“The Old Order Is Disappearing”: How Progressive Grassroots Movements Are Sweeping the U.K. & U.S.

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No one should be homeless or die of hunger or not be able to work whilst a handful of people and corporations hoard ever increasingly obscene wealth. Human ethics are on trial. How's it all going to end? A new beginning is presenting itself to us all. Which side of history do you want to be counted as supporting?


#JC4PM Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister


The permanent overthrow of trumps nihilist nostalgia and fascist theocracy, it can't happen soon enough.


Corporations only serve themselves, governments only serve themselves: People serve themselves. The best system in this regard, is the one that lets people serve themselves without harming anyone. This isn't an issue of who should have all the power, self empowerment, and self government was the solution that was agreed upon how ever many centuries ago the enlightenment was. Democracy was invented to deal with this sort of problem. We've been through this before: No matter who you give the power to, you're asking for tyranny, because power corrupts, no way around it. Just look at what the republics of the world have turned into after they began to accumulate just a little bit of power. Look at what that local shop turned into when it went big and turned into an international corporation. Remember when the EU was purely an economic agreement? Look at what just a little bit of negotiating power has turned it into. Remember when America was the hero is WWII? Well will you look at America today. Power corrupts: Because people are selfish, and when you give them power, they use it for themselves: To gain more power.

I find the corporate left's attacks on the corporate right to be complete Hippocracy, and the communists who want to just abolish everything and let the state fix it are missing the point entirely. Replacing corporate salesman with government goons is not progress: its out of the frying pan and into the fire. These self appointed advocates for the poor are all upper class college educated guppies, lecturing the working Joe's on what civilization looks like. All while dancing to the same tune of Stalin and Mao. And every single one of these arrogant "leaders" will tell you 'this time will be different, pay no attention to all the other charlatans, you can trust me. I won't take your property and enslave you like that other guy.' (or girl, Gotta be inclusive) They actually think they are going to succeed where thousands have failed, because they are just that cocky.
All this talk about "The greater good" is like listening to a car salesman. These government programs are just a scam to line the pockets of the designer with tax payer money, and create a system where they get to control the levers or power. They strip from you, your power to chose, by codifying their will as law. They selfishly design a system where everything has to travel through them first, and make you dependent on them for everything. Once you're in debt to them, they can do what ever the fk they want. Never give away your freedom, never give anyone power. No amount of money in the world is worth it, because you can't buy it back once you agree to give it away. Free healthcare, free housing, free this, free that, oh how wonderful free stuff is... but its not free. Read the fine print numb-nuts, you just agreed to give half your life's earnings away for that free stuff, and worse still, there is no get out clause. You can't just walk away from the fking state or federal government. You can't NOT pay. you can refuse the free stuff, but you'll never escape the bill. You'll be paying for it till the day you die. And if you live in a particularly "liberal" country, you may not even be able to say anything about it, because the state controls your means of communication too. How's that for "the voice of the working man". But its worse. There is alot more than just money at stake here. The government, in an attempt to fulfill all these utopian policies will need more than just money. They need to take into account environmental factors, they need to control the environment. Once people are reduced to numbers on a graph, their lives become statistics. Your wages, your standard of living, who you live with, where you live, all of these things could lead to excessive use of government aid. The more expensive the program, the more taxes they need. There is only so much money they can take. At some point, they need to start lightening the load. One way or another, You Will Pay.

The short version of it is: Nothing is free.
Its all just a power grab. "The people" don't need spokespersons, we have voices of our own. We're on the internet using our voices right now! These videos serve as nothing more than a maypole for people to gather around. These wanna-be leaders aren't worth more than the street value of their cameras and equipment. Their opinions no more valid than anyone else's. The predisposed assumption that the people need them is just a bag of hot air used to make them feel important, to bury the shame, when they have to step all over someone else to get to where they are in life. Its called False philanthropy. They think they're better than us, that we need them, that we are too fking stupid to know whats good for us, that we need to be protected from our own ignorance. These condescending fks are the ones that preach about democracy and "The People".
The entire platform of the left at this current moment is a blatant attempt to refute the democratic decision of their political opposite. They lost and they won't accept it and move on. They've given up on reason, or debate. Their entire platform is 'let us help you'... 'because you can't help yourself.' A platform that goes directly against the idea of universal suffrage, and refutes the common folk's validity as the source of all political power. Instead of trying to convince their oponant to think twice, they have given up and are seeking alternative ways to undermine their opponents.

