French Words in Greek Sound Kind of Funny | Easy Greek 181

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Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.

Production: Dimitris Hall

#learngreek #easygreek #easylanguages
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Είμαι τούρκος και καταλαβαίνω σχεδόν όλες αυτές τις λέξεις. Ακόμα και οι "ψευδόφιλες λέξεις" συμαίνουν τα ίδια με στην Ελληνικά. Πολλή αγάπη από την Τουρκία.


Αγαπάω αυτό το βίντεο! Σπούδαζα η γαλλική γλώσσα στον σχολείο και στον πανεπιστήμιο. Οι αγαπημένες μου ξένες γλώσσες ειναι ελληνικά, γαλλικά και αραβικά. Φιλάκια από την Σικελία 🇮🇹🇬🇷🇫🇷


Extremely interesting ! I am a French native speaker who started learning Greek half seriously a month ago. I noticed some loan words like the colours but didn't realise there were that many. Just found my favourite loan word ever after learning 7 languages in 20 years. Ζαμαν φου. It is priceless. Love it! I also realised I should work on my reading skills, wouldn't have been able to figure out ασανσέρ just by reading it


Ah.. thank you. This makes my efforts to learn Greek easier! I live in The Netherlands and in school I was pretty good in French.
I allready noticed that the Greek language has French words in it, but now I recognize many more!
Being συνταξιούχος there is time to learn Greek.
Not easy, but fun.


Καλημέρα από τη Γαλλία! Λατρεύω και λατρεύομε και τις λέξεις του ελληνικού από τη Γαλλία! Ας διαρκέσει η γαλλοελληνική συμμαχία και φιλία!
Les amitiés d’un étudiant français en Erasmus dans votre beau pays 🇬🇷🇫🇷


For someone who is studying French and Greek at the same time, this is a very fun video! :D


Μιλάς γαλλικά πολύ καλά !! It was a good surprise to see that video and I can assure there is no mistakes regarding the french part ! Bravo et merci pour ce travail !


Until WWII, French was the most common foreign language (spoken by Greeks) in Greece. English took over after WWII. That's the reason why we still have so many French words (mostly for items).


Dimitri your French pronunciation is very good; you have mastered the most difficult, the "r" sound which has a guttural "rh".


As a french, found funny you said French was somehow "status of a higher language" and you wouln't like to speak with the wrong accent, because I feel the same with Greek. Thanks for the video, that "zaman fou" made my day!


Had an argument with my uncle who was insistent that Rendez-vous was a Greek word. My wife who is French Canadian was biting her tongue and trying to be polite 😂😂

A few other words that popped into my head are μπαλκόνι which is balcon in French. That one is interesting because we also use ταράτσα which is terrasse in French but I believe that one comes from the Italian Tarazzo if I’m not mistaken.

The other word that came to mind was αγκαζέ which comes from the French engagé. We use it to say we are walking arm in arm.

I’m sure there are others I am forgetting. Being Greek and living all my life in Quebec, I’m sure there are other words that are distinct to French Canadian that has entered the Greek lexicon here.


Μιλάς καλά γαλλικά και σ´ευχαριστώ για τις προσπάθειες σου. Καλό βίντεο!!😊


Κύριος EG, for somebody who says that French is a language you «... don't know well, almost [not] at all...» your pronunciation of it is very well and finely delivered. 👍🏽 And this is coming from someone (a Kiwi) who spent some years growing up there as a youth. 🧿


Ευχαριστώ πολύ! Πολύ ενδιαφέρον βίντεο! Όλα τα βίντεο σας με βοηθούν πολύ!


My mother often commented on the fact that some "French" words used in Greek were actually of Greek origin. The example she would site is σινεμά which comes from the French cinéma. But that word is actually a translation of κινηματογράφος.... so it's a Frenchification of a Greek word!!

Also, many languages have French words in their vocabularies because French used to be the international language of the world (the "lingua franca") just as English is today.


It was years until I found out that κολιέ came from the French collier. I thought it was such a weird-sounding word in Greek and couldn’t figure out its origin!


Μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ αυτό το crossover με Easy French


Πάρα πολύ καλή προφορά στα γαλλικά Δημήτρη! Είμαι απ’το Κεμπεκ και μην πεις συγγνώμη, είσαι τέλειος!


Gya sas! I can understand or imagine how some french words became part of Greek dictionary, especially some word from the kitchen and mode vocabulary, but "zamán fou" ?! How is it possible? 😂


Είμαι βραζιλιάνος. Στα πορτογαλικά υπάρχουν επίσης πολλές λέξεις από τα γαλλικά: marrom, abajur, marquise, garçom, maquiagem, garagem, echarpe, bege, etc.
