Linear Algebra 14TBD: Complete Proof of the Product Property of the Determinant

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I fall in love with this proof...Thank you.. nice material and explanation. Now I wanna know the efficiency of these calculations so as application of Det of higher dimensions (higher then three). My first impression when I took classes on Determinants was horrible, but it depends on the teacher. You, Professor Gilbert and Elon Lages changed my point of view.. Thank you again


"Only non-singular square matrices can always be represented as product of elementary matrices." could you give a little explanation? Or you have already done in the previous videos?


this video shows nothing. It should include at least two things
1. why A can be discomposed in product of elementary row matrices if A is not singular
2. why det(E*D) = det(E)*det(D) if E is elemenatry row matrix
if you want to use some lemma of a proof, at least put a link of a proof of it

this video was whole waste of time
