Why won't God heal amputees?

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Matt Slick with BTWN - Open discussion
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Brilliant! The Where you there argument!


The bible teaches the dim witted that the poorer and more suffered you are the better you will be in heaven...great way to sell snake oil.


Who is ready for some question dodging?


Yes, we don't fight over the interpretation of the Bible, we all agree upon x, y and z. We just don't agree upon a, b, c, d, e, f, g ... v, w.


I don't really know how things currently stand in the religionist/atheist debates; but what I _DO_ know is that there are a hell of a lot more of these debates going on now than there there were maybe a decade ago.


how does a man born with divine qualities the same as one that is born of no divine qualities????
riddle me that batman


27:00 so the book says god has these qualities and so therefore, rinse repeat...

harry potter says this and this about moogles and witches so there for its true, rinse repeat


I want to speak about theonomy, may I please join?


The Bible says one thing the interpreters say another, gotta love it


Calvin also tried theonomy in Geneva :(


Can someone please give me a time stamp to where they answer the question?


Matt is a weasel who dodges the question.


There’s virtually no evidence of an amputated limb being regenerated. That’s why you’ll never hear an amputee pray for one. You’ll never hear a pastor ask his congregation to pray for one. That’s because it would take an actual miracle for a limb to regenerate. Since there are no actual miracles, Christians limit their praying to non-miraculous events. Sometimes, they get what they want (“My rash cleared up! God is good!”) and sometimes, they don’t. God is usually not mentioned in these instances, or they refer to a ‘canned response’. “It’s all part of god’s perfect plan.” — Common sense should lead believers to this question. If it’s all part of his perfect plan, and everything is pre-destined, then what’s the point in praying?


These guys are right 40, 000 denominations is ridiculous. It's way higher. Anyone who has ever read the Bible at all comes away with a different idea about God and everything else the Bible says. Even when someone fits into a very specific camp, they still are very very different from others in that same camp.


I always assumed it was God the Father HIMSELF in the garden with Adam and Eve, Since Adam and Eve were sinless I thought they could see God face to face.


The laws given to Israel are for Israel but Israel is under a new covenant, , , there has been a change in the law and in the priesthood according to Hebrews, , , , Jeremiah 31:31 31"Behold, days are coming, " declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them, " declares the LORD.…Jeremiah says the new cov was made with Judah and Israel so unless you think there is some other new covenant besides the one Jesus made then you have to admit this passage is referring to the church, ,,,now follow me, , , , in Zachariah it says "throw it to the potter" in reference to the 30 pieces of silver, , , that passage is referenced in the NT in relation to Judas Iscariot , ,,its an obvious reference to what happened when Jesus was sold out by his brothers, , if you keep reading it talks about God telling the prophet to break 2 sticks in half one called union and the other called favor and then it says the brotherhood between Judah and Israel was broken on that day, , ,

◄ Zechariah 11:12 ►
12I said to them, "If it is good in your sight, give me my wages; but if not, never mind!" So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages. 13Then the LORD said to me, "Throw it to the potter, that magnificent price at which I was valued by them." So I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14Then I cut in pieces my second staff Union, to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.…

so we deduce from these passages that there was a split that occurred between the people of Judah and Israel because of Jesus, , , but wait, , , the church is also called Judah and Israel, , , so how do we rectify this, , , its simple

 in this context Judah and Israel might be one in the same, ,,Judah is also known as Israel, , , so Judah is one group with 2 names, ,,in other-words the names Judah and Israel can be used synonymously for the people of God

now we know from the Gospels that the tribe of Judah (aka Israel) was split over Jesus, , , many believed in him and many did not, , so now we have one group called Judah aka Israel split into 2 different Jewish sects, , one kept the name Jew and the other took on the name Christian, , , its critical to understand this because the lack of understanding on this subject has led to all kinds of pharisees and the Christians were both from Judah aka Israel, , , the only distinction is that one sect believes in the messiah and one sect does not.

continue to follow me, , , , 12 of the Jews were chosen by God  to be Jesus disciples, , , , these disciples of Jesus were used as foundation stones for the messianic temple of God, , , God also gathered some of the chief priests, some of the common people of Israel and also some of the Jews in the diaspora , ,,these were used as the foundation stones in the new cov temple of God, , ,

would you tell those Jews that they were not the new covenant judah aka Israel mentioned in Jeremiah 31:31? I dont think so, , ,

 When the elect were gathered by God unto those Jews and they were converted and became part of the New Cov. they became living stones in the new messianic temple of God, ,,they were (grafted in) to the olive tree, , ,

so the elect from the nations become part of the New covenant made with Judah aka Israel, ,,right? if you contest this then tell me, ,, did the church cease to be Judah aka Israel at some point?  if so when did this occur? 

