This Is The Line That Explains The HIDDEN HOUSING CRASH

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The US is home to over 50 metropolitan areas with a population of over 1,000,000. In each of these areas, you will find a unique housing market that operates independently in comparison to the rest of the country. These unique markets are influenced by mostly local catalysts which create individual demand and supply situations. This is why when you watch your next real estate video on YouTube you may want to think about the way the information is being presented. Each market throughout the country is a special entity, some of which share almost no behavioral similarities to the price action that we see on the national level. What I mean by this, is this. When I show a chart like the national Case-Shiller and zoom in on today's trends which seem to indicate that prices are spiking up, that doesn't necessarily mean that your particular market is behaving this way.

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I suggest you offset your real estate and get into stocks, A recession as bad it can be, provides good buying opportunities in the markets if you’re careful and it can also create volatility giving great short time buy and sell opportunities too. This is not financial advise but get buying, cash isn’t king at all in this time!


The effects of the downturn are beginning to sink in. People are being impacted by the long-term decline in property prices and the housing market. I recently sold my house in the Sacramento area, and I want to invest my lump-sum profit in the stock market before prices start to rise again. Is now the right moment to buy or not?


I feel sympathy and empathy for our country low
income people are suffering to survive,
"Anyone who is not Investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity." Imagine I
Invested $2, 500 and I got proflts of $11, 800
in 6 days With the lady you recommended here sometime ago. Expert Ms Dawn Jeffery is the best.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I think a housing crash will happen because all those people who bought homes over asking price, although it was at a low interest rate, they are over their heads. They have no equity if the housing prices continue to go down, and if for whatever reason they cannot afford the house anymore and it goes into foreclosure because even if they try to sell, they will not make any money. I think this will happen to a lot of people especially with the massive layoff predicted for the future and the cost of living rising at a high speed.


House prices will continue to slowly climb by the end of the year, I was really hopeful of my investments this year, but all my plans have been disoriented. I've been studying the market crashes and I realized some investors made millions from the recent recession and I was wondering if such success rate could be achieved in this present market.


Lots of people from California moving to Florida. Now Florida is becoming like California. Home prices are still going up in Florida but Salaries not.


Crackhouses in FL still selling for $250, 000+


Looks like most inventory is on air bnb. 3x more listings there than what's on the MLS


Prices in California will keep falling because a lot of flippers who were holding last year are now trying to unload. Lots of inventory in SF already, but you'll see more and more inventory in all major west coast cities.


San fran where no one can afford it anyway? It's far past 3x median income call us when it goes below that.

It's just far too over priced. If you buy there you will be a slave for 100 yrs to mortgage. It's totally pointless. Needs 80% crash.

Since locals 80% cannot buy anything. Rents are also over priced. Makes no sense to buy property to rent out either.

Also crime going up in sf bay area sinceits becoming detriot


You didn't mention that some places have a heavier layer of FOMO marketing, realtors and housing boosters who make their living this way. I hope you make a map showing the density of parasites.


@MHFIN Hey! I've been watching your videos religiously for the past few months and absolutely love your content.

I just moved to Cleveland and since you're from there I would love to hear your thoughts about the Cleveland market!!


Most people focus on nominal prices. That’s a mistake. While there are numerous intangible benefits to owning a home, in the end, from a monetary perspective it’s just another asset.

If someone buys 200k of stock in a company and a year later sells the stock and receives 200k, in nominal terms they broke even. But in real terms, or purchasing power terms might be more apt, they lost money over the year. If the inflation rate is 5% (haha) their 200k is now 190k in real terms.

Real estate is no different. And on that basis, most of the 400 markets are already in a correction and many of them are in a crash.

In fact, the latest data shows that for the top 100 US markets, numbers 20-100 are negative in nominal terms YOY. In real terms many are in serious trouble.

And in the 19 markets that are up YOY, most don’t beat the current 4% CPI. And since that number is fake and is obviously much higher
the reality is that none of the top 19 actually beat the real rate of inflation.

I would argue that the entire US market is already in correction mode in real terms. And I would bet that looking further out, the entire US market will be in correction mode in nominal terms. And then crash mode followed by a long slow grind to the bottom in 2026.


3:14 im glad this developer is known for never exaggerating in his life.


It's far more simple. An increasing percentage of professionals are working remotely out of home, so moving to more affordable areas only makes sense if one wishes to own. In my Midwestern area, the "inflated prices" look like positive bargains compared to places like SF and Seattle, where the equivalent is 5 to 7 times more expensive. But there is still little motivation for people who have low rates locked in to sell; so as the demand increases, the supply remains low.


Any price over $500k is ridiculous for the average US Citizen.


In a normal market real estate is a local issue. In situations like 08’ and this one they are tied together due the amount of money that was injected into the market and the lending standards. I worked for 2 Fortune 500 companies that were in the relocation business during the last downturn. I bought and sold the homes of individuals who worked for other Fortune 500 companies. All of the big banks, all of the automakers, all of the pharmaceutical companies, all of the government agencies, etc. We worked with Lehman brothers and bear stearns. I watched it collapse and saw people temporarily stuck around the world waiting to see if their employer could afford to move them back. This situation is very similar, but it is a continuation of the last recession and inflation along with huge amounts of debt. Every area of the country was affected. Some just worse than others.


Over the last 5 years what is the profile of the buyer. Are these individuals(people), or are these corporate entities, and if they are corporations at what rate have they purchased homes over the last 5 years. Companies like Zillow Redfin, Open Door, Invitation Homes, Pretium Homes, etc…I believe this is really critical to understand what is happening here and how it impacts home prices. For example Pretium owns 70, 000+ homes, Invitation Homes owns 83, 000+, etc…so for instance Investors purchased 31B worth of homes 4Q 2022. So exactly how many homes is that? Areas like Dallas 31%, Fort Worth 41%, Atlanta 41% of the homes were owned/purchased by investors. So if this is the case and these numbers are correct, you are talking about markets impacted almost a third to half of homes on the market. I really believe that if you don’t have a true handle of those numbers, you really can’t understand what’s happening in the market so the real question is how many homes are corporate investors really purchasing and how does that impact the market? And if these entities were not purchasing the homes at these volumes would the prices then go back to a more normalized number 🤔🤔🤔🤔


People going to Hollywood Hills north of Sunset and crying sbout why is it so expensive!!!! People coming to Los Angeles and crying why us it so expensive. I bought in 1995, a foreclosure with. 7.5% adj. 30years later I have a home that is worth nearly 10 times what I paid for it. No market crash here. A 1200sqft fixer three houses down sold for $1.25 million three months ago. My neighbor sold her house for $1.65 million nearlty two years ago. My house is paid for why should I move? If I do it will be to anther home in Califonia. Ibcan sell my current home, buy another home anywhere in California of equal or lessor value and transfer my current prop 13 property tax base value to the purchased house daving me thousands of dollars in property tax. Why would I move to Blytheville Arksnsas?
