The Curse Of The Timelords | School Reunion | Doctor Who

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I LOVE the way he says "You wither and you DIE" - like an accusation. It's very, very confronting in all the right ways.


Funny thing is rose says "you never even mentioned her" but during the 5th and 6th era there were many instances in wich the doctor would accidentally call his female companions sarah instead of their names, giving the subtle detail that he was in fact thinking about her even after regenerating twice.


hehe, Mickey's 'I'm the Tin Dog' always gets me.


I've always loved the funny callback to the last time she was in Doctor Who, when he leaves and she realises she's not in Croydon. Aberdeen is nine hours away from Croydon, all the way up in Scotland. I'll bet she had a whale of a time trying to get back home lmao.


The way he looked at her after she said you were my life, you can tell he figured out what that meant and that he realised she had been waiting for him this hole time and wasted her life waiting


It’s so clear he loves Rose in this clip, in his denial about not leaving her. He gets emotional about the idea of them being separated, despite how all knowing and intelligent he is, he cannot be at ease with one simple fact.


my god david is such a talented actor. The scene at the end with rose is truly heartbreaking and feels so real. The emotion and sadness in his eyes, although you can see that he tries to mask it, and the breaks in his voice makes this one of my favourite scenes ever in doctor who. He puts so much into every single character and role that he plays that they feel so real, more so than the majority of other actors i've watched in my life, and it makes every piece of work he does so moving. i never really liked ten as a young child, but watching them all back as i got older, especially scenes like this, that make you realise how fleeting life is, and how people that you care about can be ripped away so easily, but also the grief and the denial that comes with it, to a point where some people literally run and never look back, is such a realistic and bittersweet aspect. The scene at the end of the girl in the fireplace where he reads madame de pompadour's letter, the scene at the end of doomsday where he says goodbye to rose and we see the tears streaming down his face, which he quickly tries to hide, but also we see the other side to him. the rage. the fury of a time lord scene at the end of human nature, the rage in his eyes at the end of the christmas invasion where harriet jones orders the sycorax ship be shot down, there are so many scenes like that throughout his run that make such a perfect balance of him being such a kind, passionate, caring and also often very happy person, but just brewing underneath the surface, a sense of hate but also sadness and fear at all the things he's seen. and what really does it for me is the cafe scene with wilf at the end of time. the realisation and fear of his inevitable demise makes this incarnation so vulnerable and lifelike, and as members of the audience we become so connected and invested in the character emotionally. An actor of a generation in my opinion. Bravo David! 👏👏


“ I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone who you… What, Doctor? You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. “


the fact that tentoo resolves every issue that he mentions in this scene <3


From 4:26 this bit always makes me think of loki and mobius "The Curse of the Time Lords" aka "The curse of being a God" Loki saying this to Mobius. i love 10th/rose so much and this is just heart-breaking.


For me Hartnell, Eccleston, Tennant and Matt Smith really nailed how the Doctor isn't a human. He should have a weird personality. Childish and old at the same time. He's seen more sh*t than we can imagine but him not being human means he can carry on.


The Doctors reaction to K-9 is just adorable


I love how this show gets from serious to funny to back to serious again


A comforting thought has occurred now while watching this and the end of season 4, Now Rose and The Doctor can grow old together.


that proves it that he was her life and that she saw him as more then just a friend


That was always the doctors problem he was always afraid of losing the ones he most cared about he done that so many times before he just couldn't do it again, as somebody who has lost every person almost every person that I've ever cared about what two exceptions I can tell you that you don't want to get too attached to people because when you do you loose them and the hurt you then feel is often times over powering... It's a pain that never goes.


Bro rose looks so jealous in the background 😂


Remember when Doctor Who had Characters and moments you actually felt emotion for?
Sarah: I used to travel with the Doctor. He left me in the wrong place and it was hard getting a bus back home. I've felt lonely ever since, but I'm still doing my best to find aliens.

Micky: My gran died. She tripped on a carpet that I was too busy to fix. Even though she used to slap me, it makes me sad that she's dead.
Doctor: I can't be with you forever because you'll die one day. And that will make me sad.
Rose: Knowing that one day I will die makes me sad too.


He recognizes Me, The Doctor reunited with his old friend still brings a tear to my eye


4:43 The leitmotif of their song in the background.
