A Real Solution to Traffic Congestion is Already Here | David Nguyen | TEDxCulverCity

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In the best case scenario, this will only generate more induced demand. The solution is to stop building suburbs and sprawl which only force people to own a car to go anywhere, even to the park. Cities should be compact as they were in the past, density would allow mass transit with short headways and also would make bike commutes and pedestrians multiply. Cars with one person on board will never be the solution.


and pedestrian safety?
One of the more interesting things about city speeds and speed limits is that setting them low frequently makes it safer for people AND eliminates stop/start traffic because you don't have people sprinting between jams.
Many inner cities have actual traffic speeds of 5-10mph and if you set the speed limit at that, you wouldn't actually NEED traffic lights (particularly if you move to roundabouts to replace lights and 4-way stops)

The small town I was born in had 20 sets of traffic lights in 1969. Now it has 3 - and a crash rate that's 90% lower. The difference is roundabouts, lower speed limits in the shopping streets and traffic furniture which doesn't encourage speeding (drivers travel at the speed they assess as safe - and adding more "safety features" actually speeds traffic up whilst simultaneously causing drivers to pay less attention to conditions as they believe they're more insulated from them.)

Sweden and the Netherland both have a very interesting approach to speeding - long range detectors (or messages passed between lights in urban zones) so when speeding traffic is detected, lights go RED and stay that way for a few monutes. No fines, no cops hiding behind billboards. Instant effect


Remove Traffic lights. convert all intersection to round abouts


Lucky will be the first VC or vehicle manufacturer that gets to you to...


do you guys not have phones? no.. we dont. also i seem to remember being lectured on distracted driving.


Dude, traffic is caused by too many cars, not by traffic lights!!! smh


0:08 almost killed myself


It would be better to put cellular technology in cars specifically for local safety, rather than using cellphones. Nobody will adopt the same app, it is mandatory that this exist in every car and the cost to the driver should be nothing, it should be a fcc requirement of cellphone towers to offer this service.


let a massive super computer crunch the numbers of millions of vehicles, give feedback to drivers and control lights!


Another individualist trying to solve a collectivistic problem
