Is VR (Virtual Reality) Unsafe For Kids?

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VR (virtual reality) headsets are topping wishlists of kids and young children all over the world. With several VR headsets coming with age restrictions, is this new technology really safe for young children?

Well, there is no consensus amongst the VR headset makers on correct age to use a VR gizmo. Some are completely against children using VR, while others feel it's safe under parental supervision.

Despite the paucity of studies in this area, a few studies have revealed that virtual reality could impact the developing brains of young children. Prolonged exposure to a VR environment can negatively affect brain functioning in young children.

Young children may lack the reflexes to remove VR headsets if they are incorrectly fitted. Worse, kids may become so engrossed in virtual environment, that they ignore the discomfort.

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I am a 40 year old adult and when I use it for only 30 minutes it's hard to readjust to the real world. It almost feels like you are still in a VR world. I really think that long term this is probably not a good idea


Every VR company says the same thing "doesn't cause CONSTANT damage" they get away with saying that, because once your brain is damaged and considered abnormal, that's the end of the known damage. I don't get why anyone would think strapping a screen to your face would be safe.


i think u can play vr as 11+ (with parent supervision and constantly taking breaks)


I think this is my first time watching this

Yeah probably?
