Riding the Rollers

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I do not like riding indoors but if I have to prefer to Ride the Rollers over trainers. This is how I do it.
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Love u Bobke...u the man... the legacy continues...


Man I have not rode a set of rollers for over 20 years.. Thank you Bobke for this great Video.. When I was in the NAVY we had a group of cyclist on the ship we would ride at SEA.. Talking about getting smooth and working on Balance while the ship rocked and rolled..  On Sundays if the Operations and the weather was nice we would  spin on rollers on the main deck and get some  sun..  Also Thank you Bobke for just wearing a ( MONDO Cool) T shirt and just your bibs and shoes without socks, that is how training inside should be done.. NOT like this other You Tube shows where every one is fully kitted..


I considered rollers this years and would like to try rollers sometime (admittedly, I get nervous watching others ride them - seems like you're always just about to take a nasty digger). Instead, I bought the Wahoo KickrSnap and have been riding ZWIFT 3 - 5x per week for the last two months - definitely recommend it!


I used to have Weyless rollers. they had clip on platforms on either side that made it easier to mount up. Landlord made me stop riding in the apartment when I hit 60mph one evening and shook the crap out of the place.


The Krietler rollers are nice and I've used them for 25 years. When you are fit, they cannot take the torque so there is crazy slippage of the bands when you jam. I have the headwind unit for resistance. I actually phoned Al Kreitler and chatted him about it, and how we might move the fan to the rear roller for a more direct connection to the power source which is one of the rear rollers. Just wiping the bands clean with a damp cloth helps a bit too. But my solution was ultimately to just get a stationary trainer for the heavy resistance for intervals, which feels nothing like riding a bike but you get your high power fast twitch bike muscles trained at least. Criterium riders need intervals absolutely. You can still always do lighter intervals on the Kreitlers. I was sad when Al passed away a few yrs ago.


Great video Bobke! I have the exact same roller setup (4.5 Alloy) but added the Killer Headwind unit. Can't say enough good things about Kreitler rollers. Bought mine in 1997. A few belts replaced but still silky smooth 20 years later. Not only do they develop beautifully efficient spin/technique but I also find that you develop a very good sense of riding comfortably in a small (narrow) space. This plays out when you find yourself in a tight situation be it a pack of riders or otherwise. "Roll" on Sir!


Would any other trainer be right for you Mr Roll? Thanks again, enjoy all your contributions, especially the bike build.
Been following you since early days of Dirt Rag.
I will offer my two cents on rollers. It is my preference, although prefer almost anything including tough weather to any stationary device, that said, i made a small stool on my mount side, just tall enough to clear bottom of crank, put some adhesive backed black grippy
strips on surface, makes start and stop much easier.


Got the same shoes as Bobke.. Speshy S-Works Sub6 ... I went with the all black stealth one's though


I'll always remember Bobke destroying the competition at the 1997 Durango Snowdown roller races at Durango Cyclery.


Thank You. I've always wondered and now you've answered my questions. I need to go buy some


Getting colse to 10, 000 subscribers Bobke, congrats, keep it up.


I've been doing rollers for decades. I just stared doing the turbo trainer this year. There is do much more skill involved with the rollers. I suggest them to anyone. They enhance you balance. core, technique, etc. and require your focus.
You space out and you crash. It's great to hit the road when it warms up after doing the rollers for a couple weeks or a month or so. Riding on the road is a breeze.


Bob, You are hard core for scare the crap out of me. My wife and I ride the stationary trainer with the Zwift app (dual set-up). A couple weeks ago I rode Zwift with Jens (he wasn't as excited about it as I was). Will we be seeing you on Zwift any time soon???


brings back memories. sold my rollers 20 years ago and good riddance .. though they were great back when I took racing semi seriously. mine had a little mag resistance unit on them, but otherwise similar to the kreitlers. now I just ride MTB in winter cause it keeps me warm. Nice Lynskey! I ride em too (R150 break away now mainly)


Nice skills Bob! I found rollers keep you engaged in what you're doing. Drop your concentration and they'll eject you out the side door real fast. I have a reebok step next to mine to help the mount/dismount.


Thanks for this video, Bob. Been wondering about getting rollers and Krietler's in particular. Was wondering if it was possible to stand on Krietlers too. I know you can on E-Motion Elites and was thinking they'd be better for hard efforts. You can even go no handsies on the rollers. Gotta say I am impressed, Bob. Nice legs too.


Like rollers for road bike and fixed trainer for tri-bike. Zwift for both.


rollers or commuter bike and ride in the dark slop! rollers always in my garage as we have cats - and don't want to hurt one of them :)


Trainer on zwift although a firmware update affected my cadence settings! I have a workaround but zwift have me in tier two support!


Great video Sir Bobke. I might need to try some rollers 'cause I really hate the trainer.
