is exactly how I’m feeling at the moment. Thank you for sharing! 🩷


New subby from a mum of four who just turned 40! Really enjoyed your video currently trying to get my life back in order after some ups and downs in my weight journey and big time trying to reinvent myself 😅🎉


Hi, I literally stumbled upon your channel and I’m so grateful for that. I’m a 36 year old mother of 3, happily married and living in Sweden. I’m currently struggling with depression, anxiety and exhaustion syndrome. I really want to change my life for the better, be happy again, lose weight. Thank you so much for posting this, it was the wake up call I needed ❤


pregnant with my 4th (c section in Jan), graduating college in December. I am 31 y/o I really needed to see/hear this, I cant wait to have my daughter to finally focus on my health. thank you for sharing this. ❤


Today is day 22 of my 6 month journey… I have been SO happy with the mental changes I’ve noticed! Also… my clothes are fitting looser already 😍


You are so right in everything you said Ashley! I was at my heaviest I've ever been & when I went for my regular check up in January my Dr. said if I could lose 25 lbs I wouldn't have to worry about becoming diabetic (I was borderline). I tried on my own & couldn't do it. For the first time I joined WW and since mid April I've lost 23 lbs!! I saw my Dr. again a couple of weeks ago & she is so proud of me! I'm waiting on bloodwork results...sure hope it all looks good 🤞 I'm 68 & if I can do it anyone can do it!! I feel so much better about myself & had to buy some new smaller clothes. Thank you too for your tips & motivation ❤


This helped me soooo much. I have been stuck in a rut for a whole year now. I had no motivation, depressed, anxious, and now I’m ready to get my life back.


I needed to hear this! I’ve been so depressed because my body changed from having two babies, but I know I can make that change and get healthy not just for myself, but for my kids ❤


I have 5 kids divorced after 4 remarried with 1 i have a lot of baggage but kept going on for everyone. You have no idea that your video is everything i couldnt put into words but needed . I relate 99% of what you say ❤ im so thankful that God answered my prayer 🙏. I'm ready to take care of myself . You are a true inspiration 🎉🎉
