Why We Left Merida Mexico...| Merida vs. Oaxaca| Cost of Living In Mexico| MexitPlans

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We did a thing Y'all. We left Merida Mexico for Oaxaca City to experience something new and boy did we find a treasure of goodness in Oaxaca. First Oaxaca is the home of Mezcal, Mole, Cheese, Coffee, and Chocolate. Second, the Oaxaca climate is amazing. Lastly, it is home to the Best Food in all of Mexico. There are so many reasons to like Oaxaca 2021 and in this Mexitplans episode, I compare and contrast Merida vs Oaxaca. If you are moving to Mexico, I think Oaxaca should be a place for you to consider. Take a look at my reasons why and learn why I feel that way. Let me know what you think about this video and leave me comments below.
#MeridavsOaxaca #movingtomexico #CostofLivinginMexico
00:00:00 Greetings
00:00:24 MexitPlans Jam Session (Dance)
00:00:43 Cost of Domestic Travel in Mexico
00:01:22 Disclaimer
00:02:11 Cost of Living In Mexico: Merida vs. Oaxaca
00:03:30 Why Should You Consider Moving to Oaxaca or Merida
00:06:12 Merida's Two Seasons
00:07:42 Internet Speeds in Merida
00:08:12 Contributing Factor to Safety In Merida
00:08:35 Amenities of Merida vs Oaxaca
00:09:19 Options For Flying To Merida
00:10:53 Things To Do Near Merida
#MeridavsOaxaca #movingtomexico #CostofLivinginMexico
00:00:00 Greetings
00:00:24 MexitPlans Jam Session (Dance)
00:00:43 Cost of Domestic Travel in Mexico
00:01:22 Disclaimer
00:02:11 Cost of Living In Mexico: Merida vs. Oaxaca
00:03:30 Why Should You Consider Moving to Oaxaca or Merida
00:06:12 Merida's Two Seasons
00:07:42 Internet Speeds in Merida
00:08:12 Contributing Factor to Safety In Merida
00:08:35 Amenities of Merida vs Oaxaca
00:09:19 Options For Flying To Merida
00:10:53 Things To Do Near Merida