Audience Capture & 'The Rings of Power' backlash. A template for recapturing cultural institutions

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Let's look at a phenomenon called Audience Capture and power it can exert over our cultural institutions. There is a reason that the forces of globalization are going over every last vestige of western culture and salting the earth from where it came. There is a reason that it all has to be 'reimagined.'

They understand the power that comes from these cultural artifacts and this power underscores the necessity for defending them. How do we do this? Creating a fellowship amongst ourselves. A fellowship of like minded individuals who can amplify the influence of their own voice by working together with others.
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Lol You should see the new Little Mermaid 👁 👄. 👁


Reason #8352 why I don't watch movies or TV shows. Ever. I own all Tolkein's published works. I read LOTR and The Hobbit as a young tween in the late 80s and I treasure them both. I try to revisit the series every couple of years.
