People who have straight up rage quit a job, what was the final straw?

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I had to pretty much beg for 3 days off, the week before I find out my time off was cancelled so someone else could have a week off, I refused to come in and got suspended, then when I returned a week later I found out 2 other people were off for a week, I went straight to the manager and quit


My dad suddenly died and I was forced to go back to work not even three days after the funeral.
When I showed up, clearly under massive amounts of stress and grief, the owners told me "sometimes you just have to be strong in these situations".
The owners then forced one of my employees to quit, suspended and demoted the general manager (I was the assistant manager) leaving me with 4 employees to run the store. Then, they left the country to go on a vacation, only giving me an hour's notice and saying "thanks for holding down the fort".
As soon as I heard they were back in town from their vacation, I cleaned out my cubicle and never looked back.
Everyone else quit within the week.


Most people don't quit their jobs. They quit their bosses. A good boss can make even a shitty job tolerable.


The fact the boss was willing to threaten to fire them, then chickened out when called on it, is all we need to know about that person


I requested a transfer from one store to another. Both stores were in the same mall. The regional manager was there one morning and I explained to him why I wanted a transfer. He said he wasn’t going to let me transfer. I handed him my keys and said, “It’s been real.” And went home. I knew I did the right thing because a sense of peace is what I experienced afterwards.


My supervisor told me and my coworker if we didn’t get everything cleaned up in two days during day hours we would be written up. After all, if she and her two friends can do it after closing with no one in the way, then we have no excuses for not being able to accomplish it during “rush time”. I washed my uniform after work the next night and quit. Never looked back.


In 18 yrs of working I only walked out of 1 job in a rage.
Bullying, racism, favoritism, time theft, etc all done by management. I had never seen anything like it.
Retaliation against anyone who tried to go to HR.
I was doing my job and my managers job for 6 months but with no compensation, I got fed up and walked out mid day.


They wouldn't train me and then punished me by taking away my hours when I couldn't keep up with their expectations without training.


Being accused of faking my genetic disability, which I had formal accomodations for, by an assistant manager. I told her the probably couldn’t do half the sh*t I do if she had a condition that was rapidly deteriorating every system in her body, and that I was embarrassed for her and everyone else who stood by and let her say something so idiotic (my boss and another assistant manager in the meeting.)


Im very high energy, so when it work doing physical jobs, I dont just excel, I absolutely crush, easily doubling the work out put of other employees. Im totally fine with that. doesnt bother me, what does bother me tho is when a boss comes to expect that double production & shits on me when I have bad day, cuz everyone has a bad day once in a while. One boss decided to talk down to me like I was five year old over an easy to fix in 3 minutes mistake that we had 2 hours to correct due to my hauling ass.... I lost my mind, went on a 5 minute screaming rant about his move from appreciation to expectation & quit. This was a night shift job with the closest bus not running, leaving me to walk an hour for the closest one that was. Best hour. They had to replace me with 2 people.

Ive quit a bunch of places without a rage quit over not paying me enough & my favorite revenge is when they have to replace me with 2 people. Current boss sees it every day & knows, he pays half again as much as the others on the team, 30$ an hour is good money for a $20 an hour job.


Was sick and asked my boss to go home he complained about how the other guy in the department was already off sick, and he would have to do everything ( in all reality, very little because we were dead and he was having me do random work to pass the time) himself and demanded i bring a doctor's note in IF he let me go and I just had enough yelled I'm done and left. That was mearly the straw that broke the camels back. I had to deal with his narcissistic ass constantly demeaning me for months, and I had enough. Best decision I ever made. I had had a downward spiral of my metal heath since I started that job, and it took me leaving to see he was the root cause.


Didn't rage quit but I quit my retail job because I would call EVERY week for hours cause they never gave me any (one time I worked ONLY 2 4-hour shifts in a month). I got a better job, and got the hours I want


“The boss wants you back in his office”
I don’t work for him so 🖕🏻


I walked out of a job because the boss was like so controlling as I went through the store everyone watched me...go by the glassware... I made sure I stayed in the middle of the aisle not to give them an Idea I'd trash the place on the way out ..well they trashed it claiming I did it...police were called and everyone said I did it except a customer ...she waited outside to talk to police after the boss went back inside...I did not know what had happened for years turns out the boss went to jail for faking the damages and he had to pay for the glassware....never found out who the customer was Police never even came to my home to chat about it....


I think abetter response would be “I may not be fired but I am quitting you suck have a great time with the hell hole you have here” idk lol


Friday, June 6 2006, I quit my job as a department manager; a toxic workplace!!! Administrative law judge agreed, awarded me unemployment!! Thanks to President Obama, I received payments for two years! I was able to attend culinary school, (ICE)!! The icing on the cake, the supermarket chain NO LONGER EXISTS!!! KARMA❤ rekwife


I was supposed to work as a security site animals in the middle of winter outside. They had a chair outside and said for me to sit there because that's where I'll be working all night in the middle of the winter I told him I quit I didn't even stay for the night


You did the best thing to walk Never test anyone because you will regret the


Tbf, they didn't rage-quit. They called the managers bluff.


Technically you’re fired so you can also claim unemployment
