$400 Million Dollar Pirate Treasure Found In Cape Cod

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A Pirate Treasure worth over $400 million US Dollars was recently found just off the coast of Cape Cod, near Boston Massachusetts. This ancient mystery has finally been solved, and boy are people getting rich!

The famed Whydah Gally shipwreck eluded discovery for over 260 years, sending treasure-hunters, historians, and underwater archeologists of a seemingly never-ending chase to nothing and nowhere. But then, thanks to one man - a lucky explorer by the name of Barry Clifford, we have our answers.

The date was April 26th, 1717. A ship dubbed the Whydah had been infiltrated by pirates and was carrying gold, jewelry and valuables worth in excess of hundreds of millions of dollars. Over the choppy waters amidst a rough storm, it sank, taking the gold and the crew down with it. Centuries later, the treasure has finally been unearthed...

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Imagine getting taxed for treasure that’s hundreds of years old


I would never tell anyone. It always gets taken.


Always loved this kind of stuff. Thinking when I retire I may get a boat and try my luck in some treasure hunting. 🤩


BTW, the Whydah was captured by Black Samuel Bellamy and Paulsgrave Williams, they were the pioneeers of the golden age of pirates, black same Bellamy lost his crew, his life and ship, returning to his loved one in Cape cod, he was caught in a storm and they then found his body washed ashore, legends like Edward thatch, Charles vane, Anne bonny and Benjamin hornigold, were all in awe of black Sam, he was the richest pirate who ever lived, and all done for the love of a women. The whydah was built by the King is 1720 ( I think ) becasue the pirates were collapsing Brittany's economy by intercepting and disrupting the slave trade, witch at the time thrived Britain's economy, The Whydah was built to transport slaves and repent pirates, up to 500 slaves could fit abourd the ship across 3 decks, it was also the fastest ship on the sea, it was the most powerful sea machine of its era, and Sam Bellamy became the richest pirate captain who ever lived in a single year, all by Commanding this monster, if you took you're time to read this, I love you


Its Wid-ah and England has its own pronunciations I guess. Thank you. Its so interesting. Great info.i had no idea that was the story behind it. I never thought It would be found.


At the Museum you can see the chest of gold and touch gold/silver coins n all. A bunch of guns and tools on display as well its pretty amazing. Its the only confirmed pirate ship in the world which is pretty amazing being from here its a cool piece of history. Chatham known for its Great Whites too, i wouldn't be diving in there unless it was before they got there lol.


Finding 400 Million Dollar Tresure; I be like: ''yo thanks'' and go and go to bed.


at 3:31 it's Chatham Massachusetts "Chattem" not "Chaytham" .... ;)


There is actually a museum in Yarmouth. I’ve been there a few times before for school and summer camp, very cool!
Edit: also forgot to say, it’s not why-da its wi-da


I dive in South Florida n key West were I have found coins n gold. Everytime my radar goes of someone is getting close to me. What a headache. Police always asking questions but I drift over it n never anchor.


It’s not the Why-duh, it’s the Wid-uh.


As I remember the salvage, they also recovered cannon whose muzzles were sealed with lead. Aboard a ship such cannon would have acted as safes. But I never heard of any disclosure as to what was found in the cannon/s, if anything. Anyone know?


Bellamy, aka Black Sam was called the richest who captured at least 53 ships. But Bartholomew Roberts aka Black Bart took over 400 ships. So who was really the richest pirate?


Wow and I go fishing there every year 🥲🥺 and have been my whole life. Why couldn’t I find this


This is literally the next state over I’m jumping on a boat 🚣🏿‍♂️


Cape Cod? I like the potato chips from there


The search was started in 1982, The treasure was found in 1985, and it was worth about 100 million at the time, and because it traded in slaves he put it all in a museum..


To the 1% of people who is reading this:

You are amazing and blessed, please stay safe.. Have an amazing rest of your day! P.S ive been struggling to get to 60K any help is appreciated 💙


You don't need to "set' a compass North..you just read it and go that way.


Moving to the East Cost now with my dive gear thanks.