As far as I see it The new cov was made with Judah aka Israel, ,,God sent Judah aka Israel out to preach the gospel and gather the elect, , , God hand picked the elect from the nations to be part of that covenant, , , they were gathered and grafted into the olive tree, , , its one tree called Judah aka Israel, its one body with one spirit, under one new covenant!  later on Judah and Israel took on the name of the messiah who was called Christos, , , but they didn't impose this upon themselves but rather it was imposed upon them by mockers and scoffers.

now think ab it, , , the pharisees became the Talmudic rabbis and they were also part of Judah and Israel, , , they converted many people from all nations to the pharisaic or Talmudic religion, , , answer me this, , , are those gentile converts who were grafted into Talmudic Judaism part of Judah and Israel? or did the pharisees cease being Judah and Israel when they converted non Jews to their religion? , ,,

if the Jews didn't become gentiles when they converted non Jews then why are we assuming the church who is called Judah and Israel to be full of gentiles?...when Jews convert gentiles the gentiles become Jews, ,,the Jews dont become gentiles when they gather others to their religion, , ,

the truth is obvious to me, , , both of these groups are part of Judah and Israel, , , the only reason this is an issue is because the Rabbis declared the Christians apostates and cast them out from the synagogues, , , since the Christians were declared "goyim" ie non Jews and deemed heretics who were no longer part of Israel we tend to see Christians as non jews but this is ridiculous, , , who is the Jewish messiah?  Jesus is, , , who has the truth? We do, , , Who is called Judah and Israel, , , WE then why are we accepting the opinions of the pharisees who deny the true messiah?  Why are we accepting the rulings of the rabbis when they contradict scripture? They are the ones who chose Bar Kochba as their messiah ie a false messiah, ,,So they have no authority as far as I see it, , ,

God says we are Judah and Israel and thats who we are.  God also says "He is not a Jew who is one outwardly he is a Jew who is one inwardly"

Christians today think backwards because they have been influenced by the propaganda of the Rabbis, , so dont cal yourself gentiles, , , dont ever call yourself that because in the mind of the Jews its like calling yourself a pagan or cattle, , , you are part of Judah and Israel and Jesus is your messiah, , , you have the TRUE Messiah Jesus, , , , think ab it, , , only one of these groups is saved and it aint the people who reject Jesus, , , they are lost, , ,

so why are we allowing them to confuse our minds to the point where we even call ourselves gentiles???Jesus is the LION of the tribe of Judah, , , and we are his tribe, , , we are also called Christians, , the gentile people who were apart from God have been drawn near, , , they have been made new creatures, , , they have been washed and saved and called and justified, , , they are not gentiles they have been grated into the olive tree and made part of Israel forever

we should make it clear we are Judah aka Israel, , , both groups can use the same name

whatever God does in the future regarding the Talmudic rabbis and their converts is his business and I hope he does change their hearts but we need to stop adopting their thinking to our covenant, , , technically they dont even have a covenant lol, , so why are we listening to them? They are the ones in error not us, , ,

Conclusion: both the pharisees and the Christians are part of judah and Israel, , , as far as the status of the Talmudic Jews  before God I dont know, , , can they be under the Old cov when its been made obsolete at the cross? I dont think so, , , but at the same time the bible says the gifts and calling of God can not be revoked, , , can it be that God has a special plan for them?, ,,that he has kept them together for a reason?, , , I HOPE SO, , maybe he plans to gather them and bring them to the messiah later on? this might be the case, , , I think its a good possibility, , , whatever happens happens but dont allow them rob you of the name Judah and Israel because thats who we are, , , our Messiah is the King of Jews


I really don't want to watch this whole thing. Can someone tell me where he gets asked why god doesn't heal amputees. I'm dying to hear him finally say its because god isn't real.


Wow, Thanks for the shout out BTWN. Matt is totally wrong! There are sects of the faith that disagree on every point of christian doctrine. What makes is view right? What makes the Pope's view right? What makes the antitrinitarians (Newtons) right? You cant just assert you have the truth because when you have to interpret the doctrine then you cant avoid subjectivity. 


Ahh, why won't [the Christian] God heal Amputees. Basically an example of Theodicy of "Why there is evil in the world?" and "Why would [the Christian] God not do anything about it?". It's always something for discussion of the concept of Omnipotence and Ethics, let's see how you guys tackle it.


LOL at that "agnostic atheist" Slick says :
"do you believe he is absolute - he is what he is for eternity" the answer should be "How would I know that?" Any other answer would be pure speculation about the characteristics of a creator.
