14 CROATIAN things I can't live WITHOUT!

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Today we're talking about some of the things I eat, drink and use everyday, all made in Croatia!

After living here for almost a decade, I've grown to love certain products, so I wanted to share a few in case you're visiting (or living in) Croatia. Do you love them too? Let me know in the comments below!

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If only Croatian politicians loved Croatia like Croatia would be the most developed country in the world!


As a Croatian who speaks English and lives abroad I must say I am impressed with your Croatian skills. Your channel is good promotion for Croatia, keep up the good work and stay safe in this troubled times, all the best wishes to your family.


Lino lada duo is fantastic. I completely agree that it is better than Nutella.


Bok! Čestitam! Tvoj video je jako lijepo... Ja nemam hrvstske korijene ali jako volim hrvatsku kulturu, učim hrvatski jezik :)


I did my Erasmus programme in Slovenia and they sold there a lot of products from Croatia, and one of my favourite things in the world was the Domaćica Keks, I would give anything to eat them again!! Also I tried Pipi soda (in Split), highly recommended 🙌


I am from New Zealand, and due to many tragic circumstances when I was very young, all family ties were lost on my mothers side, and she passed away when I was 18 months old. My father was adopted in a closed adoption, he has passed on now, and I will never know his background as all of his adoptive family are passed on too. One thing I did always know was that my mothers side was “Yugoslavian” As I got older and discovered that “Yugoslavia” no longer exists under that name, I learned that my family was actually from Dalmatia. Recent years I began piecing together what I could of my family tree, and discovered that from my great grandfather, they are all from Drvenik - back at least 4 generations. I remember for many years, I would dream I was floating very quickly above the most clear blue ocean, with many small islands, and sand bars, that were visible beneath the super clear water. I’d never seen ocean so clear, and my brain had seemingly made up this place. But when I started looking into my history, I opened images of Dalmatia, and Drvenik, and realised that I was dreaming for many years, of the Adriatic Sea. I have such a calling “home” I feel like it’s been calling me. Sometimes I watch videos of areas around where my family would have lived, and I actually get teary. The mountains feel so familiar to me. I am 37 now, and I live in Australia. I have been trying to learn Croatian, although it feels very overwhelming, I am trying to pull genetic memory into myself, haha. Anyway, after all of this babbling, I just want to say that watching your videos is a super easy way for me to feel a little closer to a place that calls me, to call it home. I plan to live there one day, but I am scared of the culture differences, and not knowing the language. I will overcome that though. Thanks for your videos! I’ll be watching them all.


Ma lajk do neba!
Svaka čast na prezentaciji.
Žena i po'


Oh my goodness, I got so addicted to Napolitanke during my three months in Croatia this year. I couldn't stop eating them! 😂Great roundup and you've given me a lot to try once I'm back.❤️Great video!


We were in Croatia a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with the people there. Can't wait to go back.


2:17 that is the cutest thing I have seen in a whole week. He clearly wanted some, and then that cutest hug... Greetings from Serbia. Croatia is indeed a beautiful land to live in.


Wish I had seen this before I went to Croatia in June. Croatia is such a beautiful country and the people were so welcoming, I highly recommend exploring this wonderful country!


Pouring water in wine was a madeleine cookie for me. That reaction in joining, fizziness, and sound of it, it took me back to my childhood. My late dad had his own vineyard, with wine cellar (klet). As a kid, I used to drink a little from the barrels when he wasn't looking. When I grew up and left home, I often came to visit him. We would go to the klet in the evening, sit on the terrace and sip in peace. Complete peace, no conversation. Maybe two sentences all evening. Just listened crickets chirping. I miss that very much.


May God bless you and your family. Sara, you are Croatia's best foreign sister in -law. Congratulations, I'm taking my hat off to the floor. You are simply full of life and creating a positive atmosphere with your presence wherever you move. Thank you so much for the videos... we love it. Hvala ti Ivane sto je nisi pustio nazad u Canadu 😊😊😊😊🤣🥰


When I was a toddler, my mom would make me Čokolino in the bottle, with more milk, and I would drink it before going to sleep. That's probably one of my first memories, heck I can still feel the taste of it in my mouth :)


ABC cheese rules! The best. Try them a lot, way tastier and less grease than Philadelphia


Love these videos, we’ve just spent our Sunday afternoon watching them. Zivjela hrvatska 🇭🇷 from Australia 🇦🇺


About Bajadera....it has been priducing for 60y now and it is apsolute perfection


Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and people to! Happy for you girl enjoy in your life there and welcome! 😍 Greetings to my wonderful neighbors and all those who come there to live like you.With love from Serbia-Belgrade .❤️💋


My family is from croatia but living in Germany. And although we go basicly every year to croatia for our vacationes. Many of the Products I didn't know. Thanks for presenting them


Svaka čast lijepa gospođo na ovakvoj prezentaciji hrvatske kulture i hrvatskih proizvoda. Jako ljupko i odmjereno to činite. Pozdrav vašoj dražesnoj dječici i uživajte u Hrvatskoj koju vidim da volite. Pravi ste veleposlanik Hrvatske. Čestitam i hvala vam.
