5 Reasons Why You’ll Look Exactly The Same In 90 Days (See pinned comment for more insights)

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If you reached a plateau and you can’t seem to see results…

These 5 points might be the reason ⬇️

1️⃣Only doing 3 sets – Limiting yourself to just 3 sets can halt progress. Muscle adaptation requires both volume and variety. Don’t just stick to 3 sets of 12 reps for months and years.

Try increasing the number of sets or incorporating different training styles like supersets or drop sets to stimulate further growth. Consider even 5 or 6 reps with heavy weights to break plateau.

2️⃣Speeding through your reps – Fast reps reduce time under tension, which is critical for muscle activation and growth.

Slowing down allows better control, ensuring muscles are fully engaged, while also improving form and reducing the risk of injury.

Controlled reps enhance muscle fiber recruitment and improve mind body connection. Slow down your reps.

3️⃣Lifting light weights only – Sticking only to light weights without progressively increasing the load limits strength gains.

To break plateaus, aim to gradually increase the weight while maintaining proper form. This is key to building strength and muscle, as progressive overload forces your muscles to adapt and grow.

4️⃣Not tracking calories or protein – Nutrition is as important as training.

Tracking your caloric intake and protein consumption helps you meet specific goals, like fat loss or muscle gain.

Without sufficient protein and a balanced diet, your muscles won’t have the nutrients they need to recover and grow. Quality it’s important so focus on getting high quality food and protein from real food mostly without relying on protein bars.

5️⃣Doing excessive cardio – Too much cardio can lead to muscle breakdown, especially when paired with insufficient calorie intake.

While cardio helps with fat loss, balancing it with strength training ensures you maintain muscle mass while reducing fat.

If you want to be lean the priority should go to strength training and walking. If you want to run, at least don’t do it before your strength session, leaving it preferably for a different day.

Which mistake are you guilty of? 👇

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