7 Odd Accuracy Secrets of a World Champion Shooter

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Thanks for having me on Jim. It was a good time.


I was lucky enough to speak to Erik a while back, and he is the real deal. No ego, he just wants you to shoot the best you possibly can. It's very rare for people at this level to give anything away - normally they play their cards extremely close to their chest. But Erika is all about shooters becoming better shooters. Max Kudos!


The thing about Erik is he has tested everything in his system, he does or doesn’t do something because he’s tested whether it makes a difference or not . He leaves nothing to chance, everything is broke till you check it . He is a wealth of knowledge, a great guy and willing to share that knowledge with us . Thanks Erik !


I talked to a rep at a piston manufacturer once and asked them why every piston company recommends aligning the piston ring gaps a certain direction even though piston rings are meant to rotate and they will all be oriented in random in 30 seconds. He said if they don’t put it in the instructions everyone will call and ask


Great interview. Erik is a great guy for sharing his knowledge. I’ve been watching his channel for a while and it’s great. I really like the fact that he doesn’t go in for dogma like barrel break-in (shoot twice, clean, say the magic words, clean). Everything he does is based on real world experience and testing. Great stuff.


"The real big guy!" That was hilarious!


Thank you Eric. You speak with confidence. I went through a situation where I bought an expensive bolt action rifle, and it did not shoot. Everyone had two cents of advice. Nothing was working. I had lost confidence in myself, thinking that I did not have what it takes to be a good shooter. One day I was in a gun store and they had a used Marlin 336 JM for sale, and I bought it because my son loves lever guns. I gave it a test run and over and over I was shooting 1.25 groups with cheap ammo and no fancy stuff going on. I got to thinking, and bought a very old used varmint bolt action and took it home and was shooting 3/4 groups over and over that afternoon. I realized it was not me or following any fancy procedure. A good shooting rifle is a good shooting rifle. I got rid of the expensive rifle. Just because it is expensive does not mean it is good. By the way, not that I am a great shooter, but I can beat anyone in my neighbourhood with that 30 year old JM Marlin in an off hand match. Confidence restored! Get rid of your lemons!


I just love Eric’s laid back pragmatic approach to everything, particularly where he challenges the old custom practice.


Erik has been a huge influence on my long range journey. One thing that he has taught me is to test everything. I clean w CLR. I have tested dirty brass. No difference in accuracy. I clean my brass because I like working w clean brass and having “ pretty ammo”. Those are just a very a few things that I’ve learned and tested. I’m looking for sub moa on my reloading and don’t do anything beyond that. Cleaning primer pockets, brass turner, etc…. Not in my processes. But every gun I shoot has a tuner on it. Jim you need to go get one of those Mosbergs that wouldn’t shoot and tune in the worst ammo that it shot and tune it in. Guarantee you could cut the group in half. Tuners are the way to go. I don’t do seating depth tests except to find what the gun likes. After that each load just gets tuned in with the tuner. Every load for my Mosberg Patriot 7prc is 3.295 OAL. Then it gets tuned. I have shot several 3 inch groups at 1000 yards with that Mosberg Patriot. I have purchased 4 EC Tuner Brakes. I am amazed how many YouTubers don’t know how to use tuners. If your gun won’t shoot…. Now what? Bed the action, float the barrel, grab a tuner and make it shoot. Thanks Erik. You’re the best.


I was skeptical of the barrel tunner until I tried on on my Weatherby Mark V 338-378. No matter what factory ammo I used I never got better than 1-1/2” groups. I removed the Weatherby brake and installed the EC Tuner Brake and I proceeded to shout ten three shot groups with the largest being.0.78” and the smallest was 0.26” I let the barrel cool for 15 minutes between every group. I then removed the EC Tuner and reinstalled the Weatherby brake I shot four groups of three. The best was 1.80” and the worst was 2.40” reinstalled the EC Tuner and shot two groups with the best being 0.24 and seconds 0.4” then I purchased 4 more EC tuners for my other three Weatherby’s and my CA MPR 338 lapua that already averages 0.7” groups all day. I’ve already tried it on my 338 Weatherby RPM and it cut its group size in half.


I won't give Erik all the credit for how I've advanced as a shooter, but he has played a part... He really got me to analyze all my reloading habits. Ive ditched a lot of unnecessary practices and in turn freed more of my time up to shoot. I still have a tumbler but really only use it to tumble brass I happen to pick up at the range... my brass never hits the ground so I quit cleaning it, except for the primer pockets.

Also, if you're shooting a chrome moly steel barrel, CLR will discolor it and potentially damage it. If you need a solvent to soften hard carbon deposits that is safe for CM steel barrels, try Free All penetrating oil... Best stuff I've found and it's about $10 a can and can be bought at most auto parts stores. If your gun is really dirty it may take some elbow grease the first time you use the Free All. But once you get it clean and stay on top of it, it makes it a breeze.


many years back with my Noreen 416 Barrett and my ArmaLite 50 A1 that's exactly how they said to break in your barrel and now it's like it's all wrong and never run the barrel with brass. Just send them. And now, none of my Pew pews get a cleaning until after 700 grams with a nylon brush. I stepped away with CLR . Heard for years that people use Windex, but ammonia is corrosive. what I have found is Bore Tech eliminator cleaner.


Awesome interview! Great topics. Eric’s expertise is so valuable within the shooting community.


Tuners… I’m still amazed at the controversy in the topic. I’m also still amazed that “The Boss” system is never mentioned from roughly 30 years ago on Browning and Winchester rifles. To this day I still have my 270 Win Browning A Bolt Stalker and was amazed back then as to how I could make factory ammo shoot better. Fast forward to now and I’m reloading, it’s basically what you’re doing when hunting barrel harmonics. So the combination of the two sounds good to me.


I use the Harrels tuner/brakes and can state for a fact they do work. I shot 16 targets at 100 yds without a tuner/brake and my best 5 shot groups would be 5/8" with my factory Remington 700 223 rifle. When I installed the tuner/brake I shot 16 - 5 shot groups at varying stages of the tuner 3 times and in all 16 targets 3 times the best group would be 3/8".
Tuners do work and I like the Harrels because it is more streamlined and looks better on the barrel and truly shine on factory barrels.


Leading off the conversation by pointing out how superstitious shooters can be. Well done.

Even better, hearing so many of my own beliefs/observations supported and shared by someone far more dedicated and accomplished.


Big believer in barrel "tuning". I bought a cheap rubber limb saver barrel tuner for my tikka t3x ultra light in 7mm-08 using norma 156gr oryx and was able to go from 1 moa to almost .5 moa in about an hour with very little adjustment.

For me, that was huge for such a small investment.


Assuming break-in period may originated with non-lapped regular cheap drilled only barrels on most store bought rifles. Custom lapped barrels are polished mirror smooth after the drilling. Most people may not understand the mechanical and performance difference


Barrel break in is a legacy from decades ago when machining wasn't as precise and many, if not most, barrels would have microscope burs and similar.
Hammer forged barrels, button rifling etc have made this a thing of the past for most barrels


Absolutely love your interviews Jim after Seth from Hornady and now this one, you do a nice job and I love ego free guests with great knowledge. Keep it up!
