Keith Ward - Why Is There Anything At All?

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Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be nothing to explain. That anything exists demands some kind of explanation. Of all the big questions, this is the biggest. Why anything? Why not nothing? What can we learn from the absence of nothing?

Keith Ward is a British philosopher, theologian, pastor and scholar.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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This is the question that's kept me awake at night for years now. One day as I was just contemplating existence as I'm want to do, it struck me how strange it is that anything exists. You'd think the default setting would be pure nothingness, but it isn't. It seems like such a simple thing but when viewed from certain angles it will tie your brain in knots.


Another interviewee good at double speak. I believe all philosophers are just word sorcerers.


Why is "nothing" the default, and "something" requires explaining? It could be the other way around.


What makes you so certain that there is anything. Perhaps it's your (my) imagination.


“I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don’t know the answer.”


I really, really enjoy cheesecake.
Therefore, the universe exists.


The concept of "Nothing" represented by the number "0" (zero) did not exist in the beginning. The number "0" (zero) is a relatively recent human innovation in mathematics. But, there has always been "1" (one). The fact that one (1) exists and can generate the position/concept of "nothing" (0) shows that there first exists one (1). Thus, nothing (0) does not truly exist alone: One (1) must first exist that can generate the position/concept of nothing (0). Mathematically, Absolute nothing "could be" expressed as 0 to the power of 0, which can equal 1. "Nothing" IS "Something"; because, it comes from "Something". Moreover, since Nothing (perceived) is not Nothing (actual), then it is possible for Something to come from Nothing (actual). Because, Something (1) is inherently pre-existing within Nothing (actual), hence, 0 to the power of 0 can equal 1. Simply put, Something (1) exists before Nothing (0) can exist. In the beginning, there was Singularity (1).


"if its good that it exist and has value" .. now define "good" and "value" in the context of nothingness (i.e. before the universe is created)


How fortunate we human beings are to even contemplate such questions, especially living in an era of tremendous scientific achievements. Imagine continuing to "achieve" millions of years into the future.


"Objective value." That's funny.


Instead of asking the question why there is something ? One must ask can there be nothing ?. Then we might get an answer.


Scepticism or otherwise called philosophy knows only to raise questions and whatever answers are put forward, they become questions themselves!!


Joseph Campbell would say that to ask "Does God exist?" is nonsensical. God, or Ultimate Reality, is beyond our finite categories of thought. "Existence" is merely a word which defines one of those finite categories. And words are mere boxes that exclude other words which definite differentiating categories of thought; ergo finite. God, therefore, neither "is" nor "isn't." Said another way, any god which "exists" would not be God since existence is a finite category of limitation.


First define existence.. is it having an objective reality? Is empty space still existence? Well, yes. Can we actually comprehend non-existence? I don't think so.

Is it true that if you can conceptualise nothingness you paradoxically falsify it? Therefore I think the question 'why is there something rather than nothing?' is in itself not valid.


The title is "why is there anything at all", as in why is there something rather than nothing, and he doesn't get close to acknowledging what he's been asked, let alone answering that question. Why all the talk about reasons, and the example he gave of pleasurable things existing and the reason they exist is because we enjoy them. Pure philosophical garbage and the answering of a question he wants to talk about rather than the one he's been asked


"we don't know" basically.


It's a nonsensical question though, what is "nothing"? There's no evidence for it, we can't detect it, so why is this even a question? It may be a fun philosophical question to have an idea of an absence of all things but then that would be a thing, in as much as a concept is a thing.


"god" is the infinite and timeless multiverse itself. "nothing" cannot exist, because it is just that, nothing: the absence of existence. Even moses quoted god replying to the question of his nature, "I am that I am"


The question of *"...Why is there anything at all?..."* is so perplexing that I have often wondered if even God (if such a Being exists) would know the answer.


It's very simple and short, say it with me: *"I just don't know".*
See how much time you save when you are being honest with yourself. 😏
