Evidence for Life After Death - Keith Ward

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Keith Ward is Emeritus Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Oxford, Fellow of the British Academy, and currently Professorial Research Fellow at Heythrop College in London. He is the author of numerous books in philosophy and theology, including More Than Matter?, In Defense of the Soul, The Big Questions in Science and Religion, and his five-volume Comparative Theology.
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When people say "I wouldn't want to live forever...I would get bored". Surely it depends what you are doing with your time.


I went to a lady to help with my PTSD from combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. While she was helping me, she stated, "You experienced the loss of a loved one."
I replied, "yes I have."
She stated, "Your brother is here, and he says that everything is alright, he is alright and he sees you."
Wow, my eyes welled up and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She knew nothing about me, and my brother was killed 31 years ago. She stated, "he crossed over at a rural place near a road." That was true...
She stated, "He says he said goodbye to you the moment of transition."
Wow.... October 3rd 1991 was a Thursday, early Thursday morning at 2:45 am after I had gone to bed after a long study and homework night, I couldn't sleep. As I started to fall asleep, I heard a voice say... "Char"
My name is Charles, and only 2 people called me Char. I immediately sat up, looked outside my window, but nothing was there. I went back to bed. The next day at 8am I'm sitting in my economics class in college. A teachers aid pulled me from class for a phone call. That was the day my life changed. My brother said goodbye to me after or during his death. This lady blew me away entirely. I no longer mock at the idea of life after death. She knew things, that there's no way for her to know. Absolutely no way.


There's such a chill, down to earth quality about Keith Ward. The type of guy you want to sit down and have a beer with. He's the best.


Such an honest man. He is quickly becoming my favorite theologian...him and John Lennox.


Sometimes some people experience things which no human mind can explain. Is that not evidence enough that we are part of something much bigger than us?


He is, at least, open to the possibility. So many people simply put on blinkers and refuse to believe, no matter what. 🙁


Thank God there are people out there like this will help answer the questions and people like me is there life after death


The opposite of death is not life. It's conception. Death and conception is just a transition mechanism for the eternal life energy. If you think that death would be like going to sleep and never wake up, then you must consider birth as waking up after never having gone to sleep. In essence you are energy. And energy cannot be destroyed nor created. If your toaster doesn't work anymore. Does that mean that the electricity/energy that drives it is dead or broken? Or does it mean that the machine can't transmit the energy anymore to be functional? So it all depends on wether you think you are your body, or the energy that is driving your body. If you say 'I am my body' than I ask you this: who do you refer to when you say 'MY body'?


An interesting, honest man... Kieth Ward, we need more like him.


Keith Ward, you are the man! Philosophical, objective, honest and kind. Thanks for these videos Biola.


There is so much to be learned after demise from this existence. Oh GLORY ! I will never be bored; and will
build from what I learn. Amen.


To me the evidence that people that claimed they had a nde or even an obe and told impossible things that they saw here out of their bodies and did prove it is undeniable evidence of at least the conscious going on without the mind so there for going to the light and leaving this physical dimension is 100% real to me not to mention i had an nde myself.


Keith Ward is great. The guy unable to hold a camera steady, not so much.


Are you still there? You are not interested in afterlife but you believe in it anyways because you believe in a creator. I am agnostic too. I was skeptical about non material world. I started to believe in it since 9th of May when my son passed away. Science can't prove anything now. Because spiritual realm is not something to be proved through scientific tools.

There is so much more to our existence than this little materialistic view that it's all birth to death.
It said:
The current level of science and even the potential for any of our scientific understanding in the material physicality world will never ever be able to weight in pro or con to the existence of our source of existence because that source is so far beyond our wildest imagination and dreams as human beings stuck in human brain and body.

According to biocentrism, space and time are not the hard object we think. Everything you see an experience right now is the world of information occurring in your mind. Space and time are simply the tools for putting everything together. Death doesn't exist in a timeless world.


I think we know very little of the world around us


"Death is lifes greatest secret" - Betty white's friend.


There is a good channel for this material on YouTube. It's called Afterlife Topics And


people have shared their experience of death. they always say it feels like life got easier or it just a while place with nothing in it. The only reason I'm here because I'm scared of death. I need help 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


So were was the "evidence" of life after death??? That speech could anybody have done._!


who is the camera man, so off putting, just let it sit there instead of moving about and blurring every 5 mins!!
