The MANY Secrets Of Classic WoW We NEVER Saw | Classic WoW

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Vanilla WoW was ahead of its time in many aspects. One of those ways was the sheer size of the world. Blizzard planned so much they simply did not have time to get everything they wanted into the game before deciding to go down the route of expansions.
Today we check out a bunch more unfinished, scrapped or delayed projects that have roots in Vanilla WoW. Let me know below if you have any more you know of!
This is part 2 of The MANY Secrets Of Classic WoW We NEVER Saw

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For anyone wondering where the Azshara furbolg gate leads, it's to a huge underground cave complex called Barrow deeps that's below whole Hyjal. You actually visit it in Warcraft 3 campaign.


It’s cool how you first meet problematic furbolgs in NE starting zone at ~5 level and then this theme is developed up to 50+ levels. There are many things like that, this was one of the most important parts of classic wow: really well done chekhovs guns across the world


THIS video exemplifies why I think you have the current best wow content. EVERYTHING you mention you also SHOW in the video, even the Pyrewood Villagers switching to their worgen forms (I don't even know how you can record that without just staying there for a while waiting for sundown)

I applaud you sir


When I was leveling through classic (my first experience with WoW) I always loved finding small things hidden away and scrapped content. A few things I'd like to mention:
-Uldaman quest that takes you to the gates of Uldum surrounded by stone giants, a crack in the gate, but leads nowhere.
-Quel'thalas, the one accessible in vanilla.
-The Wildhammer do appear before cata. Shadowmoon in Outland
-The hints at Pandaria with the bridge in the Swamp of Sorrows and turtles in SoS and Darkshore.
-Almost completely unused area in the islands off of southeast stranglethorn.


the goblins that join the horde in cata aren't the same ones from the steamwheedle cartel, they're from the bilgewater cartel


Remember the baby gryphon you save from the cage in the old questline in the Hinterlands? Sharpbeak?
He is all grown up and makes his return in Zaralek caves all these years later. 😊


Content like this is why turtle wow is so successful. They've released so much custom content that still makes a lot of sense in the wow world, like Tel'Abim and Karazhan Crypts. They're also releasing their own version of Gilneas soon


Way back when I played vanilla, it was so exciting running across stuff that seemed to have no purpose. I remember being in Tanaris and came across the entrance to Caverns of Time before it was a thing. As a level 60, there was an unknown level elite dragon that would 1 shot you. Then there was also Uldum.


15:40 one thing I like about Turtle Wow is they add a Gryphon mount as an exalted reward for the Wildhammer clan. It works just like a normal mount though, but looks like it’s flying close to the surface


Another one that would be cool is the other side of the city in Blackrock Depths. When you enter the dungeon, turn left, then take another left and right your way to the big fire golem boss, there is a giant door behind him. Back when they were making the dungeon that door was meant to go to the other side of the dungeon. BRD was actually meant to be twice as big, which is just insane. It would be done like UBRS, made into a 10 man raid inside a 5 man dungeon.


I remember hearing that Hyjal was going to be an end game zone with dragons fighting demons. They could still do something like this if they are going towards a Classic+ route.


Thanks for this video, WillE. It honestly makes me want to come back and play WoW Classic. I played retail from March 2005 Vanilla WoW through June 2022 Shadowlands. I finally stopped playing in June of 2022 after playing over that 17-year window. Seeing this footage of the "old world" of WoW really brings back special memories. So many of those memories are burned into my mind and are very vivid. I think that Vanilla WoW was the best gaming experience I've ever had in my life. I'm 39 years old now, but I was playing Vanilla WoW during my undergraduate years as a student. I am tempted to come back and play Classic WoW, but I'm not sure I want to do that again. I would need to have one person I know play with me rather than go in alone. One of my big turnoffs about retail WoW was the ever-increasing raid difficulty of mythic raid content. As a GM and raid leader for 15 years (2007-2022), this job became increasingly difficult. I don't miss it, or at least most of it. Ha. We achieved multiple CEs over the years, but it became real, serious work, not a game. That's really a shame. Even for the average raider who had no managerial or leadership responsibilities, the process of delving deep into a mythic raid tier became exhausting. That hurts guilds, teams, and community. It's toxic for the game itself.


Your video inspired me to start a new classic era char. Honestly blown away by how busy the server is. Genuinely never seen stormwind this busy. Been getting groups in the open world so easily as well. Didn’t think I could feel that classic feel again!


Experiencing Vanilla WoW was absolutely amazing. Never before had a game captivated me like that. And never again it will because in this day and age, you know too much about a game before it is out. And until something truly new comes along, it’s already been there. Truly one of the greatest games to have ever existed.


I would love to see them do a classic plus where they flesh out these areas with new raids, pvp, and quest content in the spirit of classic. It would make development cost cheaper and would probably get a lot of people playing seeing as how classic is going through a big resurgence organically.


As someone who really enjoyed Warcraft 3, I always wished to see more of Dalaran in WoW Classic. It was such a major location in W3 with Kel'Thuzad summoning Archimonde, Illidan trying to destroy Ice crown with the eye of Sargeras from there, Kael'Thas struggling with Garithos, getting locked up in the dungeons and then freed an lead to the Outland by Vashj and Illidan. It even had a "Raid-like" Dungeon level in W3, so why not explore that again in WoW? Instead we just have this giant purple blob :D


Turtle WoW has done an incredible job reviving a lot of this content that was originally scrapped. IMO, Turtle WoW is currently the best version of Vanilla+ we have access to.


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Its amazing they made such a huge world with NO LOADING SCREENS in 2006. Unbelievable almost.
