I-Team: He paid them $82,000 for a rooftop solar system that doesn't work

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By Randy Travis
Published September 14, 2022

AUBURN, Ga. - Thousands of rooftop solar customers find themselves caught in the middle of a legal dispute over why their expensive power system isn’t working.

The blame game involves one of the country’s biggest installers of home solar energy and the company that provides key equipment.

On one side is Pink Energy, the North Carolina-based marketer and installer currently operating in 16 states including Georgia. Around since 2015, they advertise heavily online and send sales reps to prospective customer homes.

On the other is Generac, a longtime generator manufacturer that now provides some of the key components for the growing industry of rooftop solar.

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If a company's name has "pink, " run.


Plenty of solid solar energy companies out there. This is a HUGE investment that is attached to your house. You should get 5 or 6 quotes and research every single company. Ask them: Do you use contractors? Are you installers NABCEP certified? How long have you been in business? What is your employee retention? Are you well capitalized enough to be in business for the next decade? Then go verify if anything they say is true. Lots of resources online to help you, including reviews on various solar sites etc.
NEVER go with the first company, esp if they knocked on your door.


Rob Wolcheck in Fox 2 Detroit covered this as well. Matter of fact they shut down their business in Michigan and Ohio.


Unfortunately for these customers “Pink Energy” is now officially out of business.


Coworker out 50k, same story different company. It worked for about 5 months. The company went out of business. Stuck.


I wouldn't have those ugly things on my beautiful home...regardless of money savings, or the dubious claim that it will "save the planet"


that guy got absolutely mugged. 16 modules, around 8 kWp system, shouldn't cost more than 10k USD.


guess whats NOT on my roof top, guess what I DONT have missing from my bank account? Nuff said


The problem, in my opinion, is Pink Solar using installers who are unfamiliar with electrical codes in the various States, and ignorant of how these systems should be installed.

The electrical contractor I used for over 20 years told me to NEVER use a solar installation company for these reasons. His company has been actively training electricians through their apprenticeship program to properly work with roofers, structural engineers, and other construction professionals to do the job right the first time, typically at less than half of what companies such as Pink Solar charge.

Another tidbit that was offered was this: if you need a loan to put is on, you probably can not afford the maintenance that will inevitably come through time.

Time for more coffee.


it makes your home look like garbage too with those panels on the roof. 82 you got scammed man. You could have paid your electricity bill for many many years.


Designed to save customers money on electricity bill and it still ends up costing u $82K up-front 🥴 make it make sense. (I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.)


Rob Wolchek from Fox2 did a story of this same thing... Interviewed this CEO dude too


It's simple folks. Solar panels are not going to save you any money . Think about it 🤔🤷‍♂️ $82, 000 loan to pay for the system over 20 years =$4100 a year/$341 per month.
You might as well just pay for the regular energy.


It will if it's done right going green is smart two of my friends have solar on their house have zero electric bill most of the year


This guy does not want to be a hold responsible because he’s terrified about the consequences that’s coming to him. He’s just blaming it on a different company trying to sugarcoat things I don’t believe a single word of that guys mouth. he screwed all those customers


You could have used that to pay the light bill for 20 years plus...actuality paid more in interest payments..


Its not just non working systems, shoddy installation caused damage to my home and they are refusing to payout insurance money till the Bankruptcy is settled. Issue now is the system is not installed nor is it working and we are being hounded by Goodleap for payment of what is in open violation of the power home solar contract.


Makes me glad we did a deal with SolarCity (Tesla Solar) because we only expected a minor reduction that they promised and ours actually works. Go with established companies and not the start ups for this kind of thing.


I don't work on solar, but parts like that don't just burn up for no reason. Why are they overamping? Probably improper installation. Did the Pink Energy installers read the manufacturer's documentation on how to install? Probably not.


Hold up. At 3:50 the video states customers discovered they had committed to a 20 year solar loan. This is the customer's fault. READ THE CONTRACT before you sign it. Have an attorney review the contract before you sign it. Don't cry foul when you realize there is something in the contract you do not like AFTER you already signed.
