Let's Clear Up Predestination! | Andrew Farley

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A recent caller to the radio program, Matt, asked to what extent we have free will to choose salvation. If God’s drawing certain people to Himself, does that mean He’s not drawing others?

The idea of predestination has some thinking God randomly picks certain people for Heaven and others for Hell. In this short video clip, I address the twisted doctrine that only some are chosen and clear up what we’re actually predestined for!

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I don’t know if anybody ever reads the comments in Andrew’s team, but the title today is what you should always do. You’ll get so many more views! Always put a relevant title.


Excellent. Scripture also says that God wishes for no one to be lost. Everyone is called....many just say no.


The Biblical concept of predestination occurs throughout The Bible,
both implicitly (eg, Job 14:5, Psalm 139:16, Proverbs 16:4, Acts 10:41, 13:48, 17:26, Romans 9:11-23, Ephesians 2:10, 2 Timothy 1:9, Jude 1:4),
and explicitly (eg, Acts 4:28, Romans 8:29-30, 1 Corinthians 2:7, Ephesians 1:4-11).

the English noun "predestination" does not occur in The Bible,
but the English verb "predestined" does,
because it is a translation of the com-pound Greek NT verb pro-orizó,
which actually and literally means to pre-determine,
and occurs exactly 6 times in The Bible :
Acts 4:28
Romans 8:29-30
1 Corinthians 2:7
Ephesians 1:5, 1:11


Really good! ONLY once you’re in Christ/in him are you predestined for Gods blessings and to be holy and blameless. Those in Christ receive the “spirit” of adoption, and are waiting for the adoption, the redemption of the body as defined in Romans 8:23.


Ephesians 2:8-9
By GRACE thru faith, a gift of God, not of yourselves so that no one may boast…..


Beautifully put. Those who are already in Christ are the ones who are pre-destined and chosen. The question me we must ask is chosen for what? Predestined for what?


Other posts you have done you taught from Scripture on the subject, but this one is very short and you are just giving us your opinion on the subject. Why? You do quote some scripture that would seem to support your position but in light of what is written in Genesis, I would have to disagree with you. I like what you said at the end regarding free will and would welcome the opportunity to discuss this issue with you although it has been my experience in other cases that that’s not likely to happen. Maybe you will surprise me. I did write you one other comment not far down from here. God Bless.


I've struggled with this doctrine for a while. I tend to lean towards the reformed side or "calvinistic" side (I think using those terms is silly) but I cant help but feel your taking a hostile approach to this doctrine, pastor. 1)I do think you're slightly misunderstanding some parts of this doctrine, however, the tulip acronym doesn't accurately define it, so im not a fan. Also, to essentially say "well, if this is true then we might as well sin!" is a reckless thing to say in my opinion. Just because you dont agree or like it, doesn't mean we have to meet it with a "nothing matters" mindset. We must stay united in the universal truth of the gospel, and not inaccurately portray our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ interpretations on lesser important doctrines.

Blessings, brother.


" You have not chosen me, but I have chosen You"--John 15:16.
."... . but God has chosen the foolish things of the the world to confound the wise, God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty; and the base things of the world, and the things which are despised, has God chosen... that no flesh shall glory in His Presence. "--1Corinthians 1: 26-29.


For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perished but have eternal life. -John 3:16
Soo simple! For those who believe in Him and accepted Him, He gave them the right to become children of God. -❤️
Before the foundation of the world, God knows that the only way for a person to receive the Kingdom of God is through His own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! ✨❤️🥰
Thank You Lord! We are accepted despite of our imperfections.
Romans 8:29-30


I am am ex Calvinist... And now I struggle to believe in God at all. I am trying to reconcile predestination. You are focusing a lot on Does Peter ever talk about predestination?


Salvation is for everyone but Sonship is wholly of God, born not of our own will but by the will of God ( john 1:12-13, rom 9:14 ).

As we can see in the case of Isaac and Ishmael.

Isaac is born of God., Out of God.. He is of God, an heir of God ., it is impossible for a natural man to bring forth Isaac...it is God's act and will alone ...while ...

Ishmael is born out of the will of the flesh, and was taken away.

It is always OF GOD, THROUGH GOD, TO GOD ( rom 11:36, 2 cor 5:18 )....and nothing out of flesh/ self.

From initiation to consummation it is always God in Christ by the Holy Spirit doing, initiating.

From start to finish it is Christ Himself. The alpha and Omega.


So human can believe God by his intelligence or by God? If it is by his intelligence then it is by himself so no glory to God or if it is by God then it is by grace through faith make sense..
I am not a scholar...please correct me if I am wrong..


I wish more people would realize this. They prefer the (per)version of the "bible" that says..for God so loved the Jews and the rest of the world can just burn in Hell!


You said "freewill" is not in the Bible, and that it's a "made-up term"...
Actually "freewill" IS in the Bible... many times. Search freewill, also "willing"


Predestination is not so simply solved as a quick presentation. Regardless of what the early church taught, verses supporting Determinism are in that book, Romans 9 being the heavy hitter. You can find it back in Exodus with Pharoh. God seems to do an alternating free will menu with the plagues (hardening of Pharoh's heart). The early church taught what most Protestants to be heresy (Catholicism) and they were in charge for 1500 years. Protestants are relatively new to the world stage given only a 500 year history. I bring that up to say it's changed since then and will change more. I don't believe predestination is an either or concept in Scripture. I think it's the biggest contradictory concept in christianity and it's not resolvable. To choose one position means ignoring or over interpreting verses that are opposed. I left Christianity over this and other contradictions. I used to lean towards Calvinism because it was the most harsh between itself and Arminianism. Call it trying to play it safe. The Scriptures when read plainly will always render contradictions. I think it's why so many don't read it. They think it's confusing and over their heads, but it's not. It just doesn't make sense unless someone is telling you how to feel about and interpret it.


"Calvinism" did not start with John Calvin. It was already in the Old and New Testaments. After Christ's resurrection, Paul's epistle writings are huge evidence as well. Calvinists can make the same argument for the "free willers". Jacobus Arminius started the theological movement (Arminianism) in the early 17th century. This movement gave way to this new doctrine that God's sovereignty and man's "free will" are somehow compatible, which I think is blasphemus (See Romans 9:21 "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?") So Calvinists do not base their doctrine off of one verse (John 6:44). There is scripture all over the new testament that teaches that God chose a people before the foundation of the world to be in Christ. In this life, in God's appointed time, he will call them out of darkness into his marvelous light. He gives them a will (not free will) to follow Christ and gives them the fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit is the evidence of who the elect are. Those who are not among the elect are the ones who permanently reject Christ and want nothing to do with him. They are the goats.
