Former SAS Soldier Ant Middleton Talks Andrew Tate

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It’s easier to fool a nation than to tell a nation they are being fooled


I do miss Ant Middleton not being in Sas who dare to win


The one thing, apart from honesty, that this society definitely needs, is tough love, not from those seeking to rule and control the population but from us ourselves.


I really enjoyed the video it goes to show there is still hope. Subscribed!!


I respect you Ant so much, thank you for your service for our country. You are a fantastic role model for young blokes


I think it’s a sad thing that we all know EXACTLY what’s going to happen with Andrew Tate and we sit and talk about it and realize everything going on and still sit here. Those at the top aren’t worried in the least about any of us. They know they are in total control. What’s sad is those out there that have not a single clue of what’s happening. It’s shocking how many are totally blinded.


The thing with Tate is, he couldn’t just make it and disappear in to the background because he was doing what he was doing to open other people’s eyes, to help them improve themselves.


best guy on the planet ant middleton is a hero fam, could listen to him all day knows exactly what he's talking about


As a man, who has passed middle age, resides with his retired father due to the covid pandemic to A) not be financially screwed by loss of work and rent repayments 2) assist with the only family you have as who knows how much time you have left but also on the pretence its temporary and life will go on when normality strikes.

Normality came back, social interaction is not the same as what it was pre-pandemic. The normality I thought i was going to return to no longer exists to a certain extent.

I am realising there is no escape from the barrage of political propaganda we all buy into, left or right, rich or poor. We are corralled into the eventual narrative. Fingers pointing at neighbours for faults created by those barely visible on our own horizons.

We do need a change and i'l agree with Ant on one thing what we currently have is failing and only works for those who are comfortable to befriend, manipulate and betray.

II am not a religious man. I understand and hold the upmost respect for those that are.

There is no matrix, just those that have a heart and those that don't. Manipulators and manipulated. YouTube content creators and YouTube content fans. Hot dogs and hot dog buns.

I guess the question really is, what would you do to make sure you earn the amount you think you are worth to keep you and your family in the lifestyle you think they deserve?

And if you are single without such family comforts - what is that definitive thing you hold onto that makes you do what you absolutely need (without compromise) to do, to keep you carrying on?

I've watched so many videos, shorts, vines all with an emotional musical accompaniment, narrative, child's tear close up. I've never heard a candid word though, just a 'pledge or sales' script.

Older I get, I hope people show more compassion. Rather than raising technology to document an incident, they assist for the better. To hold discourse in person, to share art in person, to get naked on a beach at sun rise and release their lungs in defiance without a care. Help an elder cross the road, let the car out who wants to merge and wave as you do it, ask your local supermarket till operator how they're doing. Run for the bus just because you can. Slide on your knees on fresh cut grass in a park, urinate on a tree, make love out side (dont get caught), invite neighbours who you avoid for a social event on your premises. Wonder, what if? Not, what if I had? Embrace the beauty in our surroundings and focus on the things you can control rather than being immersed in the media driven noise that you cannot and will not be able to control. Find one thing that makes you really happy and never let go (whether you share that passion is up to you but treat it as being sacred).

This is all for me, selfish diatribe. Kick up the arse after watching the video. Had a few stellas and became introspective.

Great chat


Anyone who constantly feels the need to bleet on and on about how good he is as a person, how he's like some kind of ultimate overseer outsmarting everyone, how everyone is wrong other than him. Usually the opposite is true.


He was not in the British Army's Special Air Service (SAS). He was in the Royal Navy's equivalent - the Special Boat Service (SBS).


Get rid of the jacket. The weird leather Michael Jackson studded thing. Not a good look.


I respect Ant Middleton opinion. This guys is clever.


This clip was top drawer. Thanks for this


Every time I see Ant I feel like I need to workout. Guy is a legend.


This is so wise, I was in a situation a while back and I wanted to use social media for activism, however, I wasn't ready. A wise man told me, "Don't make yourself a martyr and play the game to win, then you will have the power to make the change", I still haven't made the change but there are pockets of change, spaces that I connect with. Very good advice, Ant is wise.


Thanks for this video..honestly. this was so fresh, real and humble I'm blown away. This guy is a true gentle men. Admirable completely. Looks like shark. Fights like tiger. And yet still cares. Humble. And not full of ego or hate.


Great words ant. Doing the right thing is bigger than the system. Good for yourself and everyone around you.


I do not believe you could be any interview that speek the truth from a much respected person 💯 respect to ant and for his service service


That man's beard alone could end me
