Introduction to VR in Unity - PART 5 : GRAB INTERACTION

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Welcome back to the part 5 of this tutorial serie that will teach you the basics of VR development in Unity. In this episode we will learn how to grab an object, use an object that we're grabbing such has fire a bullet and grab the object with an offset.


📝Best VR Assets ( These links are Affiliate links which means it costs the same to you and I get a small commission. Thanks for your support!)

VR Interaction Framework

Hexabody (Physics VR Player)

Mirror and Reflection for VR

Auto Hand (automatic hand grab pose)

Hurricane VR (vr physics interaction)

3d Hand Model for VR



If you want to learn VR dev, here are some other really good channel you should appreciate :

⌨️ Game Dev

👨‍🎓 Vr Dev


#vr #vrdev #madewithunity #valem #unity
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I know it might be a bit of a big ask - but I'd love to do a sort of... 'let's make a game together' series once you're done with the basics. Perhaps a simple VR hangout or meeting room with some basic interactions in there for people - like a whiteboard, darts, basketball hoop etc.


Valem, that is amazing. Ive done quite some VR basic tutorials by now but none of them really worked for me. I never saw a Unity Tutorial series being this good. I was already nearly frustrated enough to buy some motion system from the store (which I just made myself with part 1-4).
Im doing a puzzle VR game with 2 other people for a zeppelin museum, showing and maybe saving the Hindenburg at his last flight, as a part of my masters degree. This really helps a lot. You will probably see me soon as a 10€ patreon supporter!
Also you accent makes the tutorial kind of fun while still being super understandable! Gives it a personality


For anyone watching in the future, the "OnSelectEnter" function got split into two functions: "OnSelectEntering" and "OnSelectEntered". The offset grab needs to override OnSelectEntering now, and won't work if it overrides OnSelectEntered instead


thank you Valem, not gonna lie, the pieces that were missing on this one had me hurting, but it forced me to figure things out on my own which is sometimes better for learning. Thanks to all those in comments that left their knowledge as well. Bullets are flying and everything is working great. On to the next vid. Thanks again.


I've been frustrated with the direct grab not attaching at the point of contact, and instead snapping to the center on grab. To my surprise, this covers that exact issue! Thanks SO much.


Thank you Valem, these are awesome! It's really hard to find good VR development tutorials


Virtual reality is the deepest area of ​​software. It adds imagination to those who know how to work. :)


You are legit the only reason I can make vr games lol.


I really appreciate how you explain things! you are a life saver


amazing tutorial man! cant wait for the next one these are very easy to follow yet still extremely interesting


Very nice tutorial series. I am trying to do all of them.
For this one in my project I also added vibration when you shoot a gun. Feels more real like that


10:15 if anyone is having problems with the gun shooting feeling unresponsive, you can fix it by increasing the “Axis to Press Threshold” on the hands. I increased mine to 0.5 on each and it works perfectly


Could you by any chance put these "Introduction to VR in Unity" into a playlist? :)


Oh wow I fixed the character object collider bug before watching this video, would've been good to know that the solution was in this video


Great videos, super useful! Keep em coming.


Yes :D I'm still on Episode 2 at the moment, but I'm looking forward to work through and hopefully catch up this weekend. I love your videos - they're definitely one of the top resources. Please keep it up and let me ride on your coat-tails :D


Let me know what you guys would like to see in a next video ! :)


Daamnnn!!! This is my first time seeing this video...gotta say Man! i just love it!!


For those with no idea on how to import an FBX file follow the instructions below:
1. Create a SketchFab account / Download the FBX
2. Extract then drag all the files into your game
3. Click in the source on the Beretta prefab and then on the right Inspector panel click Extract All Materials (put them in your game folder Materials)
4. Open the Beretta object in your scene and on the right under Material.00X there is a Surface Imputs section - go into your texture folder and drag this into the Base Map.
5. Feel like you didn't waste two hours trying to work this out like me. :P


YES YES YES!! This is amazing! I'm 100% subscribing!
