How can you use dermal fillers for skin care? - Dr. Amee Daxini

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Dermal Fillers are a group of gel substances which are used in facial aesthetics to contour, add volume or plump up areas where wrinkles and folds have appeared due to ageing or scarring. Dermal fillers are usually based on Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which naturally occurs in our skin and joints to hydrate and lubricate. Unfortunately we produce less and less of this HA as we age, which leads to dehydration, lack of volume, drooping and deepening of lines and wrinkles. HA binds with water increasing hydration.
Dermal fillers is nothing but hyaluronic acid. This hyaluronic acid is stabilized and tested so it never causes allergic reactions.The other important part about fillers is that they give you the natural look provided by the good doctor or dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.
Anybody can take dermal filler provided their blood sugars is under control and antibiotic treatment.Dermal fillers have a very specific function unrelated to other medical corrective procedures. By directly injecting a naturally derived or synthetic material into the frown lines between your brows, the deep lines from the corners of your nose to the corners of your mouth, depressions along the jaw line, the sunken areas under your eyes, or the hollowed areas of your face, wrinkles and lines immediately become filled-in and skin is plumped up to the point where the wrinkle, depression, or fold is gone.
Dermal fillers are generally injected by local anesthesia and noe a days in india we develop dermal fillers which have a n inbuilt anesthesia by applying creame we can inject directly and we can walkout 15-20 minutes.
The areas which respond best for dermal fillers is while your face is sagging, from inverted v to become a square shape,the thickness of lip is reduced and lip become drier for those reasons generally we inject dermal fillers.
Dermal fillers are avoid in patients who have uncontrolled diabetes ,carcinoma and patients who just recovered from illness and patients who have blood thinning aging from long time.
Virtually any adult can have filler treatment either as an anti aging treatment or to enhance natural features such as lips or cheeks.

How the dermal fillers are injected as shown in the video.

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