How to waterstart kitesurfing

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In this video I explain how to waterstart kitesurfing, the most important skill when learning to kitesurf, this is the moment you become a kitesurfer,


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I am learning to kite and like everyone the water start is the hardest part. I found this video very very useful and have identified my personal issue. Thanks


Great tip at 2:32 mark explaining how to control your body rotation during the waterstart setup by extending your front leg. I've had several lessons (and I can waterstart) but have never heard that tip before. Excellent. Thank you very much!


Thank you! This is the first time I have heard anyone say how you have to make multiple power dives to get up to speed before you can leave it at 45°. I just assumed that ONE power dive was all you needed. Nope! So thanks!


Excellent video for beginners. The waterstart is shown on so many videos but what happens immediately after is hard to find. This is the best I've seen on the start. Thanks Sam


GOod advice about rotating using legs only! The best tip is to how sheet in and out coordinated with kite up and down movements. I think this is the hardest and most useful thing to learn!


The tip that was new to me was keeping the kite at 10 or 2 o'clock when putting your board on. When I was first learning I struggled to keep the kite in the air and put the board on at the same time, maybe this is why. An instructor at REAL showed me how to put the board on while the kite is in the water to the side (like you would have it on relaunch) which is super easy.


I learned more from this video than I did in several weeks of waterstart lessons


I had full day's course going through the basics and body dragging. Kitesurfing always fascinated me, but there is just SO much involved when it comes to equipment, preparation and skill. I would love to be able to do this, but it has to become your can't just learn this on a holiday and then do it whenever you get the chance. I need to retire young!! lol


Simply the best video I found on how to waterstart. Thanks for this great work! 🎉


Love the video mate it will help my students. I am a fellow Englishman IKO instructor teaching in Long Beach CA. Come down and visit when you come to LA. Tons of foiler's here and I always tell beginners to watch your videos


Nice tips,
I really want to try it...but there isn't such a kite surfing in my city,
Best regards for you all kite surfers,
Hetty, solo Central Java Province in Indonesia 😁


Thank you so much Mark, your tutorial had me up for a short ride for the first time ever! You are spot on with regards to build the power starting w only small power dives/moves and your tip on how to control your body rotation during the waterstart setup by extending your front leg, was gold for me as the instructor never covered this part; we only made into body dragging in my first and only lesson ;-) After three more sessions on my own (but fellow kiters nearby), your video helped me doing my first small ride. THANK YOU Now I am very thirsty for more and learning to keep riding for more than 15 meters when up ;-)


Thank you so much for this video!
It is so easy to see.
I'm 53 and I feel so much more motivated!


This is great!. Probably the best windsurfing video I have seen. Thank you very much Sam Light!


One of the best tutorials on the youtube. Helped me a lot.


As with most of the videos I've seen on this topic, great advice, but near impossible for a beginner to remember and actively apply. I'm taking lessons (4 to date) and my instructor says the same things, more or less, but I still have problems applying it all in practice. Haven't yet managed to get up on the board and head in the right direction! Having said that, the bit about stretching one leg to change/control direction of the board before start, could be the tip I needed - I'll try tomorrow.

The one thing a learner can't control is the weather, regardless of the fact that you say it's easier to learn without waves. I'm on vacation, I came to a particular coastal area, the weather IS what the weather is! These past few days, we've had force 4 winds gusting to force 6/7 (up to 64km per hour), breaking waves and anything but constant wind. As I see it, my options are 1. stop and try again next year, or 2. go with what I've got and try to learn in less than optimal conditions. I'll be 70 next year and I still don't have enough sense to give up! So I'll live with a few crashes and the occasional Superman stunt, plus the kite-surf school is making money out of me.


Best waterstart vid I’ve seen so far🤙🏽


This tutorial is complete and very detailed. I found very useful the tip of rotating with the legs: I use to involuntary rotate a lot while trying the waterstart, now I can get back to the start position with the board parallel to the kite. Thank you!


Your videos are super great! I just took some lessons and was able to water start with lots of struggles. Wish I had watched this video before. It would have helped a ton! I'm going to take this to the beach and practice.


Love this video. I learn best by seeing it happen. You showing all the different things that can happen is very helpful.

Got another lesson tomorrow. I'm gonna get up both directions and stay up tomorrow
