Timothee Chalamet not perfect enough?

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This insanely cool video shows how images can be doctored to fit the “ideal proportions” for beauty so seemlessly.

In reality, perfection is rarely attainable. You might always have one eye brow that sits higher than the other, a few smiles lines that toxin won’t get rid of completely or a mole (like me) and THAT’S OK!

We get drowned in photoshopped faces of celebrities and models on social media and it’s easy to compare yourself and feel like cr*p because we aren’t that good. Well guess what- neither are they!

I know I work in an industry that is considered vain but I love to harp on about realistic expectations and harnessing my skills to enhance your natural beauty, not change it.

Imperfections give character and there’s beauty in that. I have big scars on my arms from when I jumped off my bunk bed as a 7 year playing a game with my sister that we called monkeys and although it looks hideous, that thing is here to stay because of the hilarious story behind it.

What’s your favourite imperfection?
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The after photo is worse. I think this goes to show that our little quirks, asymmetries and perceived ‘flaws’ actually make us look like normal people. Without them, many of us would look very strange


Good, it is unreal, it is too perfect.
