Why We Left Merida Mexico...| Merida vs. Oaxaca| Cost of Living In Mexico| MexitPlans

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We did a thing Y'all. We left Merida Mexico for Oaxaca City to experience something new and boy did we find a treasure of goodness in Oaxaca. First Oaxaca is the home of Mezcal, Mole, Cheese, Coffee, and Chocolate. Second, the Oaxaca climate is amazing. Lastly, it is home to the Best Food in all of Mexico. There are so many reasons to like Oaxaca 2021 and in this Mexitplans episode, I compare and contrast Merida vs Oaxaca. If you are moving to Mexico, I think Oaxaca should be a place for you to consider. Take a look at my reasons why and learn why I feel that way. Let me know what you think about this video and leave me comments below.
#MeridavsOaxaca #movingtomexico #CostofLivinginMexico

00:00:00 Greetings
00:00:24 MexitPlans Jam Session (Dance)
00:00:43 Cost of Domestic Travel in Mexico
00:01:22 Disclaimer
00:02:11 Cost of Living In Mexico: Merida vs. Oaxaca
00:03:30 Why Should You Consider Moving to Oaxaca or Merida
00:06:12 Merida's Two Seasons
00:07:42 Internet Speeds in Merida
00:08:12 Contributing Factor to Safety In Merida
00:08:35 Amenities of Merida vs Oaxaca
00:09:19 Options For Flying To Merida
00:10:53 Things To Do Near Merida

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Your assessment is right on target! There is more to do in Merida than Oaxaca; the food is far superior in Oaxaca, both restaurants and supermarkets/markets. One advantage of Oaxaca is the 5 hour drive to Mexico City, which is my real home (where my heart is). Overall the ambience is friendlier and more easy-going in Merida. Weather: hands down Oaxaca. If you can entertain yourself and not require American style stores and perks, Oaxaca might be better. Medical, convenience: Merida takes the cake.


Merida was too hot and humid for me. Acapulco is my favorite, but earthquakes were the deal breakers for retirement. Vicks VapoRub is great for mosquitoes I did visit Oaxaca, since it is next to Guerrero. Cuahiniculapa is 98% Mexicans of African ancestry. Vicente Guerrero was the 2nd President of Mexico, and his museum is in Cuahi, President Vicente was of African ancestry. The state of Guerrero was named after him. He reminded me of Jimmi Hendrix.


I had the reminder set for the premiere and YT stiffed me! Well, I'm team Merida for sure. Medical care, safety and for me the heat is fine, I use my fans and rarely ever run the a/c so I'd freeze in 60 degree weather so I too am team Merida. Great comparison video, at some point, I will visit Oaxaca but for now at least, Merida is home.


Great video, we are in the process of moving to Puerto Morelos now from DFW. I grew up in Az so I how about heat. Merida and Progresó are on our list of places to visit for sure. Gracias Sir for your channel 👍😎


Oaxaca sounds like the place for me that's the type of climate I like all year round and I'm pretty much a laid-back type of person thank you for sharing really good information I'm glad there's someone like you that can share your experience truthfully with us


Love this information! Thank you so much!


Excellent 👍🏾 video. Excited to move my little family to Merida in a few months 🎉❤️


Liked Merida very much. I'm going to Queretero in two months to check it out too. The weather seems nicer.I'll keep you posted. Enjoy


I haven't been to Mexico in 20 years, so I know tons has changed since then. When I was there, I fell in love with Oaxaca. I just felt so happy and comfortable there. Granted, I wasn't trying to live there. I stayed in Oaxaca for a little over a month. I was in Mérida for 2 months, and it was great, too. Very nice city.
At this point, my partner and I are planning to explore a bit. We're interested in Mérida, Valladolid, Oaxaca, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Puebla, Atlixco, and maybe Veracruz.
If there were any good major hospitals on the Costa Chica in Oaxaca, I'd move there in a heartbeat. I absolutely adore that coast. ❤


Y'all can have all that hot/humid weather. I just can't deal with it, that's why I love Mexico City. No A/C necessary. There's a few weeks it gets cold at night, but I just put a heating pad under the mattress cover and I'm good to go. I haven't been to Oaxaca yet, but it's on my list along with several other places. You're absolutely right about the cheap domestic airline tickets in Mexico. I just booked another first class round trip ticket to Cancun for $243.00 Found some cheap hotels in Cancun too, and the prices keep dropping, I think because of the covid testing requirements that are mandatory for many foreigners now, and the lack of tourism right now. But, I look forward to booking a trip to Oaxaca. Thanks again for your videos!


Because we live in Southern California we fly direct to Merida from TJ so it is a direct flight for us.
We found that was easier than the hectic Mexico City airport.

Great information and comparison. Thank you.


Great video! Maybe I'll spend Summers in Oaxaca!


Thanks for your valuable videos. Very helpful as I plan to move to Merida.


Good thing that from NY, you can fly into Oaxaca. Definitely a hard no to the heat for this Jersey girl. Thanks for the video.


Excellent video.Your anology of comparing the two was tight and right.What was the name of the hotel you stayed at and can you recommend some restaurants there?


Excellent points! Both Yucatán and Oaxaca have traditional Mexican culture. Merida I think is more international from what I remember lots of international cuisine. Tye Beaches are nicer in Oaxaca but weather is cooler especially at night. Merida has access to wonderful cenotes but they force you to wear a vest to float in. I went to the Cenote in Valladolid Yucatán. Maybe cenotes are different in other Towns in Yucatán. Overall yes I prefer Merida Yucatán too. Transportation from USA is way easier as well. I flew to Mérida from Houston.


You are very informative! Maybe do something on Retiring in Merida. Some of the communities and activities. Ps, Please lower your background music. Music is competing with your voice. Thank you and continued success!


Fantastic advice. I just found you and really enjoying your experience and advice. Thank you for posting this.
My wife and I have been thinking about these two cities and comparing them from Canada for the past few years. She is originally from Mexico and I have Persian background. We never been in either of these two cities. But we have been in many places in Mexico.we love Mexico.
We are Living in Toronto at the moment. But have been thinking to land in Mexico.
With two girls 7 and 11, coming with us, and 23 years boy who won't be coming with us. ( He is moving to Oaxaca).
For me Media, having more Canadian and American, access to airport, being close to Ocean is a great choice. On the other hand, Oaxaca, having a great weather, food, safety and cheaper homes, I can't say no to it.
Hard to decide.


Thanks for all the fantastic info Monte. You were very detailed with your comparison. Much appreciated. I've been looking at airbnb's in Merida for later this year. Is it me or are the prices increasing? Maybe it's just airbnb. What's your opinion?


How long have you lived in Mexico? Are you learning Spanish? How do you make a living in Mexico? I notice that some youtubers teach English.
