How I take care of myself living alone - rural tiny home

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How I take care of myself living alone - a rural tiny home

It’s been a quiet week over here 🤍 I’ve been recently investing extra time in taking care of my health. I wanted to share some ways I cultivate a feeling of comfort in winter. One way I do this is by choosing clothing that makes me feel safe and comfortable in my own skin. I hope you enjoy this simple day of foraging evergreens, pine resin, and making tea, and hopeful affirmations for the new year🫖

Thank you!

* Most smoke resin on a charcoal disc. However, not wanting too much smoke, I put the powder in oil and heated it like a wax melt. The smell is verrry subtle in comparison, but after a few days it adds a layer of pine freshness to my house, since it’s a small space.

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I wanted to chit chat a bit @ 6:59 - I’m trying to do a little sharing in each video ❤️To clarify my situation, my fiancé and I do not live together at this time ☺️ but hope to find a home together next year.

My cottage is designed for one person and I live there alone for now, though things will be different next year ❤️

- It’s been really fun to get used to the camera and give updates. If that isn’t your cup of tea no worries, you can always skip


Since my husband died in 2014, I have been living alone with one exception. When I retired I was blessed with a cairn terrier puppy name Otis who will be 5 in January and he the little man of my life.. First and foremost I have the Lord in my life that is why I am truly blessed and I can live alone. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.


I'm 75 and I live alone with my dog . I have no family whatsoever , I do have a few friends and lots of acquaintances. I have been alone fot 17 years, my husband died after 44 years of marriage. My friends don't understand why I like being alone and not fretting about what happens in the outside world. I love your channel. Blessings


She lives a very rich life. I am finding that enjoying my natural world, cultivating my relationships with my neighbors and dearest long-term friends, forsaking any social mediam(thus concentrating on real people), and seeking intellectual growth, all have made my world thrive and grow. Kudos, sister!


You encourage me to want to do better. As a 44 year old male, who works in a toxic construction environment, who has overcome many bad habits, but still cling to many more, who lives a quiet life alone, I am encouraged to go further and to really enjoy the process of simplifying my life, finding balance, and improving on the things that I have power to improve in my life.
Thank you for sharing your life and perspective. I am inspired 💛


My daughter would immerse herself in different historical time periods. When she was 13 she was immersed in the 1920s and she chose to wear an antique 1920s lace tea dress and a flapper's style hairdo to her 8th grade graduation. I love how she walks to the beat of her own drum. So proud of her. Some of her peers did not appreciate her individualism at the time but she has many friends now who do. Continue to Be yourself, Enjoy yourself, LOVE yourself.


"We don't realize the impact media has on us until we step away" this hit me so much! I am going to take a healthy break this weekend. Thank you ❤


Everybody deserves a good homelife...peaceful, quiet, and safe. Anything less than that is uncivilized.


So many of us find ourselves as women learning to live with ourselves I’m 81 now. You’ve got a beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing.


Oh my goodness, when I was a child I wanted to be Anne of Green Gables so much that when we went shopping at the second hand stores I would pick out the most old fashioned clothing I could find and wanted to take a basket to school. I never thought anyone else was like me. I am very drawn to old fashioned things and have decided recently that I am going to embrace those things and not worry about what others think. Thank you for sharing that story about the dress. ☺️


I watched your videos when I suffered from panic attacks and couldn't eat from all the stress. I ate my meals to your calming and beautiful videos. You helped me, thank you infinitely <3


At 58 I find myself starting over and alone in the world. Your videos help me learn to be ok by myself. Something I find excruciatingly difficult to do. I struggle to learn how to redefine a life at my age that I had planned out so differently than where I am now. Thank you for throwing me a lifeline.


I am 63 and live happily alone. I love your beautiful environment that you create. Wished I had a cottage like yours and live a healthy lifestyle as you do.


My mama died on hospice last summer at my home at age 68 and my dad is now on hospice at 78. Challenging times for me. Your videos bring me so much peace and comfort. Thank you. 🕊️


My husband died in January, 2019. As much as I miss him after 32 years of marriage, I have to admit that I am doing fine living alone here in Puerto Rico. Vaya, fellow, Boricua. May God bless you.


I'm 17 and going to turn 18 this august. I hope and wish everybody has a fulfilling, calm and happy life.


I came across this today, exactly when I needed it. I'm 54, estranged from difficult relationships, learning to be with me comfortably. It's not always as easy as it should be, but I intend to move through this and evolve this chapter of my life with grace and compassion for my existence. I've been deeply depressed lately, unbearably it seems, but I know there is value in this experience. I appreciate this video so very much. It's inspiring and comforting. Thank you. Especially the part about turning off the news. I'm an extremely sensitive, empathic Soul and you are absolutely right about it's impact. I appreciate this more than I can express in mere words. 🕉


I spend time with God...That's where I find peace, healing and great joy.


" It's amazing how you don't realize the impact media has on you, until you step away from it."

Wise words.. Wise words indeed 💖


I’m Thai 53 years old, it’s my first time to see your channel it’s my dream life 😊I’m really love western country life, especially English rural life
