Roku Hidden Menu That Allows You To Install 3rd Party Applications | Yes, you can Jailbreak Roku

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Roku secret menus that Allows you to change a lot of settings and enable developers options
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Other Roku Secret Menus and Settings to Try

To access the Wireless secret menu:
1. Press Home five times.
2. Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Up.
The Wi-Fi menu should open.

To access the Images and Ads menu:
1. Press Home five times.
2. Press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.
The Images and Ads secret menu should open.

To access the Update and Reset secret menu:
1. Press Home five times.
2. Immediately press Fast Forward three times.
3. Press Rewind twice.
The Update and Reset secret menu should open.

To access the Platform secret menu:
1. Press Home five times.
2. Press Fast Forward, Pause, Rewind, Pause, Fast Forward.
The Platform secret menu should open.

To access the Channel Info secret menu:
1. Press Home three times.
2. Immediately press Up twice.
3. Press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left.
The Channel Info menu should open.
To access the HDMI secret menu:
1. Press Home five times.
2. Immediately press Down, then Left.
3. Press Up three times.
The HDMI secret menu should open.

To access the Developer secret menu:
1. Press Home three times.
2. Immediately press Up twice.
3. Press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
The Developer secret menu should open.

How to Access the Reboot Secret Menu
This isn’t really a menu at all. It’s simply a code that will reboot your Roku device. Once you enter it, your Roku will no longer respond to the remote until it has completely rebooted.

To reboot your Roku device:
1. Press Home five times.
2. Press Up, Rewind, Rewind, Fast Forward, Fast Forward.
Your Roku will seem to freeze and won’t respond to the remote.
After a short while, your Roku will reboot.


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Roku secret menus that Allows you to change a lot of settings and enable developers options
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Costco has an inexpensive HiSense HD TV that would be a perfect replacement for the granddaughter's JVC that just died. This clenches the deal for me if i can load it up. Thanks again TripleM!


I have a question you may be able to help me with. I'm trying to use a Bluetooth with the Roku app on my phone. It will work if I watch Roku channels but if I click on my cable box through Roku the audio won't work.???


Man, you got me with that opening! I thought my roku was playing the screensaver OVER the the video!


i did all this and i found a app to sideload. i sideloaded it and tried to open it but it would get stuck on the loading screen and never progress. its done this with every channel i sideloaded and would never work. how do i fix this


Thanks M. Appreciate it. Keep the videos coming. Hope you have an incredible night. Much love and RESPECT


I have several Roku boxes, a Roku TV, a 2019 Shield, and my latest Sony TV does Google TV and getting everything I might want on each one is challenging. On the Roku stuff I tend to stick with what they offer. The Shield I tend to try oddball stuff as developer mode easily and same with the TV but they still tend to refuse to install some apps
Saved and repped and might have to jump through the button pushes from hell and see what works.


Dope nice good to know does give it another thought for Roku device


It doesn’t work. Every time I go to put my password in it does nothing. I still prefer google tv or fire stick. All you need is downloader


sir thank you soo much i did not even know you can do this grate video man.


no firestick here, but i got through to all the steps, but my download page is different? it only has download with zip and download with squashfs


Better to invest in the Google TV the process is much more simpler with more options to sideload


No disrespect, but it seems that everyone shows how to enable Developers Mode, but no one has info on what apps can be used. Would love to get information on that. What good is a loader when there is nothing to load? Thanks for any help you could provide.


Looks like a pain in the ass. 🤣🤣 Thanks for sharing brother Triple M!! 👍🏾👊🏾✊🏾🙂💯


Any way to get dish anywhere app for Roku this way bc apply play is sketchy as hell


It doesn't bring the Google page up for me, just brings me back to the home screen.


In your description of this video you list some remote "hacks". The last one, you incorrectly called it "reboot". This is actually a kernel hang, and it's much more useful than rebooting. In simple terms, the kernel is how the hardware and software communicate. Causing a kernel hang can solve more issues than a simple restart/reboot.


Was considering buying a roku. Thanks to this video...he'll no!!

Staying with my firestick 4k.

If Amazon ever changes to developer option puzzles like this...I will be going to nvidia sheild.


Does this work on Roku tv only or can it be used with a Roku stick as well ? I don’t see a web browser on the Roku stick


Will this allow me to install Downloader to download the on stream App. The one on Roku requires a Dish subscription
