You Don't Love Fantasy If You Haven't Read These

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These 25 fantasy series are considered the best, must-reads, modern classics that you can't miss! Throughout the video I will be sharing the top 25 books from the Fantasy subreddit "top fantasy books 2023" (the list is updated every 2 years, so the next one will arrive in 2025). And I would like to present you a challenge, let's count how many of these books have you read! How many points do you accumulate!

The rules are simple, 2 points for a series that you've read (if it's very long and you've read more than half, let's count it)! and 1 point if you either own the series or you've read the first book!

Note that you will find some sci-fi books also present in this list, but it's definitely a minority!

* February book club pick: Empire of Silence

Booktubers mentioned: @libraryofaviking for his love of The Dark Tower (top 24) and @merphynapierreviews for being the inspiration to read Gentleman Bastards (top 11)!

00:00 A Challenge!
00:22 Top 25
00:56 Top 24
01:29 Top 23
02:49 Top 22
03:29 Top 21
04:45 Top 20
05:18 Top 19
06:05 Top 18
07:22 Top 17
08:40 Top 16
09:24 Top 15
10:01 Top 14
11:32 Top 13
12:40 Top 12
13:29 Top 11
14:37 Top 10
15:54 Top 9
17:08 Top 8
18:16 Top 7
19:35 Top 6
20:43 Top 5
21:57 Top 4
23:08 Top 3
24:15 Top 2
25:07 Top 1
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My nerdy ass got 47 points. Haven't read Cradle at all and only about 5 or so Discworld so I docked 1 for that.


Youre so underrated!!! So much quality contents here for fantasy readers!! ❤❤❤


I lost count on my score, so I'll leave it at I feel like a good number of my Top 10 are sprinkled in here and I have a few new ones to add. Thanks!


The first book in The Witcher series _is_ a short story book. That's why it came across like one.


21 when i started watching this video, but after hearing someone else glow about wheel of time, I ordered the first two box sets, so 22 by the end of the video. Your description of The Stormlight Archive rang so true with me. I was sat in the dentist having just had a tooth removed, reading whilst waiting for the ok to go home, , so in pain but also slightly drugged, and the end of the first book had me fist pumping in the middle of a crowded waiting room with a massive bit of gauze in my mouth. Great series. great video.


28 points here. This old guy is glad to see Tolkein right up there! Great video.


I’m glad you enjoyed the format! I only scored 11/50 in this one as I have mostly only read the science fiction books. One day I will catch up on some fantasy haha


I got 17 points which is good considering that from 2014-2019 I would reread ASOIAF just about once a year. Being stuck at home in 2020 encouraged me to try new series, and I like to read books that inspired the series I watch. So in recent years I read all of the Witcher books and finished up to book 9 of WOT. Also making my way through the Cosmere and I'm very interested in Discworld and First Law, so my score will definitely go up in time!!


Got 23 points (mostly for having all these books :D), but great choices! Was shocked you haven't read Harry Potter haha. I read it first time when I was around 11 and reread at least one of the books every 2 years ever since - the audiobooks are amazing as well, just recently re-listened the series, highly recommend. <3


Love the fun little game you turned this into! 27 points for me, which was better than I was expecting, considering that prior to a couple of years ago, I had only read three of these series (Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, Song of Ice and Fire). I'll revisit this in a year, given pretty much everything on this list is on my TBR :)


I can't believe you haven't read Harry Potter 😅. Especially as you loved the movies. The books are far superior (and basically give yourself the same story you gave us for asoiaf 😂)


24 for me - great video. Can't believe Foundation isn't on the list, but not your choice, obviously.


I scored 12/50. There’s just so much to read, not enough time. Great video!


I love how you made this into a game. I got 24 points, so just below average. Got to remedy this!


I've got 32, Harry potter is what got me in to fantasy i still remember the feeling of seeing a wider story come together


This is a fun format! So far I got 25, hopefully I can come back to this video with at least 1 point for each series!


30/50 for me, hated Red Rising and never got past first the first Mistborn book, but loved lots of the others. Love your channel.


34! I’m calling that a win! All the series unread ones are on my TBR so I’ll get to them all eventually 🤞


The Witcher: Greatness (just make believe The Lady of the Lake isn't a thing).
Gideon: A fun read. Harrow: atrocious.
Side note. The Trials of Empire: magnificent, but relentless. Ending: emotional
(...and I'm not talking about the battle).
23/50. Love the channel. I hope you're well.


i got 17 points. I'm new in the fantasy. made a list to check out these other books.
