A Completely Objective COSMERE Reading Guide 📖 🪐 | Sanderson Reading Order

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Let’s get down to business. To read. The cosmere. (War cry)

I adore the cosmere and the writing of Brandon Sanderson, but like many readers I had no rusting clue where to begin, and LOOK there’s a lot of conflicting and confusing information out there. So I compiled it all here and wrapped it in a neat bow, to present the “definitely not completely subjective” objective reading list for the cosmere (it’s more like a tree diagram but whatever).

Check out the links below for more reading lists - they’re all fantastic and go into much more detail for things I wasn’t able to fit in, like publication order vs chronological order etc.

This video includes cosmere books up to and including Rhythm of War. If you’re watching in the future and think ‘what the colours, why didn’t she mention X book’ do know that I’m crying from jealously because by the time you make that comment you’ve read that book and past me hasn’t.

00:00 Intro
03:15 “Where the storms do I even begin???”
04:29 Stormlight Archive
11:23 Mistborn
11:45 Mistborn Era 1 Overview
12:14 Mistborn Era 2 Overview
12:31 Mistborn Era 1
15:11 Mistborn Era 2
15:33 Stand Alones
15:57 Elantris
18:57 Warbreaker
21:20 Arcanum Unbounded
21:47 Shadows For Silence in the Forests of Hell
22:44 White Sand
23:32 “Well I started, but where in the name of Adonalsium do I go next??”
24:13 Mistborn: Secret History

📚 Cosmere Books Mentioned 📚
✨ The Stormlight Archive - Brandon Sanderson

✨ Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

✨ Elantris - Brandon Sanderson

✨ Warbreaker - Brandon Sanderson

✨ Arcanum Unbounded - Brandon Sanderson

✨ Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell - Brandon Sanderson

✨ White Sand - Brandon Sanderson

✨ Mistborn: Secret History - Brandon Sanderson

📚 Suggestions for Other Sanderson Reading Orders 📚

✨Dragonsteel - Brandon Sanderson

✨17th Shard - Paleo

✨Reddit (r/cosmere) - jofwu

✨Brandon Sanderson

✨Elliot Brooks

✨Read and Find Out

✨Petrik Leo

✨ Divyam Kharey

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Good info on options for where to start reading the Cosmere! I would like to add that both my wife and my son started with Mistborn: The Final Empire (book 1 of Mistborn Era 1) and enjoyed it. But both got halfway through Well of Ascension (book 2 of Mistborn Era 1) and decided it wasn't worth reading more. So if someone is starting with Mistborn Era 1, just know that the ending of Hero of Ages (book 3 of Mistborn Era 1) makes the slog through Well of Ascension totally worth it.


Always loved you over at 17th shard. Glad you stepped up! Great job


I don’t know why, but even after reading all of the Cosmere books I still like hearing people talk about reading order!


I was new to adult fantasy genre and read Warbreaker first. Enjoyed it very much and followed it with both Mistborn and Stormlight series. It was a good first choice.


White Sand definitely has no spoilers.

Sixth of the Dusk is also a good place to start. No spoilers there too.

Also a pointer for people that might not want to or can't commit financially, Warbreaker ebook is free on Brandon's website.


Stormlight is 4 books so far but she had a bunch of them


I did the White sands stuff in graphic audio. So much better as a graphic audio.
