'He was bait': Tip-off tip in twisted cop shooting

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The evil trio who killed two cops and an innocent bystander may have lured police to their bush bunker with a deceitful tip-off.

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Okay killing people is wrong! and against the Law! trespassing on private property is wrong! and against the Law! if you prepare for worst-case scenarios on your property is that considered premeditated ambush? or is it securing your property? I have no idea what this guy did before all of this happened before this incident happened. what I do now is all walks of Life break the law including police officers, they come in people's homes, sometimes with a search warrant and sometimes not. everybody made a choice on that day and I mean everybody. you always have to be willing to die for what you believe in because someone else is willing to die for what they believe in. so how strong are your beliefs? again I don't know this man or the cops. but you can't go to people's houses and act like Christopher Columbus
