The Predestination Puzzle - Part 1: Ephesians | Andrew Farley

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Maybe you’ve heard the idea that God has pre-selected some to believe and be saved, while others have no chance, because they were not “chosen” by God.

If true, this confusing belief system would lead to all kinds of concerning questions:

*How could one ever really know for sure if they are “picked”?

*How could evangelism be essential if the saved are already chosen?

*Should believers be resigned to engage in a Plato-Socrates style debate over “fate” versus “free will” like so many do today?

Rest assured that there are solid solutions to the predestination puzzle. And in this full-length message, I share the simple truth that may bring you the clarity you’ve been looking for!

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Excellent teaching! I recently taught the same concept and many people in my church were relieved to finally understand the true meaning of predestination. Thank you for taking a stand and making it clear Andrew.


Thank you Andrew! I just wept for an hour, basking in the love and mercy of God. This was so convicting and revealing of just how amazing our God is!


It’s all about what Christ has done for us . Thank God for the faith that we have received through our Lord Jesus Christ. #PerfectGrace ❤️💖


All things work together for God’s purpose. Thank You Lord, you open my heart to understand this wonderful message of grace. ❤️❤️❤️


Such a fresh, enlightening view of Predestination! Thank you, Andrew!


Thank you Dr Andrew, this is freedom, God bless


This really brings a floodgate of joy,


We became heirs of God. That same inheritance given to Abraham is the same inheritance we have received through Christ Jesus our Lord. We have received the fullness of God’s grace.


The Lord has saved and changed my life through this man.
Amen brother. Many years I have learned from you.
Thank you so much pastor Andrew.


From what i read...God owes us nothing but death...for everyone. He choose 2 save some...who dont deserve it. He did kill a lot of ppl in the flood...and various instances in the bible. And saved a few....


This is exactly what i've been thinking about lately!


Predestination is not an idea but a written fact in the Bible. We as Christians must accept what is written in the Bible. The Bible also says believers will be caught up in ayer at the rapture of the church.The maths that lock all the words and sentences together prove it. IE., Genesis.1.1 "In the beginning created God the Heaven and the earth. The numeric value is 2701 that is 37x73 or 73x37. Jesus numeric code is 37. All correct translations have a perfect maths interlock.


Sir, please consider that Paul laid out periods of time that provides greater understanding in these verses. He speaks of Times Past, But Now and Ages to Come. We are told to rightly divide scripture Timothy, so that must mean that we need to be attentive to that instruction. We should not assume that this means to divide between Malachi and Matthew since that was done by men, not God.
All Scripture is God Inspired, so All of scripture is for us, but as we see through scripture, it is not all to us. We don’t sacrifice goats, only eat certain foods, build arks, etc. Paul was sent to the Gentiles by Christ and Paul’s Epistle become the foundation and doctrine for the Gentiles (and for Jews in this new dispensation of Grace given by Christ to Paul). Please read and consider the following time periods that Paul mentions as an appropriate was to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth. “God is Truth and Everyman a liar”. Let scripture explain scripture.
Genesis through Acts 8 = Times Past
Acts 9 through Philemon = But Now
Hebrews through Revelation = Ages to Come

If you read it this way, you solve what appears to be conflict in scripture, but we know that there are no conflicts. Only men that fail to rightly decide scripture create these apparent conflicts. There is a reason James added works to salvation and Paul did not. Important to know who is speaking, who is the audience and what is the context. Paul wasn’t saved until Acts 9, so the majority of Matt, Mar, Luke and John we’re not preaching to Gentiles yet. James 1:1 is speaking to the 12 Tribes of Israel and Gentiles are not members of the Tribes. One example and there are many more. I submit as a brother that respects your teachings. I love your teachings!


But what about when jesus said no one can come to ms unless the father draws them?


The God who made us all, knew from all eternity where we would spend our eternity prior to even creating us. Now, the vast majority of us will spend eternity in hell, that is scriptural teaching. (matt. 7:13-22) Now I will concede the point, that men go to hell because they deserve it and choose it, but here is the kicker...God knew they would do that and with full knowledge created them anyway. Therefore by that creation He fated them to Eternal death. You cannot, cannot, cannot escape the doctrine of predestination on the grounds that this man has tried to. I am a pastor as well and my people are rejoicing in God's Electing Grace because it explains so much of who God is and why he works the way He has in the world! To be chosen by Grace is the only source of humility! To be Carried by Grace is the only source of true comfort in this passing world! And to be compelled by Grace is the only sure hope that the mission of the Church will not fail! Eliminate Sovereign election you eliminate any final ground for assurance, mission, and joy.


please please help. how do i defend this to Torah folks, ...all thru epistles gentiles and Jews, Paul preached to each differently, then what is the meaning of acts 25v21? gentiles dont hear moses every sabboth. gentiles didnt go to synagog every sabboth. torrah folks point to this verse that oh. they should start with these 4 things for now, they'll hear about moses and law...


After you have excepted the lord but you keep messing up. What then?


God send His Son so that anyone who believes will be saved and not be perished. The invitation is for everyone.


God is sovereign in all things, yes even salvation. He chooses us first and then we come to Him.


I'm afraid you are off base with saying we and us are Jew. You needto read verse one and 2 to get the true meaning of we and us.
