Redis Tutorial #1 | Installation and Main Commands ~ TechHarvesting

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■■■■■■ TIMESTAMPS ■■■■■■■■■■
0:00 Intro
00:51 What is Redis
02:15 Installing Redis
03:40 Starting Redis Serer
04:08 SET and GET
06:04 DEL Command
07:01 EXISTS Command
07:58 FLUSHALL Command
08:50 KEYS Command
09:42 TTL, SETEX and EXPIRE Commands
11:34 Lists
12:12 LPUSH, LRANGE and RPUSH Commands
14:00 LPOP and RPOP Commands
15:21 Sets
15:45 SADD, SMEMBERS and SREM Commands
17:59 HASHES
18:29 HGET, HSET and HGETALL Commands
20:01 HDEL Command
21:06 Outro

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