Earthy Girl Diaries | solitude, sisterhood & saying thank you in advance

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Some wholesome day in my life! I wanted to share these sacred moments with ya!
Thanks Ritual for sponsoring a portion of this video

TIK TOK: yaknowme_hitomi222
Spotify: thejauntforckandhm

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Love watching you bloom and transition from Introvert Diaries to Earthy Girl Diaries! So grateful to witness your constant evolution, and to learn from your experiences too! Wishing you bliss


I don’t really have any friends or close family, and I thank you for the closeness you share and the kindness and love. I feel I have a friend in you distant kindred spirit 💌


“Freedom has become simpler and simpler in my mind.” This really resonated with me. I find myself complicating or putting obstacles in my path to joy and peace. I love the idea of simply expanding these feelings within me and paying attention to what brings me these sensations in the moment.

Thanks you.


"nature is my church"...l loved that. Thanks for everything Hitomi <3


I just love Hitomi !! True Earth Goddess 🌳


I've been feeling so unmoored, thank you for what you said about not expecting what our lives "should be like" based on one thing or one example. As wonderful and dreamy and enviable your life presents as, it calms me to know I can find my own peace and truth in my own way ❤ thank you for your presence, Hitomi.


You visited me in a dream recently- we held each other and laughed and drank tea out of your ceramics 💌🍵 thank you for sharing your heart with me in this realm and others! 🔭


You dont know how much I love you and how important you have been in my life 💛 thanks for sharing.


7:51 I cried at these parts, thanks for the words, it really touched my heart.


Thank you! Its defenitely not natural to be reachable 24/7! Lets not forget we were born even before the internet!
I also dissappear for months and love it!!!! I actually need it!
Ive lost a couple of good friends already for being myself in this topic! Also dealed with a lot of guilt for "being a bad friend" just cause I dont like to be on my phone! Thanks for shining your true Thanks for the reminders! Thank you for the freedom!


Thank you. Thank you. The contention with being reachable is so hard right now! Everyone seems mad at me and they just don’t get it and I question myself so deeply! But it’s not me! Hearing you say this hit my heart and reality so thank you Hitomi ❤


Your videos always find me whenever I need them. I have been following you since I was 16, now I am 20. You have honestly helped me develop into the person I am, and in a way you've been there for me through difficult times in my life.
Your videos help people so much, but in my opinion you would be an amazing social worker.


Sometimes timing can be just so divine, I've been feeling guilty about disappearing and not getting back to some friends, but I feel like I've needed this solitary time, and I just haven't known how to reach back out or if I am quite ready yet, but hearing you talk about disappearing and not always being reachable really resonated with me and I feel like I was meant to hear you talk about that. I do want to sustain friendships but I also want to have times of solitude and not have to feel guilty for that, I don't want to have to reach and say oh my gosh I am so sorry it's been so long because that puts a strain to reach in the first place. I would so much rather just be unapologetically me and have people in my life that accept and embrace me as I do them. Sending love and appreciation your way <3


I know we've never seen each other face to face, never heard each other's voices; regardless of any of that, thank you for being an amazing friend. The supporting, positive, and nurturing energy you provide is so sweet. I am so grateful for you, and I'm so glad that you have this channel so we can all grow together. 💗


Thank you Hitomi, I always feel enriched by your content. I never leave your content feeling anything but gratitude, fulfillment, inspiration and awe. Thank you for reminding me not to compare myself to others, to slow down, connect to nature and relax in the knowing that I am Divine. ❤ Thank you lovely beautiful soul. 🙏


i really struggle watching long videos but i genuinly could hear you talk for hours about anything! your words make so much sense to me, and to be honest its been years since i enjoyed yt content, i believe this space is so safe and also a channel to learn openly <3 truly thanks hitomi !for hours


these past months had been hard, but in the past weeks i've had a sort of a revelation. What you said about becoming a student really resonated with that. i want to read so much, play piano, paint, play flute, dance and sing. i want to study philosophy the most, and always keep learning. i felt so oddly pressured, like I have to choose only one. but I now realize that I have my whole life to learn, and doing what we love during a lifetime is a gift.
💛 thank you for this peaceful video


You inspired me to go buy a sketchbook. I've created art from early childhood to around 18 years old and just sort of.. lost the time for it. I think I lost myself in the process. Seeing you express yourself so authentically made me realise that I've been neglecting that side to me and I wanna rekindle that :) I feel art is my purpose.


You literally speak my exact thoughts!! You are an inspiration!!


I sometimes will take a couple of weeks or months to text someone. I agree with the fact that it shouldn’t have to be a priority to constantly reply. After realizing that there is no “right” amount of times to reply, and it doesn’t mean that I don’t care to talk to the person, it’s perfectly okay not to have anything to say. I like to save my conversations with people in person:)
