Is Virtual Reality Bad For Your Brain?

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Video Authors:
Milan Sivakumar B.S in Biomedical Engineering

Other Videos on Virtual Reality from How Virtual Reality Affects The Brain:

0:00 Intro
0:36 Basic Numbers
1:22 Becoming Homeless Study
2:01 Negative Effects of VR
2:50 Absorption
3:50 Children Vs. Adults under VR
4:33 Common Side Effects of VR
5:00 Conclusion

In this video we examine the idea that virtual reality may have detrimental effects on your Brain Health in both the short term and long term. We take a look at some study such Stanford's Becoming Homeless Study and examine the concept of an EEG to further ponder this question.



A Mystical Experience By Unicorn Heads
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VR has changed my life in so many ways . I’m also the fittest I’ve ever been from playing thrill of the fight . I also play eleven ping pong, contractors, echo arena, and of course spray kings 👌


Ok this is seriously good quality video quality of research and editing, I'm surprised that it's not that popular, Good job


People need to fix their fucking lives instead of jumping into VR.


It seems that too much VR could cause depression. Why wouldn't you be depressed, if, for a few hours, you are now some sort of fantastic being doing amazing things in this spectacular false world, only to take off the visors and return to the drab, less exciting world of physical reality and responsibilities?


I just feel like virtual reality isn't good at all because I think it messes with your brain, that's why I don't want to try it.


Iv been hearing about it since a teen I'm 35 I just played one and only for 10 and and my brain felt funny for an hour it was more intense then acid iv done I could see in my 10 year Olds eyes it fucked with him I'm glad I didn't buy one before I tryed it because I would have taken it back I feel like everyday use or frequent use is going to cause serious mental health problems and permanently damage peoples brains my kids aren't going to be the part of this study group in 20 years they will thank me when half there peers are holding conversations with themselves


2:20 isn't that the point of horror games


Ionizing or not, one thing is certain! Neural activity is significantly diminished AND there's not enough research to confirm the effects of having a device strapped an inch away from your brain, there's enough evidence to suggest harm! Comparing phones and this device an inch away from you brain is comparing apple to oranges, as in VR you're spending much more prolonged time, with much more energy passing through the device, IR VL or not.. it's incredibly too close to the brain! Short term effects maybe not, but long term effects I'd assume so. Common sense to me says that strapping a computer mere millimeter from your brain cannot be good! It's extremely unfortunate as the technology is incredible but the health effects are huge burden and barrier for those who want to get into VR safely. Not to mention that the resolution isn't there (what makes you feel immersed and in vr) and the comfort is absolutely atrocious, you can't play for more than three hours without dislocating your arms or neck. I want to see and hear evidence against the idea of any harm with respect to having a computer right up against your skull for hours, which has had never had as much research as radiation in phones, ever before researched in humanity. Please send me a comment to counter my claims, but please be respectful, I see that approaching such topic, users are quick to dismiss any harm and are quick to compare to mobile phones.

To me VR just isn't there and certainly not worth it with all this into consideration, and possibly will never be when taking into the account of health effects for wireless standalone devices. Perhaps just using link, turning off bluetooth ect, would suffice to make a difference. However, resolution and comfortably need to be worked on, it can be several years before we get the true immersive experience that I envision and can imagine.


Damn, how is this channel only got few thousand subs.... And few who watched. I mean cmon man it's top notch stuff, good luck though man. Hope your channel gets bigger your vids is worth the time. Also can you do like time travel stuff or an update for space travel/ interstellar spaceships both Sub-luminal and FTL

ps. Just an opinion, but what if you make your thumbnail a bit more somewhat interesting hope it helps with the audience a bit... Try found like an exotic thumbnail and stuff, anyway like your channel mate godspeed.


Hi, I'm looking into the linked papers and the paper discussing EEG seems to have been delisted or removed, is there a copy available to be read? I want to read it in depth


What better way to implant subliminal messages into your brain and affecting every decision you make in life. I returned the one I bought 5 days later because I found the real world is challenging enough for me to go into a virtual reality that only exacerbates my existence


I use it for 5 minutes I feel numb and my anxiety hoes nuts and my brain gets confused in real world which is ashame I want to use vr do badly


I don’t understand why people say they get motion sickness, nausea, or anything like that. I play VR a lot every day and I feel normal!


I know this gonna sound very weird but sometimes I feel like my own hands are not there it seem like I still have headset on in a sense it's kinda scary smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ anyone else dealt with this?


Vr is perfect for next lockdown or is it a lockdown ?


Very detailed and informational video!


After using vr, sleeping was easier for me. I'd play for an hour or two before bed and I will fall right asleep.


Me:watches video

Also me : decides to spend a week in virtual reality


I just want to get one because I’m bored at home and feel like a prisoner and VR will keep me away from boredom


I think vr is bad for brain cause it can cause you to spend hours and hours in a game for so long and you don’t learn nothing from it.. it’s like games it’s self you over use games etc it become bad to the point it becomes an addiction.. you must know self control, you can play it like for 30 mins or 1 hr but any more than that is bad for you my opinion