There is this underlying lack of faith in humanity and in the democratic process. (on the left) Despite my scathing remarks about how humans are hopelessly selfish, I never said humans are evil. The left at this point, out of frustration, has completely thrown away the notion that all are created equal, ignored their own fallibility, all while refusing to grant anyone else the benefit of the doubt. Hypocrisy really is the only way to describe it. anyone who voted for Trump is too stupid or bigoted to take seriously, but then who the fk do they think they are to then demand we have faith in them, when they have so little faith in their fellow citizens?
We can't all be right at the same time, but it is possible for all of us to be wrong. So why do they assume they are right about everything? Until the left comes to grips with the harsher facts of democracy, such as what happens when you are a minority. they will never be any better than the corporate slags they claim to be fighting. Say what you want about the car salesman, but if you confront him, at least the car salesman knows deep down in his black heart, that he is wrong. He knows he is hurting people, and he just doesn't care. The left has descended into this self destructive echo chamber where they can hurt people, without even realizing it. They genuinely think they can do no wrong, they've vilified their opposition to the point where they can't even have an open dialog with anyone outside their group. They've fallen off the deep end, and they're spinning out of control. They're talking about taking on the evil forces of the world, and helping the common folk, before they've even convinced the common folk that they're on their side. They want a swift victory, but you can't overturn an entire political system over night, and you can't change the hearts and minds of millions with just a few highly editorialized buzz words.They talk about how important democracy is, while the refute it. They talk about how they need to increase their base, while they double down on their base, shutting out anyone who is still on the fence. They do this, while they are a minority, before a major election, with a demographic that looks nothing like their target audience.

The greatest irony of all, is that they believe with such conviction that they are right, when they've been wrong about so much. They were wrong about every major election and referendum thus far, they've been wrong about their audience, and the perception of the public at large. They've grossly overestimated their own strength, and after all these crushing miscalculations, they still have the bravado to make these sweeping assumptions that fly right in the face of every observable fact thus far.
They aren't the party of the working class, the overton window isn't shifting in their favor, and they aren't winning! And until they come to terms with that, they have no hope of fixing any of those things. I've heard alot of arguments saying that Trump and his sort aren't winning in spite of the Democrats, but because of them. That their self destructive behavior and refusal to come to terms with their past failures are preventing them from retaking any lost ground. They're play book is out of date, feeding themselves what they want to hear rather than what is actually happening. Their hypocrisy is practically handing the conservatives victory, in places the conservatives would never have any hope of winning. They are celebrating a socialist candidate as if that is a good thing! Do they have any idea how toxic the term "socialist" is in America? They mad as well start wearing military uniforms and start referring to their party as a junta! In their inner circle of government agents and college professors all of whom have toyed with the idea of a state run economy, I'm sure the dictionary definition of socialism doesn't sound scary. Most things aren't scary once you learn about them. But the average American sees Socialism, and immediately thinks of the USSR and Nazi Germany. The left is so lost in their own echo chamber, they don't even realize that they look more like Nazis that Trump!!! Then there is the way they keep idolizing revolution in a time when people want stability. They couldn't be more tone deaf. This is why Americans have become so desensitized to Trump.


The old order is not disappearing. Please stop saying that.
The name of the global game is Debt Creation.


Jeremy Corbyn supports the #StopTheWarCoalition


This needs to be talked about more. I'm sick of news media spinning progressives as weakening or splitting the Democratic ticket. It's more like the other way around. Same old same old Democracy is just a "watered down" version of Republicans. Progressive movement is what Democracy is now.


Too bad this conversation could not be extended. The essential point that the Democrats looked the other way on the Financial Meltdown/2008 says it all. Young people want their seat at the table, and they're not going to wait for Pelosi Inc to give it to them.


The UK is so way ahead of us. Jeremy Corbyn is VERY likely to be the next PM while Bernie?


How I see it: the general populace has been tired of the same old crap, so Donald Trump ended up elected because it seemed like he would shake things up a bit. He is but not the way, I think, most voters expected. So, let's try something else.


Once she sees she has won you can see the radical anti-American power rush.


On building up the grassroots communities, one of the things which has been very successful in those constituencies where it has been tried, is local Labour parties and especially Young Labour groups which have been taken over by Momentum starting to convene regular social events, rather than than just political meetings, which bring in vastly more young voters and new members, and have been able to turn some Labour parties into attractive dating grounds and the most exciting cultural meeting point in the area, with hundreds of members where before there were perhaps only a few dozen. That's building strength potentially for generations, and creating a social reality that can shake off any and all negative propagandising by the media.


I never thought that I would say that, but I envy the americans for all those exciting things happening. There is so much optimism that things will change. Back here in Germany nothing changes, the SPD (the more left leaning centrist party) hasn't learned anything and continues to disappoint its core voter base. We need such movements within every single country of the EU and reform our institutions if don't want the Euro to break and subsequently the EU to die. We need 50 Sanders all over Europe that are able to bring the people that voted for nationalistic parties back. To show the average joe that there are people who hear them and try to make their lives better.


The new socialism. Same as the old one.


Ocasio-Cortez 2028! (She will meet the constitutional age requirement of 36)


Amy Goodman, you are sounding absolutely rabid in your hatred of Trump.


I can’t vote for commies! I will vote GOP in 2018


"The movements competing outside of the Democrat party" Just don't say their Its called The Green Party. Say their muthafucaking name! Say it!


The democrats are going down in there is nothing that you people can do about! LOL! And Donald Trump will be a 2 term president hahahaha! TRUMP2020
