Most common lie audio brands tell... 🤔

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Love your introspective view. Would appreciate more. Thanks :)


That's so true, time by time I have heard all the big brands saying the same exact thing, what's funny is that they even bring music producer to their ad campaign.


I agree with your main ideas about this topic. I can also point out that nowadays many recent popular recordings are more mastered towards warm tonality, in contrast to the brighter side of many 90s recordings (take Jacko's albums for instance). I think this happened also because of popular tastes growing all around recently, regardless the musical genres. I don't like bassy muddy sound, and that's why I always do some EQ-ing to meet my taste. I just heard it as a filter in an app of tonality adjustment (via Toneboosters Morphit), Hifiman Susvara has the best tonality to my taste. With that sound profile, I assume that the sound reproduction was what the producer intended.

Love this kind of thoughtful content from you! I truly appreciate it.


More videos like this would be great! Maybe something on wired vs wireless and different types of cables.

I remember buying a gold plated aux cable decades ago for crazy money. I’m almost certain it made no difference


Nowadays music producers focus more on their music sounding good on AirPods. It used to be car audio.


Mate, definitely true.. great video and keep up the content.


A *Delicious* food themed show playing in the background of your previous video and now fish and chips. I approve of this trend! 😋


Very Fair Comment Indeed! I have been asking myself repeatedly same question for the past many years - what does hi fidelity mean??

From an objective angle, a bit of coloration and certain subjective judgement of what is good and bad are unavoidable. If you go to 10 concert halls to listen to the same concert run by the same musician(s) the audio experiences are different.

My little suggestion coloration being personal flavors (like seasoning sauce) that are acceptable, though not to the extent to over-crowd the musical details. A superb audio system shall discriminate the skills and characters presented by the performers. For instance, a Beethoven Symphony conducted by Karajan vs Solti will not sound similar, as the recordings are uniquely different in terms of orchestra layout, tempo and dynamics. Kenny G and John Coltrane cannot sound the same when they play the same song. Unfortunately, some expensive gears could massage the sound attributes to an extent that everything may sound sweet and lovely at first glance, yet so boring and artificial when the micro-details are masked or heavily twisted.

With a good audio system, there will be plenty of life in the music world to be explored, to be engaging and to be impressed!


A de-construction of every part a brands highlights would be great. 10mm driver and Knowles balancers, OK what's there to hype.


Thanks, you encouraged me to buy the elysian annihilator 🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️


A company touting how great their products are with advertising lingo, still isn’t as bad as YouTube reviewers selling out their audiences for pennies.


Bud, can i bring something else up? It's the fact that people never talk about different earbuds sounding very different on each phone brand. The same set of earbuds sound different on each of my families mobile phones.

Apple iPhone sounds the best.
Samsung the next, and unfortunately my Oppo Find X5 sounds pretty rubbish with every earbud. My MacBook is also brilliant with earbuds, but it makes me wonder how many people send earbuds back and review them badly when it was their poor device that was the problem.

When a new phone comes out, I never hear reviewers talking about how it preforms with Bluetooth devices. It's an issue that seems to be a massive problem that the average person doesn't understand, as it's never spoken about.

I know there is LDAC and AAC and codecs like that, but these phones have decent codecs and Bluetooth, yet they can sound so different on the same set of earbuds with all settings the same (Within reason).


Do review Beats pill, hearing rave reviews about it. I value your opinion More


What is your major malfunction reviewer?? Aaron goes Full Metal Jacket. 😆👍🇺🇸 So true though about the sound.
